However, he didn't understand one thing.

The reason why Gu Santong was unwilling to take the initiative to terminate the marriage contract was not to leave a way out for himself.

He just couldn't speak.

He is a normal man and a proud man.

How could such a person like the green hat? For the happiness of his fiancee, he entrusted her to his fiancee brother, which was already the greatest concession.

If you let him touch the marriage contract again, it is to tear his last fig leaf.

All of this is normal.

You can't tell Zhu Ignore directly, 'My wife gave it to you, and she will give you the grass 837 in the future', it would be stupid.

So, he just said 'Suxin will leave it to you'.

In fact, any man who can make such a step is already the biggest concession.

However, Zhu ignores himself and has fallen into a demonic barrier, and he does not hesitate to guess others with the greatest malice.

Afterwards, he even did something that the masters of the Eight Great Sects of Yin Death then framed him for the ancient three links.

"No wonder, no wonder."

Gu Santong was silent for a long time, then suddenly shook his head and laughed loudly, "No wonder Su Xin still has Shougong sand on her body to this day! You have never touched her at all."

"What do you think"

Zhu ignored him and looked at him coldly, no more disguise on his face, only endless mockery.

The two of them, in a sense, are the same, they are both proud people.

Gu Santong's pride made him unable to take the initiative to say the words that he wanted Zhu Ignore to give him a green hat, and Zhu Ignore, his pride also made him unable to forcibly possess her when Su Xin was unwilling.

Therefore, the final situation is that Su Xin still has Shougongsha in her hands to this day.

However, this is a problem.

"Someone once told me that Su had given birth to a son."

Gu Santong ignored Zhu's ignoring ridicule, and just recounted a fact from the past.


Zhu's ignoring heart seemed to be caught by sharp claws, and his expression became hideous.

"But, I never touched it at all"

Gu Santong laughed at himself, "So, at that time, I thought the child might be yours."


Zhu ignored him and looked at him coldly, and directly denied it.

He has no son, and he has no self-confidence.

If there were, it wouldn't be the way it is now.

If this is the case, Su Xin would never have been kicked out of the palace back then! Let alone what happened next! If Su Xin really had a dragon child, even if she could not become the queen, the first emperor would never do anything to her. Like! "I know."

Gu Santong nodded lightly, and Su Xin's Shou Gongsha explained all this very well.

That... the child called right and wrong is just a joke.

He didn't think it was Fang Tianfeng who lied to him, he just thought that something went wrong.

"It's useless to talk too much. Who lives and who dies can only be known after beating."

Zhu ignored and sneered, his hands quietly condensing the unique true energy of Qigong Dafa.

He came here, not to catch up with the ancient three links, he came to fight with the ancient three links! "That's right,"

Gu Santong looked at him coldly, with only indifference in his eyes, "And I will not lose to you."

The Marquis of Iron Courage was stunned for a while, because it was the same sixteen years ago.

It is also such an expression, such an invincible, self-consciously number one look in the world.

It's... that he looks like this, which makes Zhu ignore it even more unhappy! Because, people are like this.


In an instant, the world's two great master-level peerless masters were already fighting.

Not far away, Cao Zhengchun was lying on the ground with a group of confidants, and his heart could not calm down for a long time.

He never knew that there was such a secret ten years ago.

He didn't even know that the strength of these two people was so terrifying! Originally, he still wanted to take advantage of it, and he wanted to take advantage of the fight between the two, and the fisherman would benefit! But now he knew that the two sides' The gap is huge! At the same time, it can't be made up! Gu Santong and Zhu Ignore fought, not because they didn't find Cao Zhengchun.

It's because, no matter who they are, they have never seen the two Cao Zhengchun in their eyes! Because Cao Zhengchun is just a congenital! Even a seriously injured master is definitely not a congenital one who can covet! Therefore, they did not pay attention to it. After Cao Zhengchun.

Just like when two people are fighting, they don't care how many ants there are on the ground.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Unless, it is a large number of army ants.

It is a pity that Cao Zhengchun and his Dongchang are not army ants.

Chapter 145 Su Xin Su Xin! (please subscribe)

One emperor and one courtier.

Accompanied by the ascension of a new emperor, it must be a game of alternation of powers.

Unless it's...the truly capable senators, most of the others are no more than corpses, no doubt.

Therefore, these people must abdicate and make room for others.

There is no doubt that the group of people who had been with the late emperor all along had the merit of being from the dragon.

Therefore, these people are bound to rise rapidly.

However, it is a pity that this dynasty has only one prince and no other heirs.

Therefore, there is no chance for others to learn from the dragon's power.

The first year of the new emperor's ascension was undoubtedly the most tense time for the imperial court.

Because, the new emperor is always eager for the new emperor to take office as three fires, in order to show his rights.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys is never outdated, and has always been an effective method.

For a time, the string in the hearts of all officials tightened, for fear that something was wrong and they would become the chicken.

The current situation is that everyone is a monkey.

As long as any monkey does not understand the rules, it will be turned into a chicken by the aye-aye, and then killed as an example.

As ministers, it is naturally impossible to have no countermeasures.

There are policies and measures to counter.

After all, the new emperor is the new emperor, and the foundation is unstable.

Therefore, they decided to unite and unite Hulong Villa.

However, what puzzled them was.

Above the court, there was peace.

It was as if the new emperor did not understand the unspoken rules.

The calm above the court was so calm that they were puzzled, and so calm that it surprised them.

They don't know why.

However, this did not prevent them from gradually relaxing today after two months.

Then, they heard the news from Jianghu.

The Iron God Hou Zhu ignored it and died.

At the top of the Tianshan Mountains, in order to capture the magic power, he eventually perished with him.

"Your Majesty, our family tried our best, but unfortunately our family's strength was low and we were unable to save the Marquis of God."

Cao Zhengchun knelt down respectfully, and in front of him were three ice coffins.

Three ice coffins were cast from thousands of years of ice, and when these three ice coffins were cast, they almost exhausted all his inner strength! However, he had to do it.

Because the corpses here are of great importance.

Gu Santong, Zhu Ignore, Su Xin, a lot.

"How did they die"

Fang Tianfeng didn't look at the bodies of the other two, he was just observing the... Su Xin, who made the two unknown deaths.

The beauty of Su Xin is almost indescribable in words, even if she just lies there with her eyes closed, it is like the most beautiful scene in the world.

The picturesque beauty is like, natural, in addition to a beautiful face that is almost flawless as a fairy, there is also a plump body with bumps.

Ice skin and jade skin, slender waist like water, uterine lumbar bundles, round buttocks.

The whole body forms an exquisite and perfect curve.

Such an enchanting and charming ketone body is lying peacefully in the ice coffin, as if waiting for her Prince Charming to wake it up.

A pair of legs with no fat, and a pair of bare white and smooth jade feet, the heart of the feet is as pink as a baby.

Ten 10 jade toes are evenly arranged, round and lovely, exquisitely carved.

The lines of the arched back of the entire pair of jade feet beat like water, lining the poetic curve from the toes to the ankles.

These beautiful legs can perfectly satisfy any desire for foot control.

0 In other words, any foot-control or even non-foot-control sees it and can't help but lick it.

On the other hand, Cao Zhengchun, who was kneeling on the ground, had a hint of joy on his face, because he was right.

In fact, he had never thought of looking for this Su Xin at first.

Because as long as he dies, this Suxin means nothing to him.

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