Among these people, the strength is above the second-rate.

Six are second-rate, two are first-rate, and one is innate.

Because he has never met Liu Xi, Fang Tianfeng has no way to determine whether this innate is Liu Xi.

After all, Dongchang is not only two innate talents, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, but also other innate talents that he may not know.

It's like Hulong Villa, in addition to... Begonia three people, there is also a so-called eight guards.

And these eight people are all first-class geniuses.

"Bride and groom, prepare to worship heaven and earth!"

The Hu table arrived, and so did the bride Fu Yuhua.

The next thing to do is to go to the church and get married.

If there is no accident, then, it should be the flowers that fall from the sky now.

Entered with a banner that read 'Kill all the wicked men in the world'.

Then there was a riot, and the Hu table was taken away.

However, it didn't.

Fang Tianfeng frowned slightly, he did not feel the breath of any other... first-class masters here.

Even if it is innate, it is impossible to escape his perception.

Could it be that Hua Wu Que is just a second-rate? Of course, there is also a possibility that Hua Wu Que is even.

If the master doesn't make a move, he can perfectly restrain his qi.

However, Hua Wuque cannot be a master.

In this world, the master is not so worthless.

"Fu Yuhua, seduce a married man, his crime should be punished."

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a clear and pleasant voice entering his ears.

The next moment, before everyone present could react, the bride, Fu Yuhua, was actually killed!"

Fang Tianfeng's scalp was numb for a while, and now he can be sure that the person who came is the master.

Originally, I thought that Haitang was a little too nervous, and felt that there was no such thing as a so-called master master in Yihua Palace.

But now it's slapped in the face, and the person here is... a master master.

The martial arts of the two palace masters of Yihua Palace are not much different, one is a grandmaster, and the other must also be a grandmaster.

In other words, Yihua Palace has two grandmasters! No wonder Haitang told him not to be too public.

One and two masters are indeed a bit scary.

Moreover, Fang Tianfeng has already guessed the identity of the other party, and the biggest possibility is... the big palace master invited Yue to come.


The Minister of War suddenly screamed in grief, because the body of his daughter Fu Yuhua fell straight in his arms.

It's unfortunate to say, everyone thinks that the Yihua Palace kills all the heartless people in the world, and the target should be Hu Zhuo.

But who knew that the other party actually killed the bride in a single confrontation!

Chapter 151 Peerless Double Pride! (please subscribe)

Haitang finally decided to take over the role of Hulong Villa as Fang Tianfeng's help.

After all, Hulong Villa is a huge force, and today's loss is nothing but a god of iron courage.

And without the Marquis of Iron Courage, as long as someone can take over, then Hulong Villa is still Hulong Villa.

Haitang originally practiced with the well-known Young Master Wuhen, but Young Master Wuhen was good at hidden weapons.

In terms of martial arts practice, there is actually no way to give Haitang too much guidance.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng taught Haitang the Great Dharma of Absorption and the Magical Indestructible King Kong.

Moreover, there are eight martial arts schools.

Although it is a taboo to steal the martial arts secrets of other schools, Hulong Villa is the dog of the royal family.

Unless the eight sects want to rebel, they can only swallow their voices.

"Inhaling Gong Dafa, this is righteousness... Is it the martial arts he practiced?"

Haitang's eyes were a little gloomy, and she asked softly.

After all, she didn't know how to face Zhu Ignore, even though he was dead.

But some people are like this, even if they die, they can disturb people's peace.


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, "The reason why the Marquis of Iron Courage can become number one in the world is because of this great practice of absorbing gong.

He absorbed the internal strength of more than [-] masters more than ten years ago, and in the past ten years, he has also continuously absorbed the internal strength of others.

By the time he died, there had been a full eight hundred years of terror!"

"Eight hundred years!"

Haitang covered her mouth in surprise, almost unbelievable.

That's [-] years! "Don't be surprised, don't worry, you can also be number one in the world in the future."

Fang Tianfeng smiled, but he didn't care.

Eight hundred years is nothing, and now he has more than four hundred years of internal strength.

This is also because he is going to take over the throne, and there is no way to absorb people's internal strength.

If he really wants to keep getting stronger, a thousand years is too little.

The reason why it has been four hundred years... is because he thinks it is enough.

In the TV series No. [-] in the world, the strongest is... Zhu ignores.

And now Zhu Ignore is dead, and Gu Santong is also dead.

He Fang Tianfeng is... the strongest! "Don't underestimate this arena."

Seeing his appearance, Haitang couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Although there is a great practice of absorbing gong, even the gods of the past are very secretive about this arena."


Fang Tianfeng looked at Haitang with some doubts, a little disapproval, but he still had some doubts when he saw the serious appearance of the girl, "The strongest in this arena is not the Eight Great Sects, but the Eight Great Sects, I know, they are just like that."

"No, not the eight sects."

Haitang shook her head and said worriedly, "Shen Hou followed me.

The sect is only the strongest on the surface.

But in fact, the strongest in the world is a hidden sect."

"And what is the name of the hidden world?"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly became interested, but there was no hidden sect mentioned in the original book.

"Moving the Flower Palace!"

Haitang looked at him seriously and said seriously, "Even Shenhou himself has said that if he is against the palace master who moves up the flower palace, he needs to be afraid of three points."

"Flower Palace"

Fang Tianfeng was a little stunned. It's not that he didn't know about the Yihua Palace. The Yihua Palace among the peerless twin prides can be described as a big villain.

However, this is the number one in the world! Did something go wrong! "What is the name of the palace lord of Yihua Palace?"

Fang Tianfeng's face became a little dignified, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

0 "If I remember correctly, it should be called Yaoyue."

Haitang thought for a while, frowned slightly, and said slowly, "Furthermore, according to the archives of Hulong Villa, the palace lord of Yihua Palace and Yan Nantian, the once-famous hero in the rivers and lakes, seem to have a lot to do with each other."

"Invite the Moon, Yan Nantian"

Fang Tianfeng's face became more and more bizarre, he was almost certain that this was definitely the plot of the peerless double pride.

However, isn't this the number one in the world? Or, these two worlds are always one and the same...... It's not impossible.

No. [-] in the world is developed around Hulong Villa, which has a certain imperial nature.

The peerless double pride is different, it is pure rivers and lakes, and it has no meaning with the imperial court.

The only one that can be linked is probably the Valley of the Wicked.

Wait..., Fang Tianfeng of the villain's valley was slightly taken aback. Didn't he go to the villain's valley? He remembered that Xiao Yu'er, one of the protagonists of the peerless double pride, seemed to be there.

In that case, didn't he just miss it? At first, he was only concerned with dealing with [-], and he never thought about it.

"Baitang, where is the dossier?"

Fang Tianfeng looked strange, looked at the girl beside him and asked.

"follow me."

Haitang didn't think much, nodded and took Fang Tianfeng to the dossier room of Hulong Villa.

The information under this world, Hulong Villa is definitely a must.

Originally, Fang Tianfeng thought that he could just wait for the meteorite to fall, but now it seems that it is far from enough.

He has a hunch, if it is really a peerless double pride.

He also has to complete the plot of the peerless double pride.

Chapter 152 Martial Arts! (Subscribe)


Opening the dossier, Fang Tianfen felt a little helpless.

Because, there really is a flower-shifting palace.

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