Not only... can't let: she know the truth, but also let her go along with Jiang Biehe's conspiracy.

At that time, he will have the opportunity to be a hero to save the beauty, and then he will be able to talk about love for a long time in the future.

"Tomorrow you go to the martial arts conference."

Fang Tianfeng thought for a while, and suggested to Tie Xinlan, "There is no hope for Hongye, then only if you become the leader of the martial arts alliance, can you have the opportunity to continue to track down your father's whereabouts."


Tie Xinlan was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand hastily, "I can't do it, the heads of the four major gangs of the Eight Great Sects are here this time, they are all congenital masters, even my father would not dare to say that they will surely win against them.

I'm just a mere first-class strength, how could I be their opponent."

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said lightly, "You can't, but I can help you."

In the TV series, this so-called martial arts conference is more like a farce.

In fact, it is only for the sense of picture and the tension of the performance, in order to attract the audience.

But now it is in reality, it is almost impossible for Tie Xinlan to win with her own strength.

Unless, someone helped her beat all the people from the eight sects.

Chapter 015 The Unparalleled Benevolence and Righteousness Bie He! (please subscribe)

Jiang Biehe.

Known as the unparalleled benevolence and righteousness of Jiangnan heroes.

However, this is a hypocrite, a fake hero.

People all over the world say that it is better to be a real villain.

Don't be a hypocrite.

It is even regarded as the truth.

However, in fact, this is nothing more than rhetoric and self-deception.

The reason why hypocrites are more disgusting than real villains is because hypocrites have been doing good deeds and pretending to be good people in the city all their lives.

Therefore, when the true face of the hypocrite is exposed, the contrast will be dwarfed, and people will hate the hypocrite more than the real villain.

And this is... human nature.

A hypocrite spends [-]% of his life pretending to be a good person, and to pretend to be a good person is to do good deeds.

Once one day something he does does not conform to his setting, others will call him hypocritical and forget about [-]% of the good deeds he has done.

And really small people, [-]% of their lives are evil.

But if one day, he suddenly repented.

People will praise him, and the prodigal son will return for nothing.

Just like a story goes, a beggar, if you give him a dollar a day, but one day you don't give it to him, he will yell at him and forget it. In fact, you have no obligation to give him this dollar at all.

And another person, if you hit him every day, and suddenly stop hitting him one day, he thinks you are a good person.

In the end, it's actually a benefit.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he doesn't care who is a hypocrite and who is a real villain.

He only sees who can bring benefits to himself, then he can say anything.

Although Jiang Biehe is a hypocrite, he is cooperating with Dongchang.

In other words, he is actually a member of the court.

Since he is his own little brother, he can say anything.

Whether he is a hypocrite or not, what does it matter? The so-called martial arts conference, naturally not everyone can participate.

The four major gangs of the eight major sects, plus Jiang Biehe himself.

There are thirteen people in total, that is... all the candidates for this so-called martial arts conference.

To participate in the martial arts conference, you must first, and secondly, have to do with strength.

The reason why Crazy Lion Tie Ruyun was able to stand out last time was because of his outstanding strength, even among the innate talents.

And Tie Xinlan, as his daughter, naturally also participates in it.

On the rivers and lakes, if there are innate powerhouses, they can naturally come over to join in the fun.

However, how can those in the world... innate, beat the elites cultivated by the eight sects? Even if they come, they will only be ridiculed.

"Everyone, we gathered here today to elect the leader of the martial arts alliance."

"And to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, three conditions must be met."

"First, martial arts must be enough to overwhelm the heroes."

"Second, we must eliminate the harm of martial arts."

"And thirdly, to find out the whereabouts of the previous Iron Alliance Leader, it would be justifiable for him to hand over the Alliance Leader token."

Jiang Biehe stood on the ring, looked at the hundreds of people below, and said eloquently, "And this time the selection of the leader of the martial arts alliance, there are twelve representatives from the eight major sects and the four major gangs.

Plus you, there are thirteen candidates in total."

"However, this martial arts conference is a conference for everyone in the martial arts.

Anyone who thinks they have enough strength can speak freely and give it a try."

"I don't know, but any hero wants to come up and have a try"

Hearing this, hundreds of people in the audience suddenly fell silent, and no one was willing to be the first bird.

Because they all know that they don't have this strength.

They just came to watch the show and join in the fun. When did the so-called martial arts alliance leader have anything to do with them? Jiang Biehe just said it casually, and they just listened to it.

Of course, you can't... deny that Jiang Biehe's words really made most of them feel good about him.

"Okay, since there is no, then I announce that the martial arts conference is officially open..."

After waiting for a while, Jiang Biehe found that no one was willing to stand up, so he loudly wanted to announce the start of the martial arts conference.

However, as if deliberately against him, someone made a sound.

"and many more...!"

The crisp, lark-like voice sounded from behind the crowd, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Wen Sheng looked around, but saw a girl in a purple dress walking towards the ring with a maid in a green skirt.

Su raised his hands high, holding a token in his hand.

For a time, the people in the martial arts who were surrounded by the ring quickly gave way.

Because, the Hao Ran in the girl's hand is the token of the leader of the martial arts alliance! Not only them, but also Jiang Biehe felt incredible.

Because he knew this girl, Tie Xinlan, the daughter of Mad Lion Tie Ruyun.

"Xin Lan Xian's niece."

Jiang Biehe quickly showed a kind smile on his face, greeting him like a kind elder.

"Uncle Jiang,"

Tie Xinlan bowed politely and said softly, "My father, as the previous martial arts leader, since he disappeared, he is naturally not worthy of continuing to be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

So, I sent my father's token."

After speaking, the conversation suddenly changed, "However, as the family member of the previous martial arts leader, I should also be eligible to participate in this martial arts conference."

Chapter 016 Nonsense! (please subscribe)

The token must be a token, otherwise the name is not right.

Moreover, it is not enough to create a new token at random.

That would be too casual. If it can be made casually, what is the significance of the martial arts leader? This token must be unique.

And in fact, it is.

Because, this token is made of cold iron outside the sky.

What is called the cold iron outside the sky is actually... a meteorite, and it is a meteorite.

And meteorite iron is naturally countless times more precious than ordinary iron.

Moreover, the weapons forged by meteorite iron are also the objects of competition among experts in the rivers and lakes.

Tie Xinlan is willing to take the initiative to hand over the token, which is actually... a gesture of goodwill.

Regardless of whether others like it or not, Tie Xinlan has already occupied the righteousness.

After all, she knows the righteousness, and does not occupy the token amount of the martial arts leader, but handed it over selflessly.

First of all, it won the favor of most of the people present.

After that, Tie Xinlan's proposal to participate in the competition for the leader of the martial arts alliance, it is not to mention.

Because this is the right that all people in martial arts have, but most people do not have the strength and courage.

And Tie Xinlan has the courage to get the quota she deserves.

Others won't say anything, they just take it for granted.

And those...the eight sects, it's not easy to say anything.

After all, it is to let people hand over the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, so it is normal for Tie Xinlan to feel unwilling.

Therefore, she wants to participate in the martial arts conference to compete for the martial arts leader, and the problem is not big:.

What's more, she's just a first-rate.

First-class in the rivers and lakes, can be regarded as a first-class player.

It's a pity, which of these people present is not a congenital one, a first-class, and it is impossible to reverse the gods among a group of congenitals, it does not exist.

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