He could clearly feel the strong sense of crisis that Fang Tianfeng brought him.

This is from the instinct of the warrior.

There is an instinctive fear of people who are stronger than themselves.

But then he was relieved, the emperor is naturally the stronger the better.

The stronger the emperor is, the less he will care about him, Eunuch Cao, because anyway... he is not his opponent.

And he, Cao Zhengchun, was just a eunuch.

He wants power, but he doesn't want to rebel, and he can't rebel.

Because, after all, he was just a eunuch.

Attaching to the emperor is his only way out.

If he wants to rebel, without others taking action, his own eunuchs will be in chaos.

Leaning forward is only for a while... and rebelling is to change the dynasty. The two are not the same thing.

No matter how ambitious the eunuch is, it is impossible to say that he wants to rebel and become the emperor.

As for pushing the puppet to the top, that's even more impossible.

The current prince is the first in line of succession, but without the prince, Zhu will still ignore it.

Unless he can kill Zhu Ignore, it is impossible to support other puppets.

It's better to be a courtier in front of the new emperor than...

When the emperor is happy, it is possible to reward him with greater rights.

Chapter 137 She's Still a Virgin! (for subscription)

"Take a picture,"

Zhu Youji looked at the young man in front of him kindly, but suddenly sighed, as if he had remembered something, "You know why your grandfather passed the throne to me, not your uncle."

"Children don't know."

Fang Tianfeng lowered his head slightly, as if he was willing to listen to the teachings.

"Back then, your grandfather had only two children, me and your uncle.

Originally, your uncle was the first in line to inherit."

Zhu Youji let out a long sigh and talked about the past he didn't want to recall, "I'm different from your uncle, your uncle is excellent, and I'm mediocre in every way."

"Back then, your uncle fell in love with martial arts.

Therefore, he left the capital without the knowledge of his father and emperor, and wanted to venture into the arena.

And your father and I, I was forced to become a prince."

"Why, are you surprised?"

Zhu Youji laughed at himself, "Your uncle is indeed excellent, but it is precisely because of his excellence that he is unruly.

He has to do everything against his father, and his father wants him to be a prince, so he will go to the world."

"However, a country cannot...a day without a prince, nor a day without a prince.

At that time, I was two years older than your uncle.

Originally, the father wanted to wait until your uncle is an adult, and then make him the crown prince."

"However, he has already left the palace secretly.

Therefore, the position of the prince falls on my head."

"But, I know very well that it is only temporary."

Zhu Youji said lightly, with a very calm expression, without the slightest dissatisfaction, "I might as well ignore it, it's better in every way.

I am also very aware of this, and I never thought of competing with him for the throne back then.

When the royal father made me the crown prince, I even thought that when he came back, I would take the initiative to make a mistake and return the crown to him."

"Why, do you want to ask why you don't want to now?"

Zhu Youji said, and looked at Fang Tianfeng with a smile again.

However, Fang Tianfeng just wanted to complain.

He obviously didn't say a word, this way of forcibly answering the conversation was really embarrassing.

But anyway, he's going too soon, so just follow him.

"That year was then, and now is now."

Zhu Youji's expression suddenly changed: he became serious, he was obviously still a withered old man, but at this time he suddenly had the majesty of a big tomorrow! "I can give him my throne, I owe him .

However, I can't give him your throne! He gave up himself back then, so he shouldn't come back to snatch our father and son! "Father,"

Fang Tianfeng thought about it for a while, and said with some doubts, "In those days, what did Uncle Huang do to get to where he is now."


Zhu Youji's eyes flickered, and his mind was full of memories of the past, and then he said, "In those days, your uncle left the palace without authorization and gave up the crown prince.

He wanted to walk the rivers and lakes wholeheartedly, and then, he also got to know the ancient three links.

What happened in the middle, I think you have also investigated."

"Ignore that he not only swore to Gu Santong, but also fell in love with Gu Santong's cousin, that girl called Su Xin.

Moreover, Su Xin is not only Gu Santong's cousin, but also his fiancee."

"Gu Santong wholeheartedly wanted to compete with the eight sects, so he entrusted Suxin to Ignore.

But ignoring it, it is natural to be happy to come to see the father and emperor with a simple heart."

The corner of Zhu Youji's mouth outlined a smile, that smile was very cold, "However, how could the royal father allow it, the royal father deceived and ignored it.

Tell him that as long as he can arrest Gu Santong and bring them to justice, he will hold the wedding for them."

"However, ignoring how I didn't expect that the royal father would be so cruel."

"When he leaves the capital, the emperor will expel Na Suxin from the capital."

"And from then on, the relationship between the two broke down.

But your father, the emperor, and I, have somehow managed to secure the position of the prince.

Just waiting for the father and emperor to return to the sky, it is justifiable to be enthroned as the emperor."

Fang Tianfeng didn't speak, because, these...he already knew.

Moreover, when he was in the Heavenly Prison, he told Gu Santong all this.

Of course, there were only the two of them in the prison.

Even Cao Zhengchun didn't know the inside story.


Fang Tianfeng's heart moved, he suddenly raised his head and asked, "When Uncle Huang brought Su Xin to the palace, was he pregnant?"


Zhu Youji frowned, seeming to be a little puzzled, "This is impossible, the reason why the late emperor expelled Su Xin from the palace back then.

It was because of ignoring the fact that they had been married, and Su Xin was also pregnant with his child.

However, later, when the late emperor sent someone to investigate Hou Qianhao, he found that Su Xin was not only not pregnant, but also a virgin.

Even Shougongsha is still there."

"It was because of this discovery that the late emperor was so angry that he expelled him from the palace.

Otherwise, why would you wait for your uncle to come back, why do you have to be in such a hurry..."


Fang Tianfeng looked confused, are you kidding me, virgin? Miao That is to say, when Zhu ignored the capital and left the capital, Su Xin was still in a bad place.

And Gu Santong is not a liar, and he has never had a relationship with Su Xin.

So, where did the right and wrong come from? Before encountering the ancient three links, Su Xin was actually killed by a certain flower-picking thief.

Chapter 138 ━━━━━━━━Your Majesty has returned to the West! (please subscribe)

Fang Tianfeng understood.

With Gu Santong's character, he shouldn't lie to himself.

And the words of my cheap father, the emperor, will not be false.

In other words, Zhu ignores and never touches Su Xin at all.

But that's right, he likes Su Xin so much, how could he force her to ignore her thoughts? He definitely wants to give her a grand wedding, thinking that only in this way will he not treat her badly.

If it were Fang Tianfeng, it would have been given already.

Just like Begonia, let's talk about it first, lest there will be so many misfortunes in the future.

In fact, there is no conflict in martial arts between Gu Santong and Tiedan Shenhou.

Needless to say, the ancient three-way, when he knew that the indestructible magic of the diamond that Zhu Ignore got must be a boy to practice.

At that time, I gave him the great method of absorbing the power that can be practiced without the body of a boy, and then went to practice the Vajra Indestructible Magic by himself.

Therefore, he values ​​brotherhood more than martial arts cheats.

And Zhu ignores it, and he can't practice the magic of King Kong, let alone coveting.

So in the end, they quarreled for most of their lives, and the Marquis of Iron Courage even did not hesitate to offend the ancient three links of death.

In the end, it's for the sake of simplicity.

However, it is... such a woman who made them spend their youth, but did not commit to any of them.

Instead, hastily, a passerby took away his virginity.

It can only be said that reality is more bloody than third-rate fiction.

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