But it wasn't on Wan Sanqian, but the middle-aged scholar who proposed the medicine.

As a confidant of [-], he naturally prepared everything in advance.

If Wansanqian agrees to take the medicine, he will take it out.

If you don't agree, treat it as if nothing happened.

And this aphrodisiac was also used by Fang Tianfeng as evidence.

"This is thirteen thousand!"

Haitang's pretty face had a hint of anger, "I originally thought he was really a kind person, but who ever thought that he was such a person and wanted to use such despicable means.

I must tell my righteous father, let him see the true face of this person!"

Chapter 134 ━━━━━━━━ Know it! (please subscribe)

Although there are a lot of things about the relationship between Wan Sanqian and the Marquis of Iron Courage, few people know about it.

Even Haitang herself doesn't know much.

All she knew was that the first village in the world was funded and named by Wansanqian.

As for the rest, she doesn't really know.

Therefore, she didn't know that if she told Zhu Wuzhi what happened today, Zhu Wuzhi would definitely not help him.

It is even possible that she will be directly married to Wansanqian.

After all, profit is the most important thing.

And thirteen thousand, can bring him enough benefits.

"Actually, there is one more thing."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the resentful girl and hesitated.

Hesitantly, it seems to be unspeakable.

Haitang blinked her big bright eyes and looked at him with some doubts, not knowing why.

"Actually, I have another name."


Haitang tilted her head, somewhat puzzled.

In the arena, people always have one or two names to hide their identity.

Therefore, she never pressed Fang Tianfeng, his real name.

Because in her heart, Fang Tianfeng is... Fang Tianfeng.

No matter what his real name is, but with her, he is just Fang Tianfeng.

"My name is Zhu."

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Haitang's heart, and even she herself did not know where this premonition came from.

It doesn't mean that the surname Zhu is necessarily after the royal family.

In fact, after so many years, by the time of Zhu Yuanzhang's generation, the Zhu family had already spread its branches and leaves.

In addition to... Zhu Yuanzhang, the royal family, there are other descendants of Zhu surnamed outside.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were only a few million people with the surname Zhu, and there were only a few of them in the royal family.

Especially the orthodox royal family today, there are only three people in total.

When today's son, the prince and the prince of iron courage.

Moreover, the ancients did not avoid surnames, but first names.

Because surnames are too broad, the celestial dynasty takes surnames very seriously.

If you want them to change their surnames, that would be Shuzu forgetting the scriptures.

And forcing people to change their surnames, even the emperor would have to change them, not to mention, the more people with the surname Zhu, the more popular the surname Zhu is.

Who would despise their family for being too prosperous? "I still have a name, photo."

The royal family does not shy away from the surname Zhu, but the royal family members shy away from the same name.

If there are people with the same name as the dignitaries of the royal family, there must be taboos.

However, the Zhu family is still sympathetic to the people.

Therefore, the general royal family names are two characters, and most of them are remote characters.

For example, Zhu Youxi, and Zhu Houzhao.

When the prince of the dynasty, he was called Zhu Houzhao! However, the expected surprise did not happen.

Haitang just stared at him with a pair of bright big eyes, and there was a hint of a sly smile in her eyes.

"Uh, aren't you surprised?"

On the contrary, Fang Tianfeng was stared at a bit embarrassed, this script is not right.

"Why be surprised"

Haitang blinked her eyes, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, drawing a charming arc, and said softly, "Actually, since you told me about [-] things yesterday, I have guessed it."


Fang Tianfeng didn't speak anymore, his face was stunned.

Did he say anything to reveal his identity yesterday? "The identity of Wansanqian, even Hulong Villa has no detailed information."

Haitang seemed to like seeing Fang Tianfeng's slumped appearance, and stretched out comfortably, but the men's clothes on her body did not affect the girl's charming and graceful figure. Humans, gods and dragons see their heads but not their tails.

And the intelligence network of Hulong Villa, in the world, can be regarded as the top ranking."

"My adoptive father once said that there are three companies with the most outstanding intelligence in the world.

Hulong Villa, thirteen thousand, and the royal family."

"Even Hulong Villa can't find out the identity of Wansanqian, but you guessed it all at once.

Moreover, even the [-] came here to know the purpose clearly.

Then, there is no other possibility except... the royal family."

"And in the royal family, apart from...the crown prince, it seems that there is no one else doing it."

Fang Tianfeng was suddenly silent.

All this time, what he thought was a little too simple.

Even Haitang can guess his identity, but who knows if he has any other flaws along the way... If he is known by Tie Bing Shen Hou, one can imagine what he will do.

After all, there are too few people in the royal family.

Apart from... an emperor, there is only one prince left.

And at his age, intelligence is so good, either the emperor is... the prince.

The emperor was so old, so he directly ruled it out.

So, his identity became clear.

"Aren't you angry?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl who smiled sweetly and touched the back of her head, her face a little green.

"why be angry"

Haitang smiled lightly, her thin red lips parted slightly, her eyes full of cunning like a little fox, "But, I originally thought that I would be angry if you didn't tell me before you went to the first village in the world. Oh."

Chapter 135 Begonia's Life Experience! (please subscribe)

After they opened up about their identity, the relationship between the two took a step further.

At least, there will be no misunderstanding between the two.

There will be no bloody plot that is misunderstood and then separated.

However, Fang Tianfeng had a gloom in his heart.

He had done so much before, and it was nothing more than... He wanted Haitang to have more self-awareness in it, and wanted to make her doubt the purpose of Shenhou.

Then, get out of the shadow and control of the gods.

However, now it seems that everything has been done in vain.

Opening his mouth and closing his mouth is his adoptive father, and there is no doubt that in Haitang's heart, the Marquis of Iron Courage holds a very high status.

So, the plot may need to be changed.

But the problem is not too big, there is no need to force Haitang and Tiedan Shenhou to turn against each other.

Then, without the knowledge of Haitang, it is enough to solve the Marquis of Tiedan Shen secretly.

It is not without reason that Shangguan Haitang blindly trusts the Marquis of Iron Courage.

Her real surname is not Shangguan, but Hai.

Originally, she also had a happy and full home.

Her father is also a great wealthy man from eight townships, living in Haijiabao.

However, the outside world suddenly rumored that there was a large amount of gold hidden in Haijiabao.

As long as you get this batch of gold, you won't have to worry about prosperity and wealth.

So, a man named Crocodile came to Haijiabao with a group of younger brothers.

And, killed her whole family.

However, killing someone doesn't count because that's not the purpose.

Their purpose is to find gold.

Haitang survived under the protection of her wet nurse, being crushed by her corpse.

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