In an instant, a unique fragrance spreads out instantly.

Tianxiang cardamom bears fruit once every 1 years, only one [-].

If it is true, then it means that one of the cardamom 1 was at least a hundred years ago! It has not been air-dried for a hundred years, and it has medicinal effects.

It can only be said that it cannot be theorized by normal.

Of course, the people of Tianxiangguo may also lie.

Either, that's... This day, cardamom doesn't bear fruit once every thirty years or only one 1 at a time.

Or, it is... there is not only one plant that can produce cardamom.

Three Tianxiang cardamom is only enough to save one person, so whether Fang Tianfeng wants it or not, the two Tianxiang cardamom in his hand can only be used to save Su Xin.

Unless, he can also find other Tianxiang cardamom.

However, it is unlikely.

Zhu Ignore is not a fool, he won't go to the emperor, can't he go to the trouble of a small Tianxiang country, which is the origin of Tianxiang cardamom! However, Zhu Ignore got nothing.

This explains a lot of problems, for example, Tianxiangguo really does not have Tianxiang cardamom in stock.

Or, in fact, it originally existed, but it was used to save people.

But that's right, how could such a miraculous thing come to fruition once every 100 years, and only [-] yuan every [-] years can save one person's weight.

It is not surprising to be able to send 100 cents to the emperor in a hundred years.

Moreover, whether Tianxiang cardamom can be guaranteed for more than [-] years is also a very serious problem.

After feeding Su Xin both the Tianxiang cardamom, Fang couldn't help reaching out and grabbed the girl's arm.

Because, that... dark red Shougongsha is particularly eye-catching.

Although Fang Tianfeng didn't know how Shougongsha was made, it was definitely not the kind that Du Niang said.

At least, not in his world.

Because in this world, Shougong sand is still very useful.

At the very least, I've never heard of any girl's sandstone being rubbed off.


With a soft moan, Su Xin opened her eyes in confusion.

Her memory should still be stuck in more than ten years ago, when Bie Zhu ignored her palm and was seriously injured and dying.

The same goes for her looks.

However, looking at her, Fang Tianfeng suddenly thought of a serious question.

The person who takes the first lesson day cardamom will fall into a deep sleep from then on, then, how long is the period of this deep sleep? If it has been in deep sleep and is frozen, then it will be very happy if it is dug out after a few hundred years. .

"woke up"

A smile appeared on Fang Tianfeng's face, admiring the girl's stunning and peerless face.

Although it was good to watch when she was asleep, it was not always good when she was alive.

This is like the difference between a woman doing an inflatable simulation doll and a real person, even if the feel is the same, but the difference is still very big.

"Who are you"

Su Xin's eyes were full of confusion, and she said doubtfully, "I remember, I came to find my cousin... Cousin, who is my cousin, I am my cousin's fiancee, but I can't remember who my cousin is. now..."


The smile on Fang Tianfeng's face froze, because, it seems, maybe, Su Xin seems to have lost her memory, and it doesn't seem to be that serious.

837 doesn't even remember who his cousin is.

However, she still remembered that she had a cousin.

But Zhu ignored it, but not even a shadow could be left in her heart.

"Uncle, please rest in peace."

Fang Tianfeng looked at Su Xin helplessly, and sighed in his heart, "Su Xin, leave it to me to take care of it, you can go in peace."

"Cousin, do you remember me?"

Fang Tianfeng's face showed an anxious look, "You have been sleeping for a long time, how are you, how are you?"


Su Xin glanced at him hesitantly, as if to confirm whether he was his cousin.

However, she has no memory and can't remember at all.

So, it can only be considered as it is.


Su Xin's pretty face instantly turned red, because she just remembered that Fang Tianfeng's hand was still on her body.

"Yes, I'm your cousin, Su Xin."

Fang Tianfeng showed a big wolf-like smile, he was about to start enjoying his little red riding hood.

Chapter 148 Vent! (please subscribe)

Su-xin is good, Fang Tianfeng can clearly know this.

Hmm, no problem.

Fang Tianfeng always felt that it was better for him to ignore Zhu's cheap uncle than his cheap dad.

Not only helped Zhu ignore the cover up, but also gave him a glorious funeral.

Above the rivers and lakes, countless people came to offer their condolences.

After all, Zhu's disregard for the fame he's built up over the years is not... talk.

And because of his death, his reputation has been magnified infinitely.

Then, because of the benefits of his fame, it was all added to the royal family.

As a result, the current royal family has become the friendliest to martial arts since ancient times.

As for the talons of the imperial court, it is all the conspiracy of Cao Zhengchun, a traitor, and has nothing to do with the royal family.

Yes, it is like that.

Of course, Zhu ignored that although he was dead.

However, Hulong Villa can't just be abandoned.

Therefore, they were re-selected from the three big inner spies selected by the Marquis of Iron Courage.

Originally, Duan Tianya was the best candidate in the mind of the Marquis of Iron Courage.

Unfortunately, he died.

As for Gui Hai's knife, he doesn't know how to manage it at all, he is just a knife.

Therefore, this task falls on Haitang.

And Haitang, originally the owner of the first village in the world, is known for this.

Now that he takes over the role of Hulong Villa and inherits the last wish of Zhu Ignoring, there will not be much reaction from the rivers and lakes.

Of course, Hulong Villa or something, on the surface, still needs the canonization of the emperor.

Imperial Palace, Imperial Study Room.

"The No. [-] Xuanzi of Hulong Villa, Shangguan Haitang, see the emperor.."

The girl in white was still wearing men's clothing and knelt down on one knee, but it didn't affect her beautiful face in the slightest.

"Flat body."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly and said slowly, "Uncle Huang has worked hard for my Zhu family for most of his life, and now that uncle has returned to heaven, Shangguan Haitang, you must fulfill your last wish."

"Sir, you will never disgrace your mission."

Haitang's face was firm and heavy, and there was a hint of hidden sadness on her face.

Zhu ignored her and rescued her from the dead, and taught her to practice martial arts, read and read.

In her heart, Zhu ignores the fact that she is her second father.

But now, her father is dead.

After all, girls are sensual, because Zhu ignored the death, which completely touched this sensibility.

But simply, Zhu ignored the death and Fang Tianfeng had nothing to do with it.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng also thought about it.

If the ancient three links can't kill Zhu Ignore, then go to Cao Zhengchun.

If Cao Zhengchun can't do it, then in the end he can only do it himself.

In fact, he was also present at the Tianshan time.

However, no one else found out.

There is no doubt that Zhu ignores the need to die.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to leave such an important matter to a congenital Cao Zhengchun, that is impossible.

After all, Cao Zhengchun is only a congenital in the final analysis.

But simply, Zhu ignored it and died directly, although it was a little unexpected, but it was also expected.

Seeing the girl with a faint sadness on her face, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

He walked slowly to the girl's side and reached out to embrace the girl in his arms.

"Haitang, come and be my concubine."

Lightly hugging the girl in his arms, feeling the soft touch of the girl's body, he said softly, "If Uncle Huang knew, he would definitely want you to do this."

However, what he never expected, Haitang became more and more excited.

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