Chapter 004 I Remember You! (please subscribe)

The ancient three links once said that the inner strength of the indestructible magic of the diamond is only four.

And Fang Tianfeng really believed it.

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

If the inner strength of the Indestructible King Kong is really only four, then how could the ancient Santong be able to perish with Zhu Wuzhi only by relying on the inner strength of more than [-] years? Fang Tianfeng never said anything about Gu Santong. It's all dubious.

Because Gu Santong's character is like this, he speaks seven parts true and three parts false.

It's like when he and Zhu Ignore went together to get the King Kong Indestructible Magic and Qigong Dafa.

Gu Santong tricked Zhu to ignore it after he remembered the great method of absorbing the power, saying that the indestructible magic of the King Kong must be a boy's body.......

Then Zhu ignored it and believed it, and Gu Santong gave him the Qigong Dafa.

It also made him grateful for it.

Gu Santong also said that the Indestructible King Kong can only be used five times in a lifetime, and then he believed it again.

However, it is false again.

You must know that at that time, the two of them could be sworn brothers who had a very good relationship.

Even brother 837 can be lied to, let alone him, Fang Tianfeng has already figured it out.

So, he figured it out on his own.

Not four, but four of four, sixteen! And as long as you surpass Mingyu Gong in a profound degree, you can ignore that suction.

Because the most important function of the suction is to absorb the internal force of the enemy and turn away the attack.

If there is no brain adsorption, isn't Yaoyue actively bumping into the muzzle of the gun? So, it must be turned into an attack.

But if you encounter a deeper internal force, you can suck it, but you can't resolve it! At this time, it is really hitting the muzzle.

Therefore, at this time, she hardly dared to use the vortex suction that was unfavorable to others.

Therefore, it can be said that gong-fa counteracts each other, and they are all relative.

However, Fang Tianfeng not only... King Kong is not bad magic, he also has the great method of absorbing gong.

However, it was of no use.

The unit of suction power Dafa is also two 2, so it can only absorb the internal force lower than it or at the same level as it.

However, if there is a deeper internal force,

For example, Ming Yu Gong.


The confrontation in just a few breaths allowed Fang Tianfeng to fully understand the foundation of Yaoyue.

He even tried it out with Qigong Dafa, and found that Mingyu Gong is indeed worthy of praise.

But Yaoyue's face changed drastically.

Because she found that her unfavorable Ming Yugong was frustrated, the other party completely understood her foundation.

But he himself knew nothing about him.

Even at that moment, the powerful suction force that erupted from the opponent's body almost made her unable to control it.

If her power is sucked away, it will be over! Fang Tianfeng returned to the courtyard, while Yaoyue was still standing on the wall.

However, compared to before, Yaoyue's eyes were full of vigilance at this time.

Although it was only for a moment, her alertness told her that this person was invincible.


But just when Fang Tianfeng thought about waiting for Yaoyue to start again, he was a little surprised to find out.

Yaoyue did not deal with him.

She just took the banner that said 'kill all the wicked men in the world' and took away the groom's table.

So, this is what the hell is going to stop fighting, it's not good, but, even so, Fang Tianfeng didn't think to stop it.

Just stand there, motionless.

"I remember you."

Yaoyue took a deep look at him, as if she wanted to keep his appearance in her heart, and then left floating.

Fang Tianfeng is helpless, it is useless for you to remember.

This face belongs to Qin Shi Huang, and it is Qin Shi Huang of another world.

He himself will not use this face again in the future, even if Yaoyue wants to see it again, it is impossible.

Soon, Fang Tianfeng also left the Shangshu Mansion.

After changing his face, he followed Yaoyue and left the capital all the way.

He didn't forget that the biggest purpose of coming here this time was to follow the people of Yihua Palace to find the location of Yihua Palace.

Originally I wanted to follow Hua Wuque, but now it's the same with Yaoyue.

After all, as long as you can find the location of the Yihua Palace.

Anyway..., it is impossible for the other party to find out that he is tracking.

Yaoyue is very alert, even if she doesn't see suspicious people, she still observes the figures around her from time to time.

Fang Tianfeng changed his face several times in a row, and then he escaped.

And in the end, it finally arrived at the place where the Yihua Palace is rumored to be on the rivers and lakes.

I wanted to sneak directly into the Yihua Palace, but I found that the periphery of the Yihua Palace was full of poisonous weeds, which were also feeding poisonous insects.

Fang Tianfeng was speechless.

Originally, the evaluation of Yihua Palace was not good on the rivers and lakes, but as a result, you are still planting such things outside.

Isn't this deliberately smearing himself? Even if some people were skeptical at first, they might believe that Yihua Palace is not a good place when they come here.

Even if you only feed these poisonous insects for self-protection, in order to reduce a lot of trouble, you really haven't done your job well.

After all, people are so exposed to believe the so-called truth in front of them.

Chapter 005 Another Contact! (please subscribe)

Outside the Huahua Palace are all poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. If ordinary people come here, I am afraid they will die on the edge before they enter.

Even if a martial arts master comes, if he can't find a safe way.

It's not easy to get through here safely.

After all, not everyone can be immune to these poisonous weeds and insects.

Of course, the master-level powerhouse can fly in directly without touching the ground.

However, if it flew in, wouldn't it be too obvious? If it was so obvious, it would still be discovered.

However, Fang Tianfeng was different.

As a man who ate a shape-shifting pill, it was too easy to sneak in without knowing it.

You just need to transform into a pigeon, and then fly in directly and aboveboard.

Anyway..., no one else can find it.

And in fact, it is.

After Fang Tianfeng turned into a pigeon, he went all the way to the interior of Yihua Palace, and he met many girls along the way, and there was no doubt that these girls were all disciples of Yihua Palace.

Of course, Yihua Palace is also divided into inner and outer.

In the outer circles, most of them are unborn girls.

Moreover, with Fang Tianfeng's rich experience, he could see that the aptitudes of these people are not very good.

Fang Tianfeng didn't have time to focus on these ordinary people, he just followed the road all the way to the inner core area of ​​Yihua Palace.

From here, some of the girls I met were very talented.

However, most of them are just loli.

It is understandable that the talented little loli was placed in the inner circle, and was personally protected and taught by the two palace masters.

Once someone invades, these girls are... the seeds of the Flower Palace, and naturally they cannot be sacrificed casually.

However, although the Yihua Palace is not too big, it is not too small.

It was the first time for Fang Tianfeng to come here, and he couldn't follow Yaoyue closely, so he quickly lost his way.

"Sister, you are back."

I was feeling worried, but I heard a girl's happy voice coming from the front right.


Soon, another girl's voice answered.

Fang Tianfeng was quite familiar with this voice, it was Yaoyue's voice.

Then, the previous one... should be Yaoyue, Lianxing.

"Bring him down to me."

Fang Tianfeng was rushing in the direction of the voice, when he suddenly heard Yaoyue's voice again, "Let his abandoned wife watch and watch him be punished."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said nothing.

This can also be regarded as self-inflicted sin, and people all want to climb high branches.

Hu Zhuo climbed up the high branch of Shangshu's daughter, so he wanted to abandon his original wife.

There is nothing to say, after all, there is not only such a person in the world.

Husbands and wives can't live together for two days, and it's common for them to get together and go away.

However, the divorce is divorced, but he has to send a killer to kill his original wife.

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