Getting the man's response, the girl was also relieved, holding the man's hand with a sweet smile on her pretty face and leaving.

Then, she forgot that she was still dressed as a man.

"Hey, sissy."

Because Haitang acted in advance, one of these beggars was saved, otherwise Fang Tianfeng wouldn't mind killing them all.

However, the beggar who was rescued by her did not appreciate it at all.

Instead, he looked at her with resentment in his eyes.

Because in their hearts, it was the man in white who hurt them.

Chapter 122 ━━━━━━━━ Rich Village!Down! (please subscribe)

Sometimes, people are just... so ignorant.

"Let's go."

Fang Tianfeng's footsteps paused slightly, but as if seeing through the man's thoughts, Haitang couldn't help but grab the man's arm and walk forward.

For fear that Fang Tianfeng will be stimulated, and then go back and kill all those people.

Haitang is not the Virgin, but simply feels that there is no need to care about these people.

Put it this way.

Just like the green hat, everyone's definition of it is different.

It's like a novel written by some sand sculpture authors. The protagonist's sister was drugged by her younger brother, touched and kissed and kissed, and her clothes were stripped.

However, when the protagonist kicked the younger brother away.

The younger brother hurriedly begged for mercy, saying that he just kissed and touched and didn't insert it.

And the protagonist, actually heaved a sigh of relief, and then forgave the younger brother, forgive! So, Lin Zida has all kinds of sand sculptures.

Haitang's words are, at best... more tolerant of others' rudeness.

And Fang Tianfeng is the kind of impulsive and irritable, which makes him not angry anymore, he is very likely to kill the whole family in one anger.

Speaking of which, it seems a bit - Long Aotian originally, when Fang Tianfeng realized something was wrong, his first reaction was to detour away from this wealthy village.

But soon, he gave up.

Running away is not the solution to the problem.

Now that he has realized the problem, he should not run away, but face the problem and solve it.

Since the problem lies with Wansanqian, it is better to solve it directly.

If they take a detour, the ghost knows whether they will encounter the next wealthy village, and they cannot escape.

"What happened to this village, how could it be like this?"

Wan Sanqian, who goes by the pseudonym Li Jin, looked at this... Yang Zhixian, who was about to chop the yamen's plaque for firewood, couldn't understand it.

As soon as he entered the village, he began to give alms to the beggars.

Then, instead of being avenged by others, all his money was robbed.

Almost, even the pigeons that he carried with him would be robbed and stewed by those beggars.

After finally escaping, the first thing to do is to go to the government to report the crime.

As a result, when he came to the yamen, he found that Quan Te here was an acquaintance! He just discovered that the middle-aged man begging at the entrance of the village was the master here, and the yamen clerk was the one who broke the bricks above his head in the village.

In the whole yamen, there is not even a person in charge! So, if you are not doing your job properly, does the court know? "Yes, we also want to know about this issue."

The sound from the door attracted the attention of several people, and even Yang Zhixian, who was just about to explain, was stunned.

Because, at the door, Hao Ran came to two young people, both of them were dressed in white, and they looked like Qi Yuxuan was very heroic.

"My benefactor...!!!! You are here too! Such a coincidence."

Li Jin hurriedly greeted him, with a look of joy and happiness on his face, and at the same time, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Because he has no other ability, but he has a little vision.

Therefore, he could see the extremely close relationship between the two, as well as Haitang's extremely smooth neck.

No Adam's apple, most likely female.

Thinking about the reason why he came here again, the strange color in Li Jin's eyes deepened.

He made up his mind to let someone check the identities of these two people later.

"Hey, you don't know something."

Seeing that the three of them seemed to know each other well, Yang Zhixian didn't ask any further questions, but sighed helplessly, "Six months ago, there was a plague here.

The people in the village are dying and fleeing.

The rest are also old, frail and lonely. Outsiders know that there has been a plague here, so they don't come here anymore.

So, I can only watch this place crumbling down day by day."

"Those who pass by see that this place is like a ghost market, and they also turn around and run away, and they don't want to pass by here at all."

The master on the side was also helpless, and shook his head as if it was a bit unspeakable.

However, nothing was said in the end.

"Don't worry,"

Li Jin seemed unbearable and couldn't help comforting, "This is a business hub. If you clean up a little and restore the old appearance, it will definitely prosper again."

"I hope so."

Yang Zhixian sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to smile.

"Haven't you tried to report to the court for relief money?"

Haitang also seemed to be infected, and asked with some doubts.

"Hey, don't say it, we've reported it many times, but we haven't heard back."

Yang Zhixian also looked helpless, and the master couldn't help but answer, "Perhaps the court will not pay attention to this small town.

I don't want to spend unnecessary public money."

"Or there are wicked villains who get in the way and fill their own pockets."

Haitang smiled coldly, she has seen too many such things over the years.

The vibration money issued from the imperial court was not directly handed over to them.

Instead, it is distributed down one level at a time, and if each level of officials secretly takes a little.

In the end, there was not much left.

Chapter 123 Poor! (please subscribe)

"Haitang, you can't just look at the surface."

Fang Tianfeng smiled and patted the little girl's little hand, which attracted the girl's puzzled and puzzled eyes, "Why must there be someone on the top who is rich, if it is the town itself that has a problem?"


Haitang looked at him suspiciously, not knowing why.

"What's wrong with this town?"

Li Jin was also aroused by curiosity. Although his intelligence network spread all over the world, he would not pay attention to the situation of such a small place for no reason.

After all, it's just a small town that nobody cares about.

Li Jin thought about it for a while, and said with some doubts, "Although there has been a plague here, since there are still people living there, no one has died.

Then there should be no more plagues."


Fang Tianfeng smiled and said lightly, "Do you know how the imperial court treats the plague?"

"Either sacrifice to heaven, or kill."

Fang Tianfeng's words were a bit cold and ruthless, but no one spoke up, because it was a fact.

Because every plague has the potential to sweep across the country.

And there is never a good way to deal with the plague.

Once they heard that there was a plague in a place, the imperial court would inevitably send an army to surround the place where the plague occurred.

If you encounter a milder method, it will just isolate these places and let the people inside fend for themselves.

At the same time, there will be specialized doctors here to study solutions.

In short, absolutely can't let: they run out and infect more people.

And when it comes to brutality, it's too lazy to care about it.

Directly kill all the infected people! Because in general, the infected people are dead.

It's better to kill them all than... to keep these possible scourges.

However, since the plague broke out in this wealthy village, it was only half a year ago.

However, looking at the current situation or the situation, it seems that the reaction is too indifferent. "Once the plague breaks out, it is not so easy to deal with.

Which plague did not affect several villages and towns, but it is a coincidence that this plague broke out only in this wealthy village.”

There are too many loopholes in Yang Zhixian's words, so many that Fang Tianfeng is too lazy to complain.

Don't say what he said, that is... the large number of beggars outside do not look like a plague has occurred.

"And, if there is a real outbreak of the plague.

Well, according to what Yang Zhi County said.

Since all the people who are left are the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, why are there young, strong and able-bodied young people on the street?”

Haitang's eyes also changed somewhat, looking at the magistrate suspiciously, she felt that she had been deceived.

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