Tie Xinlan stood up a little excitedly, as if she wanted to go to the so-called Mr. Hongye.

But for a moment, I only felt a little pain in the wrist, and at a glance, I found that Fang Tianfeng was holding his wrist and refused to let go.

"what are you doing!"

Tie Xinlan glared at Fang Tianfeng angrily, but Fang Tianfeng just shook his head and sneered, "Do you think that...the person is Mr. Hongye"

"Is not it"

Being questioned by Fang Tianfeng, Tie Xinlan felt a little guilty, sat down again, and asked weakly, "Well, isn't that written on it?"

Indeed, the so-called Mr. Hongye is still holding a wooden pole in his hand like a Jianghu Langzhong or a fortune-teller, and there is a line of vertical banners on it, with a letter - Mr. Hongye.

"Mr. Hongye is so cheap."


Fang Tianfeng shook his head lightly, and said lightly, "Even if he really came, it would be right to go directly to Mount Huangshan, how could he be mixed with these... Mr. Hongye goes out, and there are a lot of servants calling and supporting, how can he carry a bookcase like a broken scholar?"

Tie Xinlan is a smart girl with ice and snow, but she doesn't have enough experience in the world... that's all.

At this moment, being slightly mentioned by Fang Tianfeng, he calmed down.

But then, thinking of the big red face he had just made, two blushes appeared on Bai Nen's cheeks.

Chapter 012 ━━━━━━━━━ Mr. Hongye! (please subscribe)

Chapter 012 ━━━━━━━━Mr. Hongye! Please subscribe The so-called Mr. Hongye is actually a character who has risen in the arena in recent years.

This person claims to be the most well-informed in the Jianghu, and has the specific information of all the heroes above the Jianghu.

And Tie Xinlan's father, Tie Ruyun, is no exception.

That's why she was so excited just now, because she wanted to find news about her father.

In fact, she came to Huangshan this time.

In addition to... wanting to confront the eight sects, in fact, it is also to ask Mr. Hongye to inquire about his father.

Of course, she did not fail to embrace the possibility that her father might appear in the martial arts conference.

After all, these people are trying to grab his position as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Of course, the so-called martial arts leader is actually just a congenital rank.

The real master class will not show up, because it is too cheap.

Once a master-level powerhouse makes an all-out attack, that casual strike is the power of a missile, equivalent to a walking nuclear bomb!

So, it's very old-fashioned...there are rules.

It is not when the sect is in danger, and the power of the master cannot be used at will.

Of course, just because you can't use it at will doesn't mean you can't use it.

The main purpose is to restrict the master-level powerhouses from deliberately killing the younger generation of the hostile sects, causing other sects to fail and decline since then.

It's okay to do it, but you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Hey, why is there another Mr. Hongye?"

Tie Xinlan was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but suddenly she heard an exclamation from the next table.

Turning his head to look, he found that there was indeed another 'Mr. Hongye' at that table.


"You are the fake! I'm Mr. Shanxi Hongye."

"I'm Mr. Shandong Hongye."

"It so happens that I am Mr. Guangdong Hongye."

Well, so, counterfeit trademark piracy or something was prevalent even in ancient times.

It's never been the patent of modern people to rub the heat or something.

In fact, these things are all the methods that the ancients played badly.

"So, how could Mr. Hongye drop the price so much?"

Fang Tianfeng sighed faintly, his expression unremarkable.

And Tie Xinlan, her pretty face became more and more rosy and hot.

Because it's so embarrassing.

Just now, she actually wanted to find a fake, and wanted to find a fake to ask her father's news.

If Fang Tianfeng hadn't held her back just now, then she would be really embarrassed.

It doesn't matter if she is embarrassed, but she doesn't want to embarrass her own father.

Once it was known that the daughter of the martial arts leader Kuangshi Tie Ruyun was a fool, she was given to a liar by two charlatans.

At that time, Tie Ruyun will definitely be ridiculed by Jianghu people.

"Brother Tie is the first time to go out"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl who blushed easily, and felt helpless again.

Since you're disguised as a man, I'd like to ask you to be gentle. That man will blush like yours, unless it's a little girl who is in love with her big sister who she likes.

And such little brats have always been arrogant children, and if Fang Tianfeng encounters them, they will be directly beaten to death.

He was the most annoying in his life.

Bear child.

"I, it's my first time..."

Tie Xinlan said in a fidgety manner, a little fidgeting, her pretty face flushed as if she could drip blood.

"Mr. Hongye is here!"

At this moment, he suddenly heard an exclamation from the street outside.

"This is also fake."

Tie Xinlan learned her lesson and pretended to be calm, "Don't worry, Brother Fang, I won't be fooled this time."

"No, this time, it might really be true."

Fang Tianfeng smiled, grabbed the girl's jade hand, and ran towards the door.

I saw a line of dozens of people lined up in two columns to pass through the crowd.

And these people, each carrying a bookcase and holding a stick with the banner of Mr. Hongye.

In the middle of this group of people, there was a small sedan chair.

The white curtain separates the man from the outside world, making him look extraordinarily stylish.

So, this scene is a bit real.

"is this real"

Tie Xinlan looked at Fang Tianfeng pitifully, as if she wanted to ask for proof.

"It should be,"

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help feeling a little funny, nodded and said, "However, if you want to find information about him looking for your father, then you don't have to."


Tie Xinlan asked reluctantly, but it wasn't that she didn't believe it.

Fang Tianfeng's previous actions have already gained her trust.

So after all, it is the first time to go out, it is too easy to trust others, and it is too easy to be deceived.

"Mr. Hongye's file contains the secrets of various martial arts schools and martial arts secrets, everyone wants to read them.

But can anyone who wants to see him be able to show him?"

"This is impossible, Mr. Hongye is not for charity.

Since he was in the arena, he naturally couldn't escape the word fame and fortune.

If you want to ask him for news, it is nothing more than... give money and name."

"You can't give the name, then, there's only money."

"Do you have money"

"No, no."

Tie Xinlan said weakly, almost crying.

Chapter 013 ━━━━━━━━Wulin Conference! (please subscribe)

Since there is no money, there is no way to get Mr. Hongye to tell the news about Tie Xinlan's father Tie Ruyun through normal channels.

Therefore, only abnormal means can be used.

The reason why the martial arts conference will be held in Huangshan, in the final analysis, still has to be someone who initiates the martial arts conference before anyone can go.

Not only must someone initiate it, but this person must also have a certain reputation in the arena.

Moreover, it cannot be a person from the eight sects.

And it just so happened that Jiang Biehe had this qualification.

Jiang Biehe is known as the unparalleled benevolence and righteousness in Jianghu, but in fact he is an out-and-out hypocrite.

Jiang Biehe, formerly known as Jiang Qin, was originally a book boy of Jade Lang Jiang Feng.

However, although Jiang Feng treated him like his own brother, Jiang Qin eventually betrayed Jiang Feng because of his wealth and wealth, and wanted to stand out and cause him to die.

After that, in order to avoid retribution, he changed his name to Jiang Biehe.

And he has always been intentionally imitating Jiang Feng's demeanor, and even won the title of "Jiangnan Hero".

Jiang Biehe has always shown people with a calm attitude, claiming to be indifferent to the world.

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