......For example, my uncle's intelligence agency is not as powerful as I imagined.

At least, he doesn't know his own business yet.

Moreover, it also confirmed that Zhu Ignore was indeed injured.

Zhu Ignore's face was slightly pale, and his breath was chaotic, which was obviously caused by the internal force of the King Kong Indestructible Technique intruding into his body.

The indestructible power of the King Kong is too pure, once it penetrates the body, it cannot be solved by simply relying on quantity.

Even if Zhu ignores it for [-] years, he will suffer a big loss in the face of the ancient three-way's indestructible magic.

The way he looks now just confirms that.

The ancient three-way really did it.

However, for the time being, it is still uncertain as to who moved the hand first.

He also asked Cao Zhengchun, but unfortunately Cao Zhengchun's East Factory found nothing.

"Eunuch Cao."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the Divine Marquis of Iron Courage who was mourning for the late emperor, and asked lightly, "Can I still contact the ancient three links?"

Cao Zhengchun was stunned for a moment, then showed an expression of ecstasy and respectfully said, "Your Majesty Mingjian, Gu Santong has unilaterally cut off contact with Dongchang since half a month ago."

Chapter 140 Fight! (please subscribe)

Fang Tianfeng had already guessed that Gu Santong no longer contacted the East Factory.

After all, his strength has almost recovered in the past few months.

Basically, it has reached the level of being able to ignore the challenge with Zhu.

Therefore, the last shot may be a temptation.

Since it already has enough strength, then the existence of the East Factory has no meaning.

It is also normal to unilaterally cut off contact with the East Factory.

"However, someone from the Dongchang under his subordinates has already discovered the whereabouts of Gu Santong."

Cao Zhengchun bowed his head respectfully, and Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but glance at him, "Gu Santong sent a letter of "[-]" two days ago.

The book of war was given to Hulong Villa, and someone under his command happened to be working in Hulong Villa.

So, inform your subordinates about this."

Although Gu Santong hated Zhu for ignoring it, he was not brainless.

He only knew that he couldn't get any good by forcing his way into Hulong Villa, so he ignored the gauntlet for Zhu.

Force him to fight with himself.

However, this also revealed a fact.

That is, Su Xin is probably really in the hands of Gu Santong.

Although there is no evidence, based on the available information, this is the most likely.

If Gu Santong hadn't had Su Xin in his hands, he wouldn't have written the gauntlet at all.

Both sides are smart people, if they don't have enough chips in their hands, how can the other party agree to a duel with him? So, Fang Tianfeng can basically be sure.

Gu Santong should have used Suxin as a bargaining chip to lure the Divine Marquis of Iron Courage into a duel with him.

"Where's the location?"

Fang Tianfeng glanced at Cao Zhengchun lightly, and his tone was indifferent.

"In Tianshan."

Cao Zhengchun was swept away by Fang Tianfeng, and he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and said quickly, "The subordinates happened to have wine and saw the content of the battle book, and the ancient three links have already made an appointment to fight the gods in Tianshan."

"Tianshan, it is also expected."

Fang Tianfeng nodded secretly, people like Gu Santong must get up from wherever they want to fall.

Moreover, I am afraid that Su Xin's body is still placed somewhere in the Tianshan Mountains.

After all, just taking one coumarin for a day is not a living person, just a living dead person.

And the living dead, if they leave the preservation of thousands of years of ice, they will be fine.

After all, even sleep consumes energy.

Moreover, is there any way for the living dead to eat and drink, and cannot replenish energy?

Although Gu Santong hates Zhu for ignoring it, he is also true to Su Qing.

Although he is obsessed with martial arts, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't care about Su Xin at all.

Otherwise, how could it have been voluntarily imprisoned in the prison because of Su Xin? The ninth most important thing to know is that when Gu Santong and Shenhou made an appointment to decide the outcome, they each made a move.

And when Su Xin was standing between the two, Gu Santong retracted his move freely.

However, the Marquis Shen was a little worse, only taking back half of the move, and the other half of the move was on Su Xin.

Strictly speaking, it was actually the Marquis of Iron Courage who lost.

However, Gu Santong blamed himself for Su Xin's injury and was willing to admit defeat.

Let me ask, if he had no feelings for Su Xin at all, would he be like this: "Eunuch Cao, I'll leave this matter to you."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the Divine Marquis who had already finished crying, and said lightly, "Don't let me down."

