Cao Zhengchun seemed to have expected it long ago, with a rotten smile, "Our family has moved to ask His Majesty to apologize, and our family's royal family is not strict, so this kind of thing happened.

Therefore, Your Majesty will also receive his salary for the next three years."

Everyone present did not dare to speak, and did not dare to participate in the battle between the two.

However, when he heard Cao Zhengchun's words, he pouted.

Three years of salary, this is how much... The Ming Dynasty is notoriously low in salary, three years' salary is not as good as Cao Zhengchun's one month's embezzlement.

Three years of legal salary, it is completely painless.

However, the next moment they were stunned.

"In addition, Your Majesty has also taken back the position of our family's Jinyiwei supervisor."

At this moment, even the Marquis of Iron Courage was stunned for a moment.

Because, this is Jinyiwei! The reason why Cao Zhengchun can compete with Hulong Villa is because Dongchang has integrated Jinyiwei! But now, if Cao Zhengchun's responsibilities of Jinyiwei are taken back, then he is not the opponent of Hulong Villa Yes! But Cao Zhengchun didn't care at all, because it was inevitable.

If you want to be a courtier not to be suspected by the Lord that you are not a courtier, then it is inevitable to make appropriate mistakes and weaken your own strength.

Before that, it was because the imperial family was weak and could not compete with Zhu Tiedan.

That's why he had to borrow his leader Cao Zhengchun to integrate Jinyiwei, just to avoid being absorbed by Hulong Villa.

But now that Jinyiwei is separated out, it is to give Jinyiwei to the new emperor as his own power.

In order to avoid him Cao Zhengchun's disobedience.

Cao Zhengchun sees it very clearly, don't look at her as if her subordinate's power has been reduced by half all of a sudden.

But in fact, it didn't weaken at all.

Because, Jin Yiwei has been stripped away on the surface, but different people need him to manage the new emperor, and there are no other trusted people under him. Different, he can only use him Cao Zhengchun first, and as long as he does not rebel and is loyal, Then why did the emperor have to train people to replace him? "Since this is the case, then this king has a lot of troubles."

Zhu ignores and speaks slowly, causing a great uproar in his heart.

Because, he saw that 837 came to a conspiracy.

No one is a fool, he can make the former emperor fear him, and he is even less likely to be a fool! Don't forget, from the beginning to the present, his nephew, the new emperor, has not said a word! And Cao Zhengchun said this ............, what it means, on behalf of each of them, or the new emperor instructed him to not know anything.

However, he knew that his nephew was definitely not as harmless as he seemed! "Enough."

Fang Tianfeng said lightly, "Since that's the case, the matter of capturing the ancient three links of the devil will be handed over to the uncle. As the former number one expert in the world, only the uncle can take down the ancient three links."

"This is the king's duty."

Zhu ignored and lowered his head slightly, a strange glint flashed in his eyes.

"Also, no publicity is allowed in the hall."

Fang Tianfeng looked at Cao Zhengchun coldly, "Go and kowtow to the emperor to admit his mistake."

"Subordinates obey."

Cao Zhengchun lowered his head and looked at Zhu ignoringly provocatively.

Chapter 142 Both loses!superior! (please subscribe)

It has been more than two months since the death of the first emperor, Zhu Youji.

In the first two weeks, the funeral and the enthronement ceremony were completed one after another.

The next month and a half was completely time for Fang Tianfeng to take over government affairs.

Fang Tianfeng can only say that he is so tired.

However, because he knew that the ancient three links had already made an appointment to fight, Zhu ignored it.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng did not specifically target him.

Because there is no need for this.

When two tigers fight, one will be hurt, and the chance of winning the battle is even greater.

Cao Zhengchun was ready to go to the top of the Tianshan Mountain in person, wanting to take advantage of the fisherman.

And Fang Tianfeng, also did not stop.

Although he clearly knew that Cao Zhengchun was not the opponent of either of the two, even if both sides were seriously injured, he would not necessarily have a chance to win.

However, Fang Tianfeng also let him go.

Anyway... it's good that all three 3 are dead.

He doesn't care either.

For two months, Gu Santong never showed up.

Zhu ignored it, but was busy explaining to future generations.

