However, he also became obsessed with practicing heroism and became a complete murderer.

At one time...injured countless people and committed evil deeds, almost no one knew about it and no one knew about it.

In the end, he was killed.

However, Guihai Yidao didn't know about these...  

So, that day, his mother took him to block the way of the Lord of Tiedan, and asked the Lord of Tiedan to take him in.

After that, Gui Hai Yi Dao's whole body was trying to find the enemy who killed his father.

But now, he already knew the truth of it all.

Because, the three suspects he suspects, Qilinzi, Jian Jingfeng and Master Liaokong, they all know who the murderer is.

However, they are not murderers.

The real murderer was his mother, in order to prevent him from making further mistakes, Guihai Yidao's mother Revlon personally killed his father, Guihai Bailian.

Sometimes things are just... so unpredictable.

So, he is crazy.

This time, I didn't go crazy for practicing the three swords of the nose.

He went crazy simply because he knew the truth and couldn't accept it.

His character is not even as good as Haitang.

"Is there no good people in this world?"

There was a touch of despair on Haitang pretty face, despair for the world, her red lips slightly parted, and she murmured.

He hugged the man in front of him tightly, curled up in his arms, and enjoyed the warmth of this last world.

It is also the only thing in this world that can bring her warmth.

"There has never been a so-called good person in this world."

Fang Tianfeng hugged the girl in his arms and sighed deeply, remembering a famous saying he had heard before, "The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate ash."

"The Marquis of Iron Courage is not a good person, and I am also not a good person.

Living in this world, how can someone really be spotless?"

"this world.

It's never black and white.

most of the time.

We are all in a grey area.

I am, and so are you."


The girl's eyes drooped slightly, and two lines of clear tears flowed slowly, "This world is so cruel."

"Cruel? Maybe."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head gently and said slowly, "It is always difficult for gentle and correct people to survive, because this world is neither gentle nor correct.

But that still doesn't stop the meek from continuing to be meek, and the right man from being right."

"But you said, the world is gray."

Haitang raised her head stubbornly and looked directly into his eyes, "Also, you don't want to try to comfort me at all, you are obviously preaching.

Although it seems very reasonable, it is simply not answering the question,,,.”

"Cough, don't care about these details."

Fang Tianfeng coughed twice in embarrassment, cleared his throat, and said solemnly, "As I said, the world is gray.

However, this is all relative.

Good people and bad people are also relative.”

"When you don't know the true face of the Lord of God, he is a good man.

But when you know what it's all about, he's the bad guy."

"Correspondingly, sometimes a person who is a good person to you may not be a bad person to others."

"But why should we care about others?"

"Even if it's grey, as long as it's white for us.

As for the other people, let us all sweep the snow in front of our door, and don't care about the frost on other people's tiles."


Seeing Fang Tianfeng's serious face, the girl couldn't help laughing, "You look like a bad person."

"I may be a bad person in the eyes of others, but I believe that I will always be your good person."

"Bad man!"


Chapter 151 New Concubine! (please subscribe)

The Empress Dowager is the Huang Empress of the previous emperor.

Unlike the empress dowagers in the Han Dynasty... who always controlled the emperor to be the master of the house, most empress dowagers in the Ming Dynasty had no ambitions.

And now the Queen Mother is the same.

Fang Tianfeng's cheap emperor father died, but cheap mother is still alive.

And this queen mother has no ambition.

She didn't even want to be the queen mother.

I never ask about the politics above the court.

However, there is only one thing, she is very strict.

That is, the harem of the new emperor.

Of course, she won't take care of the big and small things in the harem, and won't take care of those... The concubine's competition for favor, the clear fight for "eight three seven"

Dark fight.

She only cares about the size of the harem.

To be precise, she just wanted Fang Tianfeng to have more sons and spread branches and leaves.

After all, there are really too few heirs of the royal family.

There were only two people in Zhu Youxian's generation, one Zhu Youxian and the other Zhu Ignore.

And now, both are dead.

And now, the only male bloodline in the royal family is Fang Tianfeng.

If you are not careful, the blood of the royal family will be cut off.

And in fact, history has been...

Zhu Houzhao had no children at all, and the throne was also inherited by his nephew.

"Murong Shu"

The queen mother was sitting in the palace at this time, and in front of her was Haitang.

What she was holding in her hand was a marriage-worthy object sorted out by Haitang.

The first is to be beautiful, and the second is to have a prominent family.

Otherwise, she would not be worthy of marrying into the royal family as a concubine.

Don't look at what the court eagles say all day long in the rivers and lakes, with a very disdainful look.

But that's because you can't eat grapes and say the grapes are sour.

They also have no way to hook up with the royal family, and the royal family has Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and they don't look down on these Jianghu people.

If there is a chance to catch up with the royal family, they may dream of "yes,"

Haitang nodded lightly and bowed slightly, "Murong Shu is the eldest young lady of the Murong family, and she has eight younger sisters.

The meaning of Wei Chen is to let His Majesty accept Concubine Mu first, and then gradually encroach on the Murong family.

At that time, the Murong family will…”

"OK OK."

The empress dowager waved her hand impatiently, "I'm not interested in these things, just discuss it yourself.

I only care about the quantity and quality of the emperor's harem, this Murong Shu is not bad.

Just according to this standard, find ten 10 and eight 8s for the emperor."


Haitang smiled helplessly, she had never seen such a person who did not love power.

Even if you don't want it yourself, but you always want to benefit your maiden's family, but it's not.

The Queen Mother doesn't care at all...

These.... Although she benefited her family, it was also when the previous emperor was alive.

At that time she could talk to the emperor, but not now.

In fact, the queen mother has not even left the harem for so long.


The Queen Mother doesn't care...

These.... grabbed Haitang's little hand, with a kind and gentle smile on her face, "How can a girl like you show your face outside? Did Zhao'er bully you? Tell me, I will definitely help you teach him a lesson."

"Is he not willing to accept you as a concubine, is he afraid that he will not be able to hold you down, Haitang, and tell me anything.

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