In the end, I didn't expect that I would encounter it again."

"These.... Innate masters are afraid that they are not full, and they are all day with us....... What are you thinking about little thieves!"

"That's right."

Cheng Hu reluctantly nodded and sighed, "If Fei is like this, we are probably still here at this time: how can we be so down and out of the city?"


Cheng Hu hesitated and asked, "What if, that... Really?"

They're not fools, and they've seen each other.

They can still see that Haitang is a first-class expert.

And that Haitang was able to chat and laugh with that ordinary person, and even believed that person so much.

As long as you're not a fool, you know that person is definitely not easy.

Instead of ordinary people, then they can only be innate masters who can perfectly conceal their aura.

When encountering an innate master who doesn't want to run, and wants to bet that he is not innate but just an ordinary person, that's really stupid.

"Impossible, the other party is definitely innate."

Qian Long replied directly without thinking, "Being able to remain so calm under the pressure of our three first-class auras, it's not a genius or hell.

How many ordinary people have you ever seen do that?"

"That's true."

Cheng Hu nodded, fearful and a little fortunate, "It's also fortunate that we ran fast, otherwise, I'm afraid he would have killed them all with one move."

"you do not say."

Sun Bao looked around worriedly, for fear that Fang Tianfeng and the two would chase after him, "They are all born, and they don't have the audacity to be a master. I'm pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger and eat your horse.

Is it easy for a few of us to cultivate to the top level?

Are we like such fools?"

"However, it's not scientific."

Cheng Hu frowned and said doubtfully, "The last time I met that... I wanted to pick up girls, so I pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger in front of a woman.

But, there were no women just now."

"Stupid, you can guess what people think innately."

Qian Long immediately slapped him on the head, and said in a bad tone, "If someone's full of food has a hole in their brain, do you have to worry about it? There are all kinds of birds in the forest, and you are not happy. "

"I don't think so."

Sun Bao had an unfathomable expression on his face, "I see, it's really deliberately pretending in front of a woman."

"Where's the Woman"

Cheng Hu frowned.

"Why isn't that... the boy who controls the boss is a beauty, isn't it?"

Sun Bao glanced at him with contempt, with a proud look, "Don't look at me like this, I've observed it carefully.

The boy's neck was white and smooth, and there was no Adam's apple at all.

I see, nine times out of ten it's a woman."

"I think so too."

Qian Long nodded, "My brothers have met a lot of women disguised as men over the years, and these people just... like to play with these... False.

I'm afraid, one or two of them are confused by what the storytellers say, and their minds are not very clear."

"Brother is right."

Cheng Hu nodded, but looked suspiciously at Sun Leopard, "It's just, the third, how do you know so clearly? Be happy girl"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Sun Bao's complexion changed, and he looked around and saw no figures, and the corners of his mouth evoked a bit of bitterness, "The three brothers are brothers and sisters, you don't know how the mother-in-law at home is? Don't say I want to find those beautiful girls. Trouble, even if you want to go to a brothel, you will be chased and beaten by your mother-in-law, and your life will be miserable!"

Chapter 121 ━━━━━━━━ Rich Village! (please subscribe)

Out of the Valley of the Wicked all the way to the west is a place called Fugui Village.

Because it is near the valley of the wicked, even the imperial court has forgotten this small town.

And Fugui Village, so although it is called Fugui, it is actually a backcountry.

The teacher of the dignified county magistrate in Fugui Village actually set up a stall begging for food at the entrance of the village, and the yamen of the county government was performing on the street.

And the people in the village are also idle, wandering in the village with bowls and sticks, waiting for any outsider to pass by and swarming up to rob them of all their belongings.

Over time, a vicious circle was formed, and no one was willing to pass by this wealthy village, let alone do business here.

Wansanqian is undoubtedly a very rich person, and when he encounters a person, he will give away a gold ingot.

However, he didn't know what it meant to be wealthy.

He donated one ingot to the master, and one ingot to the two yamen.

After all, these three people belonged to the government, and they didn't leave the village even after it became what it is now. Obviously, they also had morals in their hearts.

However, when he gave alms to a beggar with gold ingots, he was robbed.

"Someone is here again! Brothers, come on...!"

When Fang Tianfeng and Haitang came to the village, some of the beggars squatting on the roadside shouted.

As a result, a group of beggars in rags and stench all over rushed up.

However, looking at their healthy hands and feet, they didn't look like they were forced to be beggars at all.

They are completely self-sufficient with their own hands.

Haitang frowned slightly, she saw the excitement on those people's faces, and even saw that almost every one of them had a gold ingot.

Obviously, this is not normal.

A mere beggar, where did the gold ingots come from, and then think of the one the shop assistant said just now... the noble man who gave him one hundred taels of silver, Haitang suddenly realized something.


Fang Tianfeng looked at the group of beggars in front of him coldly, without any fluctuations in his heart, poor people must have something to hate.

Judging by the appearance of these people, most of them are only in their twenties and thirties.

Neither a lonely old man nor a young child with no support.

Those with hands and feet don't do things, but they insist on doing this kind of begging work.

Just begging obediently, that's all, Fang.

There are requirements that they must live upright and upright on their own.

They are willing to degenerate themselves, and Fang Tianfeng can't control them, and they are too lazy to be neither saviors nor saints.

However, being a beggar but blocking the road and robbing like a robber is very.

Most importantly, only beautiful girls deserve his mercy.

"Don't be afraid! Brothers, it's not the first time, just like the guy just now, robbed them!"

Haitang's beautiful eyes turned cold, because this sentence has already exposed a lot of problems.

Since it is not the first time, it proves that many people have been robbed by these people.

He looks like a beggar, but he is actually a robber.

It's just that ordinary robbers rob in the mountains.

And these people actually robbed on the road in broad daylight! It seems that the words of the man just now gave them courage, and it seems that they think they are experienced enough to deal with the two of them.

So, one or two woahs rushed up.


However, in the next instant, those beggars who rushed up in a rush were directly sent flying out.

It's not Fang Tianfeng, but Haitang's hand.

As a first-class master, even if it is purely internal force, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

"Forget it, let's go."

Haitang took the man's hand and shook her head slightly.

The reason why she made the move in advance was because she knew very well that with Fang Tianfeng's character, it was very likely that she would kill.

Don't look at Fang Tianfeng, who seemed to have nothing to do with the three evils before, let alone do anything to these ordinary people.

Impossible, doesn't exist.

Fang Tianfeng was too lazy to care about the three evils because the three evils did not provoke him.

The reason for conflict with them is also because Haitang wants to meddle in her own business.

Fang Tianfeng doesn't mind letting them go.

However, these people are different, they have offended themselves.

Fang Tianfeng obviously didn't mind sending them to hell, to see if Lord Yama would not forgive them.

And although Haitang hates them, she doesn't want to kill anyone casually.

The education she received from childhood told her that she must not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Otherwise, what's the difference from those who...killed her whole family back then? "Well, then let's go."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, he can ignore others...

, but Haitang's face must be given.

After all, she is her own woman.


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