"Subordinate, you must do your best."

Cao Zhengchun blushed because he understood.

Fang Tianfeng is giving him a chance, giving him a chance to serve himself! Once the emperor and courtiers, even eunuchs, will be purged... However, Fang Tianfeng gave him a test, which means he is willing to accept He is the head of the eunuch.

Moreover, he can still serve as the director of the East Factory! More importantly, Cao Zhengchun is afraid.

He found that he couldn't see through Fang Tianfeng's strength at all, there were only two kinds of old-fashioned possibilities.

Either Fang Tianfeng is weak, or he is strong! There is no doubt that Fang Tianfeng's strength has definitely surpassed him! Therefore, Cao Zhengchun did not dare to be arrogant at all, and even wanted to be a dog with his tail tucked.

Otherwise, he will be dealt with if he is not careful! Fang Tianfeng will no longer care about Cao Zhengchun, the opportunity has been given to him, it depends on whether he can seize it or not.

"Uncle, I heard that you were injured, what's the matter?"

Fang Tianfeng greeted him with a worried look and said with concern.

"No need to worry, Your Majesty, it's just a rumor from outsiders."

It's not surprising that Zhu ignored it, but he just smiled kindly, and then said sternly, "However, this king also has an inescapable responsibility for this matter."

"Gu Santong used to be my sworn brother, so this king is worried about the 3rd of the year.

1 Qing imprisoned him in the ninth level of the Heavenly Prison instead of directly executing him.

But now, Gu Santong was released by the traitor for some unknown reason and escaped."

"When such a demon is born, there will inevitably be a bloody storm on the rivers and lakes."

Zhu ignored the sympathetic look on his face, if he hadn't known the truth long ago, I'm afraid Fang Tianfeng would have really believed it.

I have to say, his acting skills are really strong.


When Cao Zhengchun heard this, he couldn't help but smile coldly, and said yin and yang strangely, "Since the lord of the gods also feels that he has a responsibility that cannot be shied away from, it is better for the lord of the gods to take the ancient The three are arrested again and brought to justice."

Chapter 141 Fight! (please subscribe)

No one there is an idiot.

The Tian Prison has always been taken care of by the East Factory.

Although the Marquis of God has the right to enter and exit, in general, Cao Zhengchun has the final say in this place.

A traitor on the left and a traitor on the right, all fools know that they are alluding to Cao Zhengchun.

And Cao Zhengchun naturally couldn't bear to swallow his voice, and rudely replied back.

"Although this king bears a responsibility that cannot be shied away from, but the culprit is probably the one who released the devil, Gu Santong."

The Marquis of God smiled coldly, and an aura of unrestrained arrogance emanated from him, and everyone present couldn't help but murmur.

"That's why you don't have to worry about it."

But Cao Zhengchun didn't care, and said lightly, "The person who released the ancient three links is a little eunuch in my East Factory.

He has already confessed, and it was because he was bewitched by Gu Santong that he released it."

"Oh so where is this person now?"

The Marquis of Iron Courage smiled coldly and looked at him with cold eyes.

"Already committed suicide in prison."

Zheng Chun said lightly, but there was a joking joy in his heart.

Because, it has to be said that it is not the right time for the Iron Courage to attack.

When the late emperor was alive, he didn't say anything, but now the late emperor just dies and he invites teachers to ask for his guilt.

What is this slap in the face! It's not just slapping Cao Zhengchun's face, but also his Majesty's face! This is nothing more than... I feel that His Majesty has just ascended the throne, and he is weak and can be bullied!

Zhu ignored the cold smile, and a gloomy aura instantly swept the entire hall, "Is it suicide in fear of sin, or death without proof?"

"Shen Hou is such a big frame."

Cao Zhengchun smiled coldly, yin and yang strangely said, "This late emperor has just been buried in the sky, can the marquis of God be unable to bear it?"

The Marquis of Iron Courage was startled, and looked at Fang Tianfeng beside him as if he had come to a realization.

Only then did I realize that Fang Tianfeng's face was ashen! "This king naturally doesn't mean that."

The Marquis of Iron Courage hurriedly remedied, "Yes, one yard is one yard.

At this time, does Governor Cao think he has no responsibility?"

"Of course our family is guilty."

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