Although he had never met Su Xin, he was able to make Zhu Wu Shizhi obsessed for twenty years.

Put aside the feelings that Zhu ignores for the time being, but there is no doubt that Su Xin definitely has the appearance of alluring the country and the city.

The so-called love is actually built on the face.

If you don't look good, who cares if you have... feelings.

This world, after all, sees faces, and no one is an exception.

"Zhao'er, what, did you think of something?"

Zhu Youxi looked at Fang Tianfeng, who had been silent for a long time, and couldn't help but ask a little strangely.


Fang Tianfeng thought about it, and finally told the emperor what he knew, after all, he was dying.

However, he was still a little confused.

Chengzheng is not a child of the ancient three links.

He is Zhu Tiedan's son.

Then, whose child is Cheng Zhengfei, at the very least, there must be such a father. In any case, it will not come from a stone.

"Good! Good! Hahahahaha!"

Zhu Youji suddenly laughed wildly, his feet did not look like a dying man at all, but a strong man who had been practicing martial arts for many years.

Fang Tianfeng thought it was unbelievable. In the state of the emperor, how did he do it? He is actually a martial arts master, and he is very good at acting. "Zhu ignores it, retribution! This is all retribution!"

Fang Tianfeng didn't speak, just stood there quietly, watching the emperor laugh wildly.

Smile and laugh, don't laugh anymore.

With a sarcastic smile on his old face, he rested on the table with one hand and his waist was straight, like a giant.

However, there was no trace of vitality in the whole body.

Cao Zhengchun, who had been observing the situation in the room, suddenly felt the disappearance of a certain breath in the room, and his face changed greatly in an instant.

Without caring about anything else, he rushed into the imperial study and knelt on the ground at once.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, why did you just go there!"

Cao Zhengchun covered his face and burst into tears, and Fang Tianfeng believed him because of his sincere expression.

But that's right, one emperor and one courtier.

The same goes for the eunuch, even if he is now powerful.

But everyone knows that once Fang Tianfeng is in the position, he will definitely reuse the little eunuch he cultivated.

Because only if you cultivate it yourself, you will know more and be more trustworthy.

And he, Cao Zhengchun, will inevitably become the past tense.

Now maybe he still needs his help to fight against Zhu Tiedan, but once Tiedan Shenhou is brought down.

Then, it is not far from his death.


Fang Tianfeng was quite helpless, he never thought of it.

Zhu Youxi actually died like this, and he was still laughing to death.

You said that you were not in good health at first, and you had to laugh so loudly, so full of anger, wouldn't you be courting death while standing?

But now, all the mess is on his head.

As a last resort, Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to give up his career in the arena.

Give up the opportunity to break into the next great career.

Because, he must come back to inherit the throne and inherit the land of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Eh, life is... so, nine times out of ten, it doesn't go your way.

Now, even if he wants to start his own business, he has no chance.

Because he has lost such an opportunity forever.

"Your Majesty's funeral!"

"Your Majesty's funeral!"

When a high-pitched cry that used internal force came from the imperial study, the voice instantly spread throughout most of the palace.

For a while, there were cries all over the place.

Whether it is really sad or not, at this moment, the eunuchs and maids in the palace and those... concubines are all crying.

Chapter 139 ━━━━━━━━ Enthroned! (please subscribe)

It won't be long before the news of the emperor's funeral will spread throughout the capital, and then the whole world.

As the emperor, Fang Tianfeng is also the only heir to the emperor, and he must inherit the throne.

Of course, no matter what dynasty it is, the enthronement ceremony is indispensable.

However, generally speaking, the funeral is held first and then the enthronement ceremony is held.

However, in fact, after the first emperor's funeral, the crown prince has already succeeded to the throne, and he is already the emperor.

The so-called enthronement ceremony is... get on the bus first and then make up the ticket.

Of course, the enthronement ceremony can also be held first and then the funeral.

However, if this is the case, it is easy to be criticized by the new emperor for being unfilial.

After all, the enthronement ceremony is just a ceremony, and it is the same in the morning and evening.

Anyway...the throne has already been seated, unless it is dead, then basically there will be no variables.

Therefore, in order to gain a filial name, mourning is usually the first.

And Fang Tianfeng naturally didn't want to be an exception.

Some troubles can be avoided if they can be avoided.

And whether it is a mourning or a ceremony for the enthronement, a good day must be chosen.

Of course, generally speaking, it is held within half a month.

If there are really no good days and auspicious days, it will not exceed a month at most.

Speaking of which, he has been the emperor so many times.

This is also Fang Tianfeng's first true orthodox succession to the throne.

The first time was directly replaced by:, and the second time it happened such and such a change.

And this time, the Marquis of Iron Courage wanted to rebel, but it wasn't so easy.

Generally speaking, the prince needs to be regent for a period of time before he succeeds to the throne.

At that time, the first emperor was still alive, and if there was a mistake, he could point out the prince.

In this way, when the prince takes the throne, he will not be in a hurry because of this, and he can take over everything in an orderly manner.

It's a pity that the emperor died before Fang Tianfeng could be regent.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun seemed particularly worried.

Because if one is not careful, he will be succeeded by the Iron God.

Once someone said that the prince was young and let the Marquis of Iron Courage be the regent, then everything would be over.

Fortunately, Cao Zhengchun breathed a sigh of relief, his worries were unnecessary.

Because, since Fang Tianfeng took the throne, he has handled all these government affairs in an orderly manner without the slightest mistake.

Cao Zhengchun was amazed by this, but in the end he could only blame the prince's intelligence.

But he never imagined that Fang Tianfeng had been emperor twice before.

Although every time I am lazy, I let my son or other girls handle government affairs for me.

However, he himself has to understand these things...... Dong.

However, Fang Tianfeng still felt a little tired.

Do you think she should take Piaoxu over? With her character, she should be very happy to be able to handle the government affairs of the Ming Dynasty. "Your Majesty, the Lord of God is here."

Cao Zhengchun bent down and walked quietly to Fang Tianfeng's side, whispering.


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, but did not speak.

Zhu ignores it for sure. In fact, as long as he can make it before the emperor's burial, he will come to mourning.

And Zhu Ignore, who is a relative of the royal family, is even more coming. After all, the person who died was his royal brother.

Although they are not the same mother, they are also half-brothers.

If he doesn't come, then he will fall into the ground and leave behind a handle.

If nothing else is said at that time, Cao Zhengchun will definitely use this as an excuse to attack Zhu Ignoring.

0 "Uncle Emperor."

Fang Tianfeng, dressed in filial piety, stood at the door with a sad face to welcome Zhu Ignore.

"Your Majesty, don't be too sad."

Zhu ignored a long sigh, and reached out and patted his shoulder, "A person can't be resurrected from the dead, so he must be happy to see His Majesty grow up."

"What Uncle Huang said is very true, Zhao'er understands."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, agreeing with what Zhu ignored.

However, both sides just concealed their true thoughts.

However, this time, Fang Tianfeng also saw some problems.

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