However, in fact, this person is scheming, sinister and vicious, and has repeatedly created conspiracies to poison the loyal and good people, and will use any means to eradicate dissidents. The ultimate goal is to compete for the status of martial arts hegemony.

Moreover, Jiang Biehe also has a relationship with Liu Xi of Dongchang.

The two of them cooperated in order to make Jiang Biehe the leader of the martial arts alliance, so that the imperial court could control the martial arts.

And Jiang Biehe was also able to have the imperial court as the backing.

In fact, whether it is Jiang Biehe or Mr. Hongye.

In fact, they are all from the East Factory.

No matter how well-informed a person is, it must be achieved through a huge intelligence network established by others.

A mere Mr. Hongye, the so-called record is nothing more than a joke.

The reason why he was able to make a name for himself in a short period of time was simply because he had an intelligence channel that far surpassed others.

And this information channel is... Dongchang.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng knew early in the morning where Tie Xinlan's father was.

However, there are some things you don't have to know.

The so-called empty words, compared to him, Tie Xinlan is afraid to believe that... the so-called Mr. Hongye.

After all, his reputation is there in Huangshan, and at this moment, people from all major sects in the rivers and lakes have gathered.

It is said that the protagonist is the last to appear, and the eight sects and Mr. Hongye are no exception.

Coincidentally, I arrived the day before the start of the martial arts conference.

All I can say is that they had a good time.

"Then what do we do now"

Hidden in the crowd, Tie Xinlan quietly pulled Fang Tianfeng's sleeve and looked at him pitifully.


Fang Tianfeng shook his head helplessly and sighed, "After nightfall, they will definitely go back to their rooms to rest.

When the time comes, go directly to Mr. Hongye to get the information you need."

"By the way, what did you plan to do?"

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help sighing when he looked at the girl who was hesitant to speak.


Tie Xinlan opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word, her ears were already red.

Because, according to her original plan, she directly took her father's token and went directly to the Eight Great Sects to confront him.

It can only be said that her experience in the arena is too little.

Especially after listening to Fang Tianfeng's analysis, she realized how naive she was before.

Looking at her appearance, Fang Tianfeng couldn't guess what she was thinking, or he could only sigh helplessly.

"Remember, don't reveal your identity."

Fang Tianfeng glanced at the bewildered girl and said, "Only hiding in the dark is in our best interest.

Although I don't know what happened to your father, [-]% are inseparable from these...people who participated in the martial arts conference."


Tie Xinlan exclaimed in disbelief, instantly attracting the attention of passersby around her.

Fang Tianfeng helped his forehead helplessly, he shouldn't trust Tie Xinlan too much.

In desperation, she had to hold Tie Xinlan's little hand and leave the crowd directly to a remote corner.

After all, anything in plain sight can be noticed.

If someone overhears and spreads the news to other people, their trip is meaningless.

"That, that..."

Tie Xinlan raised her hand weakly, she also knew that she shouldn't have shouted so loudly, so she is still a little guilty now.

"Did you want to ask why I said that?"

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, looking at the girl nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, he was also quite disappointed, and said lightly, "It's normal, not long after your father disappeared, they were eager to hold a martial arts conference.

It's nothing more than... to steal your father's position as the leader of the martial arts alliance."

"You must know that before your father disappeared, he was the leader of the martial arts alliance. If it was a vendetta, they would naturally not let your father disappear, but directly kill your whole family.

Only someone who covets your father will let him disappear rather than kill him."

"And the only thing your father deserves to be coveted by others is the position under his butt... the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance."

Chapter 014 ━━━━━━━━━ Clue! (please subscribe)

It was night, just as Fang Tianfeng had guessed at the beginning.

The heads of the eight sects and Mr. Hongye all have separate rooms.

And, unlike others.

Everyone else went back to their rooms to rest early, only Mr. Hongye stayed in Jiang Biehe's room: he left after a while.

No one knew what they were talking about, and few people cared.

Because in the eyes of most people, as the initiator of the martial arts conference and the recorder of the martial arts conference, it is normal for them to discuss some things.


Mr. Hongye came out of Jiang Biehe's room, and it could be seen that he was in a good mood and his face was full of smiles.

Until he returned to his room and pushed open the door, the smile on his face disappeared instantly without a trace.

Because, there are two strangers in my room! "You..."

Mr. Hongye scolded immediately, wanting to ask loudly who they were.

Not only can it play a deterrent effect, but it can also attract other people to come over when the sound is loud.

After all, Mr. Hongye has a great reputation.

However, he himself is only a third-rate person.

Whether it is martial arts or combat experience, it is almost zero.

Just this third-rate, it's all piled up by taking medicine.

After all, Dongchang also doesn't want anyone to escape their control.

If Mr. Hongye is too strong, then he may betray Dongchang instead.

As for safety, of course there is nothing to worry about.

After all, Mr. Hongye is only in charge of recording, and never argues with the rivers and lakes. After all, he can't participate in the spicy chicken martial arts.

Therefore, there is no enemy, and naturally no one wants to kill him.

However, his idea is good.

But the next moment, the man fell straight down.

After all, Fang Tianfeng is also a grandmaster.

To deal with a third-rate, if you can still make him scream, then you really don't have to mess around.

"Look for it."

Fang Tianfeng directly brought Mr. Hongye in, and took off the bookcase on him by the way.

And Tie Xinlan also hurriedly opened the bookcase and read the information she wanted from it.

"The hand fold of the martial arts leader: , find it."

Tie Xinlan's face was overjoyed, and she hurriedly opened her handfold: to find out about her father's news, "The mad lion Tie Ruyun, on the eighth day of March in the last year of the second year, overwhelmed the heroes and was elected as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

"Ding You was besieged by fourteen 14 mysterious masters in Chang'an in early July, and his whereabouts are unknown since then."

"There are three rumors later, one of which is that he was killed by the Murong family."

"Secondly, he was killed by Yihua Palace."

"Article [-] is blacked out."

Tie Xinlan anxiously folded her hand and handed it to Fang Tianfeng, "What should I do?"

"If it's blacked out, it's confirmed."

Fang Tianfeng nodded thoughtfully, and said lightly, "Because it has been confirmed, I don't want to be known, so I have to black it out."

"What to do then"

Tie Xinlan looked at Mr. Hongye, who was lying on the ground, and bit her lower lip, "Or, call him up and ask him what is blacked out?"

"Forget it, he won't tell you if you ask him."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, breaking the girl's hope, and said lightly, "Let's go, just go back and check it slowly."

Tie Xinlan was silent, but nodded anyway.

Because she knew that if it wasn't for Fang Tianfeng, she wouldn't even get this hand fold:

In fact, Fang Tianfeng lied.

People like Hongye are so-called... fame and fortune.

And on the basis of fame and fortune, he will definitely find ways to satisfy his other desires, such as lust.

And because of this, such people are extremely afraid of death.

As long as his life is a threat, he is willing to say anything at that time.

However, if Tie Xinlan knew the truth and let her rescue her father, it would be no fun.

Because her father was already in Jiang Mansion and was imprisoned by Jiang Biehe.

So, of course, she can't let her know the truth.

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