There is not only the Yihua Palace, but also Yan Nantian, where there are little fish and flowers.

Yihua Palace, a sect composed entirely of women.

Since the establishment of the sect, the Embroidered Jade Valley Yihua Palace has always been a beautiful woman, and now the Yihua Palace has a total of two palace masters.

The lord of the main palace invites the moon, and the lord of the second palace is sympathetic to the star, known as the lone star of the bright moon.

The only man in Yihua Palace is the descendant of the master of Yihua Palace, Hua Wuque, known as the son of Wuque.

The reason why the Yihua Palace can be formed by a group of women and its strength is still there: it is above the eight sects is entirely because of "Eight Three Seven"

Their martial arts really have their own secrets.

Not only has the world's first palm method "Transferring Flowers and Jade", but also the highest authentic and supreme heart method [Mingyu Gong] that can compete with martial arts, Buddhism and Zen [Wedding Clothes Magic]. Unique in the world.

Moreover, this is not the peerless double pride of the original.

Fang Tianfeng has seen many versions of Peerless Shuangjiao, and now this one is very likely to be one of the TV series versions.

After reading the records of the dossier, Fang Tianfeng just wanted to say a lie, it's so bloody! More than ten years ago, I don't know because of what happened.

All in all, there is a bloody relationship between Yaoyue and Jiang Fengtian.

Yaoyue fell in love with Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng didn't like her at all.

Well, I don't like women.

This Jiang Feng is incredible, known as the most beautiful man in the world.

And once, Jiang Feng was beaten and seriously injured.

But in the end, he was rescued by Yaoyue's younger sister Lianxing and Huayuenu, who was brought back to Yihuagong.

And Yaoyue fell in love at first sight because of her nymphomaniac.

However, Lian Xing and Hua Yuenu also fell in love with Jiang Feng.

And Jiang Feng is still single-minded and chose Huayuenu.

Then, they ran away.

However, if you can run past the first day of the new year, you can't run the fifteenth day.

Yaoyue's lungs exploded with anger, Hua Yuenu was just a disciple in Yihua Palace, but she was the palace master.

However, Jiang Feng chose Hua Yuenu instead of her.

In the end, Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu caught up, and Hua Yuenu gave birth to a pair of twins to Jiang Feng before he died.

That is, the protagonists of the peerless double pride, Xiao Yuer and Hua Wu.

After giving birth to a child, Jiang Feng and Huayue Yaoyue were killed.

The remaining two children, Yaoyue took Hua Wuque away and left Xiaoyuer to Jiang Feng's sworn brother Yan Nantian.

What he did was... Twenty years later, the twin brothers killed each other.

Hmm, really changed.

Hua Wuque was taken away by Yaoyue and became the successor of Yihua Palace, practicing various exquisite martial arts since childhood.

And Xiao Yu'er was taken away by Yan Nantian, but was attacked and maimed when he passed through the Valley of the Evil.

And Xiao Yu'er was raised by four of the ten villains in the Valley of the Villains.

"This river and lake is still unstable."

Fang Tianfeng let out a long sigh. Originally, he thought that there were only so many things in this river and lake.

But now it seems that the water in the rivers and lakes is very deep.

However, Fang Tianfeng still doesn't think Yaoyuehui is his opponent.

After all, Haitang has not been promoted to Innate. Although her talent and ability are not bad, her vision is too small.

However, there is no way, if the strength is not enough, there is no way to see it clearly.

In Haitang's view, innate is... the last realm.

Tiedan Shenhou is innate, Gu Santong is innate, and Fang Tianfeng is also innate.

And the palace lord of Yihua Palace is also innate. So, she feels that the palace lord of Yihua Palace, Yaoyue, is a great threat.

However not.

Although Yihuagong is strong, it does not necessarily have masters at the master level.

Even if there is, it is not necessarily the opponent that Gu Santong and Zhu ignore.

You know, they're the best of the best.

However, the existence of Yihua Palace is a disaster after all.

"There are too many masters in the rivers and lakes, and it is also a scourge to the royal family."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head gently, not knowing that Chai Mi was expensive.

Likewise, the butt determines the head.

He is the emperor now, so he knows very well how much impact the so-called martial arts people on the rivers and lakes will have on the imperial court if they unite.

There is no emperor who does not want to kill these...the so-called martial arts people in one fell swoop.

Fang Tianfeng is no exception.

"How to do"

Haitang blinked, tilted her head in confusion, and whispered, "Do you want to control these people, or..."

Haitang didn't say anything after that.

But Fang Tianfeng understood, 3.

Control it or just kill it.

Fang Tianfeng naturally wants to control these people, it is best to let these people help him expand.

Although the martial arts people are not as easy to use as the real army, if it is an assassination, these people are all good hands.

However, most martial artists are rebellious.

If you can't control it, the best way is to kill them all to avoid chaos.

Haitang is no longer as simple as she used to be, so Fang Tianfeng was a little surprised by the change in her mentality.

"Let's do both."

Fang Tianfeng thought about it for a while, and said slowly, "Vertical, horizontal and closed, it has always been very useful."

Chapter 153 ━━━━━━━━ Vertical and Horizontal (Subscribe)

Vertical and horizontal, it sounds very high-end and complicated.

But to put it bluntly, it is... to win over a group, suppress a group, and divide a group.

First go to the famous family in the arena and win over them.

Then, use the name of the righteous path to attack those families with a bad reputation.

By the way, send someone to spread rumors and sow discord.

These methods are all commonplace.

However, although I have used it many times, it has always worked well.

Even if those people on the rivers and lakes knew that this was a conspiracy of the royal family, they had to accept the trick.

In this way, the conspiracy becomes an upright conspiracy.

"Your Majesty, above the rivers and lakes, the Murong family has always been quite famous.

We can work with them if we can."

Haitang smiled slightly, regaining her former self-confidence, and she looked confident.

"The Murong Family"

Fang Tianfeng frowned slightly, he had no impression of the 04 Murong family.

If he had to say it, the one from the Murong family who had the deepest impression on him must belong to Murong Fu. . . . .

Because the image of the bitter master is too profound.

Fang Tianfeng always warned himself that he could never be the same as his sand sculpture.

"Yes, the Murong family."

Haitang nodded lightly and whispered, "The Murong family is quite famous in the world, and the head of the Murong family, Murong Wudi, is also a well-known expert in the world."

"However, although this Murong Wudi is highly skilled in martial arts, this is not what he is best known for."

"oh what is that"

Fang Tianfeng became interested for a while and asked curiously.


Haitang didn't reply to him immediately, she just glanced at him resentfully, and then said, "Murong Wudi has eleven children, but only two sons.

The other nine nines are all daughters."

"Moreover, all of them are beautiful as flowers, ice and snow are smart, and their martial arts are extraordinary."

"And his eldest daughter, Murong Shu, is currently looking for a husband."


Fang Tianfeng suddenly understood and felt a little embarrassed.

He suddenly understood what Haitang meant by co-opting. The most common mode of co-opting in the world is... marriage.

And Murong Wudi has nine daughters all at once.

Isn't this just for him? But, speaking of it, it seems that Murong Shu is the same in the original work.

In the original work, Murong Shu is... Married to the emperor, the emperor's favorite concubine Shu.

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