And this group of people searched for gold in the dead pile of Haijiabao for five whole days! And Haitang has been in the dead pile for five days: pretending to be dead in the dead pile! However, the corpse will stink.

On the third day, the corpse had begun to stink and seep.

Also, it attracts flies.

However, Haitang didn't dare to move at all.

Because she knew that once there was any movement, those people would kill her without hesitation.

So, don't even stab a hook into your shoulder and suffer inhuman pain.

She still didn't dare to move.

And those... flies also rang in her ears for three days! This kind of experience, most people can't bear.

Even if you really pretend to be dead because of the fear of death.

However, he couldn't stay motionless for five days! On the fifth day, Zhu Ignore appeared.

Killed all those... murderers who killed her whole family and rescued her from the dead.

Maybe this is not a hero saving beauty, just a combination of little loli and uncle.

However, there is no doubt that the Marquis of Iron Courage has left a deep shadow in her heart.

It can even be said that from that moment on, the Marquis of Iron Courage became the belief in her heart.

Fang Tianfeng admitted that he thought it was too simple.

It is almost impossible for Haitang to turn her back on Zhu and ignore it.

Unless, I can find something that makes Haitang's belief collapse.

The truth alone is not enough.

Haitang is very smart, so no matter how well Zhu ignores the cover up, it is impossible to hide the traces once.

And Haitang, you can also find these......

But even if she found out, she didn't say anything.

She didn't really care about what kind of person the Marquis of Iron Courage was.

What she really cares about is that the Marquis of Iron Courage is the one who once rescued her from the dead.

People will become.

Even if the iron man becomes: very selfish and terrible, she still will not leave.

Unless Fang Tianfeng can find evidence.

It was found that Zhu ignored the evidence that killed her whole family.

Perhaps the only way to make the faith in her heart collapse.

Otherwise, of course, she wouldn't fight against the person she likes for the sake of the iron man.

However, she will not abandon the Marquis of Iron Courage because of Fang Tianfeng.

In the end, this only puts her in a dilemma.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

The original plan for the two of them to go to the first village in the world together was also in vain.

Because, Gu Santong still couldn't help it.

"Have you heard about Jianghu, another big event happened recently!"

"oh what's the matter"


"Little Er, take a pot of good wine and fry two good dishes!"

"Hey, brother, if you understand me, then I will give you a good talk.

Speaking of which, sixteen years ago, Gu Santong, the number one expert in the world, made an appointment with the masters of the eight sects, as well as the four famous arresters of the imperial court."

"I know this, that ancient three-way maniacally killed all the one hundred seven masters present! In the end, it forced the imperial court and the rivers and lakes to join forces to seek arrest.

In the end, he was personally defeated by the Marquis of Iron Courage and imprisoned in the ninth layer of the Heavenly Prison."

"That's right, however, did you know that the ancient three links have already escaped?"

"What! The big devil ran out!"

"Hey, not only did he run away, but this person also tried to sneak up on the Marquis of Iron Courage to avenge his revenge [-] years ago! Although the big devil Gu Santong finally lost to the enemy and retreated, it is said that Marquis God also suffered because of it. Not a minor injury."

When Haitang and Fang Tianfeng walked into the restaurant, they heard the big uproar at the neighboring table.

Zhu ignored it and got hurt!

Chapter 136 ━━━━━━━━ Interaction! (please subscribe)

The ancient three links are now alive.

And, as soon as you get started, it's... big stuff.

When he met Fang Tianfeng a month ago, he said that the Marquis of God was invincible, and he had to take a long-term view.

As a result, a month later, he actually directly attacked the Marquis of Iron God.

Of course, the rumors in the rivers and lakes are still the ancient three-way attacking the god of iron, which may not be credible.

Fang Tianfeng............ felt that it was also possible that the god of iron courage found out the details of the ancient three links and ambush him.

Moreover, the purpose is likely to be pure heart.

Su Xin must have been taken away by one of them.

Moreover, both of them are convinced that only they know Su Xin's whereabouts.

So, one of them failed.

Well, it must be... someone else.

And even if it is for Suxin, they will definitely have this battle.

Therefore, it is still unclear who attacked whom.

However, because of this incident, Fang Tianfeng had to take action.

In any case, Fang Tianfeng must now return to Beijing.

But Haitang was still unwilling to leave with him.

She wants to go back to protect the Dragon Villa and go to see the Marquis of God.

Although, Hulong Villa is also within the scope of the capital.

After all, the reason why Hulong Villa is called Hulong Villa is naturally to protect the dragon.

And the dragon is the real dragon, the emperor, the emperor.

Originally, Fang Tianfeng wanted to go on the road with Haitang.

When they got to the capital, they separated again, he returned to the capital, and Haitang went to Hulong Villa.

However, Haitang was still unwilling to go on the road with Fang Tianfeng.

Because she was afraid of revealing Fang Tianfeng's identity and the relationship between the two.

She didn't want to turn her back on the Marquis of Iron Courage, and she didn't want to hurt Fang Tianfeng.

At this moment, she was in a dilemma.

And Fang Tianfeng naturally didn't want to force her, so he had to agree.

"Your Highness, you are back."

When the news of Fang Tianfeng's return to the capital reached the palace, Cao Zhengchun had been waiting at the palace gate.

When he saw Fang Tianfeng, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is waiting for you, and I am here to greet Your Highness."

"Eunuch Cao has a heart."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, and then went to see him together with Cao Zhengchun's compliment... the cheap emperor's father.


In the imperial study, Zhu Youji had already backed away: the guard, looking at him with relief, "You have finally grown up."


Fang Tianfeng looked at Zhu Youxian, a suspicious look flashed on his face.

Because, his face is too pale, there is no trace of blood in the pale! It is not too much to say that he is withered! When he left after more than half a year, Zhu Youxi should have more than a year of life.

But seeing him like this now, I always feel that he will die at any time, and he will not survive for a week at all! "Your Majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun's expression also changed, and he appeared behind Zhu Youxi in a flash, stretched out his hand and put his hand on Zhu Youxi's body, and hurriedly used his skills.

Although internal strength can't cure Zhu Youji's illness, let alone rejuvenate him, but at least it can let Zhu Youji stay a little longer...

The internal energy circulating in his body can also make him feel better.

It is obviously not the first time to see Cao Zhengchun's skilled appearance.

I'm afraid, these days are also supported by Cao Zhengchun's internal strength.

"cough cough,"

Zhu Youji waved his hand reluctantly, and his weak appearance made people not worried that he would fall back at any time, "You go down first."


Seeing this, Cao Zhengchun nodded and walked out respectfully.

Although he is not a doctor, he can see clearly his inner strength just after a circle in Zhu Youxi's body.

Zhu Youxi, it is really impossible.

At this time, I am afraid that it is necessary to explain to the future generations with the new emperor.

Before Cao Zhengchun left, he could not help but look at Fang Tianfeng's back with some fear.

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