This guy really deserves to die.

After all, there is no one to stop you if you want to get a divorce, what's more, everyone who should know that you were married and abandoned your wife will know.

Doing this is completely trying to hide the truth, not only is it useless, but it will have the opposite effect.

After a while, when Fang Tianfeng finally flew to the small courtyard, he happened to see Yaoyue bring Lianxing into the house, and even brought them all by the way.


Speechless for a while, Fang Tianfeng didn't know what to say.

Although it is said that his purpose is to sneak into the Yihua Palace without being discovered, but it is not his style to be completely ignored or something.

0 Simply put..., want to be a bitch but don't want to be known.

Well, that's what people say, bitch.


Fang Tianfeng just wanted to continue moving towards Yaoyue's boudoir, but suddenly heard the girl's coquettish drink.

Before he could react, he suddenly saw two slender figures rushing towards him.

Fang Tianfeng instinctively wanted to fight back, but suddenly realized that he was just a pigeon and had no ability to resist at all.

So, he can't resist now.

......Unless he becomes "Boom!"

There was a loud noise out of thin air, and the ground beside Fang Tianfeng was suddenly blasted with a huge pothole! And Fang Tianfeng, in a timely manner, showed the panic that a pigeon should have been, and suddenly fluttered his wings and wanted to escape.

However, the next moment, the jade hand that had been snow-white slowly stretched out, grabbing the panicked pigeon in his hand.

"elder sister."

Lian Xing looked at the pigeon in her sister's hands with an unbelievable face, and couldn't believe it at all.

The reason why their sisters made a sudden move just now was because they suddenly sensed a fluctuation of internal force in the yard.

However, they pretended not to know, but suddenly shot again after entering the room.

As soon as they made a move, they found that the internal force fluctuations came from the pigeons! This is simply incredible! "I know."

Yaoyue nodded lightly, stretched out her jade hand and gently stroked the pigeon in her hand.

And the 'pigeon' seemed to be comforted, instead of struggling, it relaxed.

Although it has become a pigeon, the touch has not changed.

He just wanted to say that Yaoyue's small hands are awesome.

Chapter 006 I'm Yaoyue's pet! (please subscribe)

Fang Tianfeng finally knew where his problem was.

In the past, when he was transformed, he was just an ordinary person, and he knew how to handle crops.

However, he is now a martial artist.

And those who practice martial arts, whether willing or not, always passively exude a wave of internal force fluctuations.

This has little to do with the strength and martial arts of the martial artist, but rather has something to do with its internal control.

If the degree of control is high enough, it is possible to completely control the internal force in the body without leaking the slightest.

However, if the degree of control is not enough..., even the Grandmaster will have internal power fluctuations.

Of course, with the improvement of strength, the internal force "eight three seven"

Control will definitely improve.

Therefore, when it comes to the master level powerhouse, although there will also be fluctuations in internal strength, it is very introverted and weak.

The breath exuded is like an ordinary second-rate master.

However, Fang Tianfeng is different.

Fang Tianfeng can only be regarded as a grandmaster who was born, and his internal strength is many times that of others.

However, in terms of the control of internal force, I am afraid that even the innate might be stronger than him.

Ordinary masters exude internal power fluctuations like second-rate masters, and even those who are more introverted and more perfect are only third-rate.

Like sisters Yaoyue, because of their cultivation of Mingyu Gong, they can almost be perfectly restrained.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng couldn't find them in the Yihua Palace before, and he had to rely on the sound to identify the direction.

On the other hand, Fang Tianfeng was first-rate.

The fluctuation of the internal strength of a first-class master is naturally very obvious.

This is still under the circumstance that Fang Tianfeng wants to hide, if the mood swings are a little bigger, I am afraid that the internal force fluctuations of the innate level will come out.

Therefore, although he is a pigeon now, he is a pigeon exuding internal force fluctuations.

A pigeon with only inner strength, which is very rare.

Since there are internal power fluctuations, it is not surprising to be discovered by others.

Fang Tianfeng felt remorse in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel fortunate that he was just a pigeon all the time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I have to fight with the two sisters.

"Sister, is this the legendary demon clan?"

Lian Xing blinked his bright big eyes, looking at the pigeon in front of him, from time to time he stretched out his green index finger and kept poking at Fang Tianfeng.

"I'm telling you to stop reading those... Randomly made up novels."

Yaoyue angrily patted off the jade hand that the girl stretched out, and instantly there were five 55 red fingerprints on the fair skin.

That's not all, even, she glared at her sister fiercely, "Don't worry about these things, you are the second palace master, hurry up and do what you should do."


Lian Xing stopped talking, and stared at his sister with wide-eyed anger.

However, she only saw calmness and threats in the eyes of the self-service machine sister.

Immediately, he pouted in dissatisfaction, but he had to leave because of his sister's deterrence.

"What, obviously I want to swallow it myself, but I still make up these... excuses.

It's true that I am the second palace lord, but you are the first palace lord! You have nothing to do, why should you let me do it?"

Lian Xing whispered, although the voice was very soft, it was deliberately made so that Yaoyue could hear it.

After all, how can a dignified master at the master level not be able to hear a person's broken thoughts? If you really want broken thoughts, the correct production should be a person's silent recitation in his heart.

But since it's read out, it's nothing more than... I hope others can hear it. 0... And what happens when I hear it? Of course, when I hear it, I need to comfort it.

It's a pity, inviting the moon is... no matter what...

She went back to the room directly with the pigeon in her hand.


After closing the doors and windows tightly, the girl stared at the pigeon in front of her with her bright big eyes.

There was also an incredible look in his eyes, no longer the coldness before, but added a cuteness.

Even if she is sick and charming, even if she is blackened, but as a girl, she should have the side of her own little girl.

It's just that he didn't want to show it in front of other people because he was hurt too deeply.

After all, girls who have been hurt are very sensitive at heart.

They don't want to be hurt again, so they wrap themselves tightly and don't let others get close to them.

No one is near, so naturally there will be no harm.

However, deep down in their hearts, they still yearn for a perfect love.


Fang Tianfeng made a sound of pity.

Although Yaoyue can't understand it.

"One is equivalent to 3.

1 to the pigeons of the first-class masters of mankind,"

Yaoyue stretched out her lush fingers and poked at Fang Tianfeng's body. Cherry's small mouth murmured something, "Is it really the legendary monster clan? But, it should be tigers and wolves, right? Why is the demon clan a pigeon? Is there any restriction?"

Yueyue is very curious and excited.

Because, she will be the first human to discover the demon clan.

So she decided to keep this pigeon as a pet.

At the very least, to figure out the secrets of the pigeons.

Chapter 007 Introducing the wolf into the room! (please subscribe)

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

In the past two weeks, Fang Tianfeng has almost become the favorite pet of the girls in the entire Yihua Palace.

Since Yaoyue retreated a week ago, Fang Tianfeng was... raised by Lian Xing.

Then every night, he went to find the girls who played with him during the day, and then went back to play with them.

After all, Fang Tianfeng has never been a man willing to suffer.

Good day, never suffer a loss! Played by women during the day and played with women at night.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng's small days were still very nourishing.

In the past half month, he can be considered to find out.

Yihuagong is definitely not a cult rumored by the outside world. Maybe Yaoyue is a little extreme and sickly, but other girls are very normal.

They hate heartbreakers, but they never say that 04 will kill all the men in the world.

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