Until, when he heard Gu Santong say that Su Xin was still carrying Shougongsha on her body, she was still a virgin.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun was moved.

The woman who can make Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi be obsessed for [-] years, how beautiful and beautiful.... He is an eunuch, naturally not I'm excited, but if other men can dedicate her to the emperor, will they get more rewards and now, seeing Fang Tianfeng's performance, Cao Zhengchun knows that he made the right bet.

"Your Majesty, Gu Santong and Shenhou are dead together."

Cao Zhengchun showed a lingering expression on his face, as if he was still afraid, and said with a wry smile, "Our family originally wanted to take advantage of the two snipes and mussels to win the fisherman's profit.

But it wasn't until we discovered the strength of these two that our family found out that our family is not even qualified to intervene."

"So, our family can only watch from the sidelines, waiting for them to decide the outcome, as well as life and death.

In that case, there may still be a chance."

"But who knows, these two actually perished directly together."

"As for that Suxin girl,"

Cao Zhengchun paused, looked at Fang Tianfeng quietly, saw that he did not stop him, and then continued, "That was discovered by the slave in a cave behind a cliff in Tianshan."


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, neither appreciating nor reproaching, but this made Cao Zhengchun even more nervous.

Chapter 146 Appease! (please subscribe)

Cao Zhengchun couldn't figure out what Fang Tianfeng was thinking.

What he did was right or wrong.

"Take the uncle's body back for a good life burial."

"As for the remains of the ancient three links..."

Fang Tianfeng paused and hesitated a little.

Because, Gu Santong can be regarded as half of his master after all.

Although they are just a simple transaction, there is no emotional adulteration.

However, Fang Tianfeng is not a heartless person after all.

"Just say I didn't find it, find a place to bury it properly."

"The slave understands."

Cao Zhengchun nodded lightly, "The devil's ancient three-way was knocked off the cliff by the prince of God, and there are no bones left."

"Eight Three Seven"

Fang Tianfeng did not speak, neither agreeing nor disapproving.

The name of the devil of the ancient three links is Back: fixed.

Even if he was still alive, Fang Tianfeng could not help him clear his grievances.

Because he is now the emperor of the Zhu family.

And Zhu ignored it, he was his uncle no matter what.

Once the truth of the year is revealed, it will not be him who will benefit in the end.

On the contrary, he will be sprayed to death from every angle.

So, as long as Zhu ignores death, that's fine.

After death, not only...not to smear his reputation, but also to cover up for him desperately, to give him a glorious funeral.

Because only in this way can we gain sympathy and earn greater benefits.

"You go down first."

Fang Tianfeng said slowly, "Also, go and call Yunluo over."

Cao Zhengchun bowed his head respectfully, and soon, a group of people filed in and carried away all the ice coffins that Gu Santong and Zhu ignored.

In the palace, only Su Xin's body remained.

There is a strange fruit in this world called Tianxiang Cardamom.

It bears fruit once every 1 years, only one [-] at a time.

After eating it, no matter how serious the injury is, it will not worsen, but the person who eats it will sleep forever, until someone finds the second cardamom and feeds it, then he can wake up.

In this world, there are only three known Tianxiang cardamom.

The three Tianxiang cardamom are all tributes from Tianxiang Kingdom to the royal family.

Three Tianxiang cardamom, one 1 was given to Zhu to ignore.

And the one that Zhu ignored has already been taken care of.

So after all these years, she has fallen asleep, as if her life has been frozen.

And the other two, one 1 was given to today's Tai, and the other 1 was packed in a mermaid pearl and given to Concubine Shu.

And Concubine Shu gave this one mermaid pearl to Princess Yunluo.

And all this, Fang Tianfeng... the cheap emperor's father, Zhu Youji, knows all of it.

He knew that Zhu ignored the world's search for Tianxiang cardamom, and also knew that he would use Tianxiang cardamom to save Su Xin.

But, he knew, but he just...don't say it.

And Zhu ignores it, and is also a fan of the authorities,,,.

Since the fragrant cardamom was given to him by the emperor on this day, why didn't he ask the emperor for three heavenly fragrant cardamom, which can resolve all injuries and diseases on the human body, and have the effect of resurrecting the dead.

Taking one piece of 1 can keep vitality, but the person who takes it will fall into a deep sleep because of this, and the years will stand still.

If you take two tablets, you can recover from the injury and wake up from a deep sleep.

However, few people know about it.

Although the injury has recovered, if only taking two cardamom, the person will only have one year of life after waking up.

Only by taking the third tablet within a year can we truly come back to life.

That is to say, from the beginning, the cardamom was only enough for one person's share on this day.

And now, Fang Tianfeng has no other better choice.... Therefore, he can only choose to give Tianxiang Cardamom to Su Xin.

Moreover, since Su Xin is a virgin, he will not lose anything.

He is not... his own uncle, who is a gentleman and gentleman, will not touch the other party without the consent of the other party.

He has no concerns in this regard, nor does he have any senseless dignity in this regard.

Some days, that's a fool.

"Brother Emperor."

A crisp and pleasant voice came from outside the palace, and a smile appeared on Fang Tianfeng's face.

I saw a little loli wearing a gorgeous palace dress jumping from the outside, and her tender face was full of excitement.

Because, when Fang Tianfeng called her over, the first thing she thought of was... Fang Tianfeng wanted to play with her.

"Brother Emperor, when will you accompany me to travel around the world?"

Yun Luo's big bright eyes showed a hint of hope, but Fang Tianfeng was a little embarrassed.

Because he hadn't really thought about it.


Although Yunluo was naive, she also saw the problem this time, and her face suddenly 3.

1 Dissatisfied drummed up.

"Brother is a big liar!"


Fang Tianfeng was at a loss for words...because, it seems that this is the case.

In fact, he was worried that Yunluo would go out to play alone.

Selfishly speaking, if possible, he actually wanted her to stay in the palace.

Even if it will turn Yunluo into a vase.

However, emotionally speaking, he didn't want to curb Yunluo's hobbies.

So, it's not that he can't let: Yunluo go out and explore the arena.

It's just that the time has not yet come.

And what to do now is... to appease Yunluo.

Chapter 147 Tianxiang Cardamom! (please subscribe)

Three Tianxiang cardamom, one 1 to the queen mother, one 1 to the queen mother, and one 1 in the Mermaid Pearl.

And now, the little mermaid pearl is in Fang Tianfeng's hands.

Including the queen mother's one, it is also in Fang Tianfeng's hands.

Taking the second cardamom of Tianxiang can awaken her heart, but if she can't find the third cardamom within a year, she will still die.

So, the safest way is to take two pills together.

He slowly opened the lid of the coffin made by the thousand-year-old Xuanbing, and reached out his hand to gently stroke the girl's delicate and smooth face.

I have to say, this feeling made him a little bit addicted.


Forcefully crushed the little mermaid pearl in his hand, and sure enough, there was a red cardamom hidden in the inner force.

It is said that the cardamom age is the cardamom age, that is... 04 is like that when the cardamom blooms.

In fact, before the cardamom blooms, its flower bones are full and round, and it is commonly known as "fetus-containing flower" in the folk.

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