Originally, his plan was to wait until Haitang, Guihai Yidao, and Duan Tianya had completed their studies before they could be recalled.

But now the situation is urgent, so he can only call them back in advance.

Guihai Yidao has returned, and he has also completed the training of Ba Dao, and has become the number one in Dizi.

And Haitang has always been the owner of the first village in the world.

But now, it just happens that he has become the No. [-] mysterious character without any struggle.

There is only one Duan Tianya left, but I am afraid that he will never come back.

Because, he has already died in Dongying:.

Of course, this will not affect the plan of the Iron Lord.

Two months later, he finally stood on the top of the Tianshan Mountains again.

"Tee, long time no see.."

The Marquis of Iron Courage looked at the man across from him with a bit of sigh... the man in white, more than ten years ago.

It was also in this place, and the other party was also dressed in the same way.

It's just that at that time, he was not as "long time no see" as he is now

Gu Santong sneered, his eyes full of contempt, "Didn't you visit me in the Heavenly Prison once a year? Besides, you took me for a long time.

I remember, the last time we met was only two months ago."

Two months ago, it happened to be the time when Gu Santong attacked the Marquis of Iron Courage.

The two of them, one in the light and the other in the dark.

Even if the ancient three are clearly at a disadvantage, in reality they will not lose to the Marquis of Iron Courage.

Therefore, when he started the King Kong Undestructed Magical Art.

The one who was injured was the Marquis of Iron Courage.

Sixteen years ago, the reason why the Marquis of Iron Courage was able to compete with the ancient Santong.

It was just because at that time the ancient three-way Vajra Indestructible Magic had not been achieved, and the conditions for opening it had not yet been reached.

But now, with the blessing of the King Kong Indestructible Magic, even if the amount of internal strength of the God of Iron Courage is several times his, he will not lose.

Therefore, this is the confidence for him to dare to fight with the god of iron bravery.

"Why bother"

Zhu ignored a long sigh and looked sympathetic, "Why do we two brothers have to have this fight? Is it really necessary to have one person die here to end it?"

"Install, continue to install."

Gu Santong had a sneer on his face, "Back then, when you attacked the eight sects and sucked all the internal strength of the [-] masters in the arena to death, but you wanted to blame me, why didn't you think that we were in a relationship? brother!"


Zhu ignored the silence, because this was a fact, an undeniable fact.

"Back then, you knew that I was going to compete with the eight sects."

However, Gu Santong was unwilling to let him go, and directly revealed all the secrets from more than ten years ago, and sneered, "So, you bewitched me and made me feel that I can't give Su Xin happiness.

You thought I didn't know then"

"No, I know all about it! But even so, I will entrust my heart to you.

Because, in my heart, who is obsessed with martial arts, Su Xin is not as important as martial arts after all.

So, I think you can give Su Xin happiness, and I will let you take her away.

And I am the master of the eight sects."

"But you still don't want to let me go.

You used your identity to sneak attack on the four famous arrests, and then killed all the masters of the eight sects one by one, but you are going to blame me."

"I don't understand until now, what exactly are you doing! I'm so rich, how can I feel sorry for you!"

In the face of Gu Santong's questioning, Zhu ignored it and felt as if his heart was being stabbed, his fists clenched tightly, his eyes widened.

He raised his head and faced Gu Santong with a terrifyingly twisted face, "Why do you dare to ask me why Miao!"

"You know that I like Su Xin, but you don't want to break up with Su Xin...the engagement!"

"What do you mean by entrusting Su Xin to me, it's just a back way for yourself! If you really want to fulfill me and Su Xin, then you can just leave Su Xin!"

"But you didn't! You just let me go with Su Xin, and then let me watch Su Xin worry about your safety every day!"

"That's what you call fulfillment"

Chapter 143 Both loses!Down! (please subscribe)

Gu Santong understood, and Zhu ignored the magic barrier.

It has to be said that not only women can give everything for love.

Men, can do more crazy things for love.

Therefore, in order to obtain Suxin completely, he made Gu Santong into a heinous devil.

In this way, even if Gu Santong is reluctant to contact the marriage contract with Su Xin, Su Xin will not continue to admit this marriage contract.

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