Haitang has never had such an active side. …

And Fang Tianfeng felt it for the first time.

Therefore, he did not want to live up to the girl's heart.

Naturally, in the passionate kiss, he hugged the girl in his arms tightly.

The imperial study room has a bed.

It was specially prepared for the emperor. If the emperor is tired from office work, he can lie down for a while at any time...

Fang Tianfeng could feel the secret hidden in the girl's heart.

That's why she is so active.

Because the secret was too heavy, it even overwhelmed the line of defense that the girl Qian Hao Zhao had built all the time, and that belief also collapsed because of this.

Therefore, she needs to vent and comfort.

And Fang Tianfeng, never stingy to comfort Miao to the girl he likes.

As for venting, that's relative.

For him, it was a kind of catharsis. It was natural. He reached out and gently brushed the smooth black hair stained with sweat on the girl's shoulders.

Suddenly, two lines of crystal tears flowed from the corner of the girl's eyes.

It was called grievance with tears of betrayal, and Haitang's eyelashes trembled slightly.

He closed his eyes tightly, a pained expression on his face.

Chapter 149 ━━━━━━━━━ Deception! (please subscribe)

The thin quilt was dragged on the ground, and the girl's beautiful body was also exposed to the air.

The sun shines on the girl's fair skin through the window, adding a mysterious beauty.

On the other hand, Fang Tianfeng was already dressed and sitting beside the bed, frowning.

Because Zhu ignored the death.

Therefore, Hulong Villa must have a successor, and it is bound to be re-integrated accordingly.

With Duan Tianya missing and Gui Hai only knowing how to kill, Haitang shouldered the responsibility.

But correspondingly, she also learned a lot of the inside story of Hulong Villa.

For example, the relationship between Wan Sanqian and the Marquis of Iron Courage was closer than she imagined.

Another example, some sealed secrets.

The intelligence network of the Marquis of Iron Courage spreads all over the world, and all the information of this intelligence network is stored in the underground of Hulong Villa.

And since Haitang is going to be in charge of Hulong Villa, it is natural to read these...secrets.

You don't need to know all of them, but you should know a lot.

So, she saw some exciting news.

Therefore, she was so haggard when she went to see Fang Tianfeng 837.

Therefore, she can't wait to comfort and vent.

The Iron God Hou Zhu ignored it. Sixteen years ago, he put Gu Sanxian into the ninth layer of the Heavenly Prison.

However, because of this, he almost lost his most beloved woman.

Even though Su Xin's life was saved because of Tianxiang Cardamom, she still fell into a deep sleep.

Subsequently, he lost his right to inherit the throne.

Fang Tianfeng's cheap father Zhu Youji succeeded to the throne, while Zhu Shishi established Hulong Villa.

Afterwards, together with Wansanqian, they established another No. [-] village in the world.

The establishment of Hulong Villa is undoubtedly accompanied by the support of a large number of elites.

Therefore, in ten years, the Marquis of Iron Courage handed over the Hulong Villa to his subordinates.

And he himself, with another group of henchmen, personally went to the rivers and lakes to select potential orphans.

Then, these....orphans were brought up.

By the way, the Marquis of Iron Courage chose [-] orphans to be adopted and raised.

And these [-] orphans are all talented people.

Even if it is the worst, it already has third-rate strength.

The most talented, without a doubt, are the three scheduled secret agents, namely the three Haitang 3.

Gui Hai Yi Dao is now in the innate realm, and if Duan Ru is not dead, he should have already reached the innate realm.

There is only Haitang, because it has always been vulgar, so now it is only first-class.

It's just that Haitang didn't know about it before.

These four thousand orphans are not all orphans.

But more than half of them were ruined! It wasn't until she took over the Hulong Villa that she opened the secret room... that belonged to the Iron Marquis.

There, the life experiences of these [-] orphans were recorded.

And that includes her.

Back then, a robber named Crocodile broke into Haijiabao and killed everyone up and down Haijiabao.

The reason is because the crocodile believed a lie and thought that Haijiabao had hidden a large amount of gold! So he went and killed everyone without hesitation.

Only Haitang remained, and spent several days among the dead.

And all of this, Zhu ignores the whole process! Yes, from the beginning, Zhu ignores the presence.

Because, this was his conspiracy from the very beginning! That... crocodile, was originally hired by his people! Four thousand orphans, all of them are talented people.

However, in this world, it is so easy to get so many geniuses, these people are definitely good seedlings to be competed for in any sect.

However, now they have all entered Hulong Villa.

In this, how could there be no tricks. In fact, Zhu Ignore should have appeared on the night when Haijiabao was massacred.

But it didn't.

His target is Begonia, because his people have checked.

Haitang's aptitude is extremely outstanding, and she is a genius who is expected to become a grandmaster! That's why he wants to kill all the people in Haijiabao.

Because only orphans can not betray Hulong Villa because of family troubles.

Originally, he could have made a move.

But it didn't.

Because he found that Haitang pretended to be dead to escape the disaster.

So he was waiting, always waiting for the moment when Haitang was almost unable to hold on before he shot.

He wanted to try Haitang's limit, and he wanted to test Haitang's mind.

So, he waited five days.

On the fifth day, he shot and killed all the crocodiles and others.

Not only avenged Haitang, but also killed her by the way.

And he, because he saved Haitang, successfully became the support of this new orphan.

Therefore, he was able to cultivate a master who was loyal to himself.

All of this, from the very beginning, was planned by...

Duan Tianya and Gui Hai Yi Dao were an accident, and they were harvested by accident.

Only Haitang was the one who really valued the most, and he planned all this with his own hands.

And that's why, when Haitang got all the truth, it would collapse like this.

Because she suddenly discovered that she has been: being deceived by the person she trusts the most.

Chapter 150 A knife is crazy! (please subscribe)

Mixed feelings.

Fang Tianfeng can only express his feelings with the word "user".

In fact, even he didn't expect this to happen.

It can only be said that the Marquis of Iron Courage is too ruthless.

Begonia was hit hard.

On the other side, Fang Tianfeng received another message.

Return to the sea with a knife.


Guihai Yidao is different from Duan Tianya and Haitang, he is not an orphan.

Duan Tianya's childhood experience was very tragic, his father was killed by evil people.

And her mother was forced to take him and his sister to marry that... wicked man.

Tianya has been beaten, scolded and abused by wicked people since he was 7 years old, and when one day... the wicked person defiled his mother, it was not enough, and he wanted to extend it to his sister.

So, Duan Tianya's mother and sister jumped into the well together after being humiliated, while Tianya hid in the woods alone, sharpening a knife, just waiting for the wicked to approach and stab him in the chest.

But Gui Hai is different, he originally had a normal and warm home.

His father returned to the sea Bailian, who was addicted to martial arts like an idiot, chivalrous and courageous, and regarded fame and fortune as dung. He was a complete martial arts madman. But few people know about it.

He was a good father and a good husband who cared about his family very well. He was free and prosperous.

He also met Qilinzi, a famous martial artist, Jian Jingfeng, and Master Liaokong from Shaolin Temple. The three are close friends, and they can be considered to have a happy life.

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