When I waited for myself, only the ugly one was left...or second-hand goods.

And now, after finally meeting one, it is completely possible for the two of them to be together.

In the end, the cowardly force of my own brother was about to run away! "You..."

That younger brother was about to be mad at him, is his cheap brother really a fool? Although the other party didn't do anything, the light-handed method just now is enough to prove that the other party is definitely superior to innate strength.

Now you don't want to run, but you still want to do something. You're so afraid that you haven't died! "You don't have to leave if you want to go."

Fang Tianfeng glanced at the two of them indifferently, and the younger brother among the flower-picking bees suddenly fell into an ice cave, despaired in his heart, and only wanted to fight to the death.

Because even if you know there is a dead end, you will calm down when you are approaching death, and you want to fight to see if you can kill a bloody way.

Fang Tianfeng somewhat admired this younger brother among the flower-picking bees, and his eyesight was quite good.

However, I have to make a flower thief. It's good to be a robber, and it's not bad to kill someone to steal money. I have to be a flower thief.

Isn't this forcing him to kill? The younger brother in the flower-picking bee is desperate, but the older brother feels that he is sure of everything.

After all, he did not feel any internal force fluctuations from Fang Tianfeng.

It looks like... an ordinary boy.

I don't have any martial arts, but I still think about heroes saving beauty all day long.

He has killed a lot of such idiots, not to mention this one.

The most important thing is that girl.

If nothing else, the two brothers had never played such a good game.

Although the clothes are simple and even shabby, they cannot hide the gorgeous appearance of the girl.

So, this is the difference.

That younger brother could judge from Fang Tianfeng's Qinggong that he was born above the heavens, but this older brother only focused on the superficial fluctuations of internal strength in Fang Tianfeng's body, and instinctively ignored his Qinggong.

Because, he has been dazed by beauty.

Sometimes, the difference is... in the little things.

"Yuyan, let's go."

Fang Tianfeng smiled, glanced at the two of them indifferently, and lightly hugged the girl and walked towards the carriage that arrived not far away.

The two bees have been killed, and the rest is just to go back and cross the line.

"Where to go!"

How could the elder brother among the flower-picking bees sit back and watch them leave, and angrily wanted to chase after them.

However, the next moment, he saw his upper body suddenly slide down, blood spurting several meters high! But his younger brother's eyes were full of despair.

Chapter 021 Save People! (please subscribe)

Generally speaking, moves will have more powerful power along with internal power.

But with it, there is also the power dissipation brought about by the dispersion of internal forces.

So, if you can't control your inner strength.

It is impossible to cut a person in half with a single knife, but when the knife is slashed, it will cause the opponent's whole person to be blown up due to the overflow of power.

Like a living bomb, flesh and blood flew.

At the same time, the dispersion of internal force also means a decrease in power.

Fang Tianfeng's internal power control is actually not high, but because of his special physique.

So he can perfectly control his body, so he can also block those... uncontrollable internal forces, so that they cannot overflow.

And the rest, those......the internal force used can be mastered.

Therefore, his knife can achieve such power.

It was obvious that they had already cut through the bodies of the two, but it was as if nothing had happened.

Because it was so fast, their bodies didn't even react.

The various functions of the body are still functioning normally, except... There is a blood line that cuts the body.

If you keep your body still forever, you may still be alive.

Because it was too fast, the organs that were... cut off didn't respond.

After a while, it might grow back up.

It's a pity that they don't have such perseverance.

Flower picker, died.

On one side is the grandmaster, on the other there are only two first-rate masters.

From the start, it has been a doomed struggle.

As a flower thief, the most powerful thing is not fighting, but medicine and light work.

Unfortunately, in front of the master, nothing is meaningful.

"Young master, Yuyan thank you for saving your life."

Jiang Yuyan had been brought to the carriage by Fang Tianfeng, and left the range of the two flower-picking bees' corpses.

However, the girl's curiosity still caused her to turn around and saw two blood spurting lower bodies.

Although I was a little horrified in my heart, I controlled my emotions very well, saluted and said gratefully.

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of heart is quite good.

If it were an ordinary lady, she would be screaming at this moment.

However, Jiang Yuyan was not the same. Although she was a little scared, she did not tremble when she spoke.

Even those so-called heroes are not as calm as she is in the arena.

Of course, this is also related to her life experience.

Although Jiang Yuyan is Jiang Biehe's daughter, she is an illegitimate daughter.

Her mother was a singer, and Jiang Biehe once had sex with her.

However, because of his wife, he never dared to take a concubine, nor did he dare to take Jiang Yuyan's mother home.

She didn't even dare to give her mother a little money to support her in private.

Because Jiang Biehe knew very well that his wife was not only a yellow-faced woman, but also ruthless.

Once she knew that she was secretly sponsoring her little lover, she would definitely kill Jiang Yuyan's mother and daughter.

Therefore, it is better to let them live a hard life, at least not life-threatening.

However, even so, the poor days still overwhelmed them.

Since childhood, Jiang Yuyan followed her mother.

A few months ago, her mother died of a serious illness.

Before she died, let her find Jiang Biehe, a hero in the south of the Yangtze River, and let her go to her own father.

Although Jiang Biehe is hypocritical, he can't be just as ruthless towards his own flesh and blood, um, although it is true.

Of course, although Jiang Biehe is famous all over the world, many people in the world know that he lives in Huangshan.

However, Jiang Yuyan is not a Jianghu person.

She wanted to find her father, so she wanted to ask the people in Jianghu in her imagination to help her find Jiang Biehe.

In her eyes, the so-called Jianghu people are... beggars.

Although this is true, although the Beggar Gang has declined, it is still one of the four major gangs.

However, the two beggars she was looking for were real beggars! Beggars are not equal to a beggar gang! Therefore, these two beggars took her money and planned to sell her to a brothel.

And it's not an ordinary brothel, but a brothel in the nearby big city, after all, the price there is higher.

After all, who made her look beautiful and lonely? No man would dislike such a girl.

The two beggars had done a good job, and they were willing to sell her to a brothel for at least one thousand taels of silver.

If it wasn't for the fear that it would be worthless, I'm afraid they would all want to enjoy it first.

But they finally made a wishful thinking and sold her to a brothel first.

Then after she sells the first night and lowers the price, they will use the money from selling her to prostitute.

Well, beggars are really beggars.

It's a pity that the wishful thinking was loud, but in the middle of the road, he met the two brothers of the flower bee.

As a result, the two beggars were naturally killed immediately, and Jiang Yuyan was also teased by the picking flowers and bee brothers, and was almost on the verge of rape.

As a result, Fang Tianfeng saw the injustice and saved her, so Jiang Yuyan's mood at this time can be imagined.

At the very least, Fang Tianfeng saw a strong nympho in her eyes.

Chapter 022 Life Experience! (please subscribe)

After listening to Jiang Yuyan's story, Fang Tianfeng knew for a long time that he didn't feel anything.

However, Tie Xinlan was crying like a mess.

She always thought that her life was hard, but now she found out that Jiang Yuyan suffered much more than her.

At the very least, although her father disappeared, she came here without worrying about eating or drinking.

Which is like Jiang Yuyan, who has suffered so much since childhood.

Especially the thick calluses on the girl's fair-skinned jade hands made Tie Xinlan feel distressed.

When I saw... the simple clothes on the girl, I immediately pulled her into the carriage and went straight to the city to buy clothes.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, no matter how beautiful girls are, but clothes can always give them extra points.

Just like Jiang Yuyan, she was just a village girl with stunning looks.

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