Now, she is like a peerless beauty of Xiaojiabiyu.

A green emerald cigarette shirt, a pleated skirt of green grass with scattered flowers and mist, and a thin gauze of emerald water.

If the shoulders are cut into waists, they will look like plain, and the muscles will be as fat as the orchid.

Charming and boneless three points 3.

Seeing her fold her slender waist and take a slight step, her wrists are in a light gauze.

The wind is bun and the temples are exposed, the eyebrows and eyes are full of spring, the skin is as delicate as warm jade and soft and greasy, the cherry mouth is not red and red, and the two strands of hair on the cheeks are softly brushed in the wind to add a bit of attractiveness. style.

And a pair of bright eyes.

Bright and clear.

Bright as stars.

His eyes turned wisely, a little bit naughty, a little bit naughty, he was wearing a light green long dress, his waist was not full, and he was so flawless and so beautiful.

"How is it, it's beautiful"

Tie Xinlan showed off and pushed the girl in front of Fang Tianfeng with a smug expression on her face.

After all, she chose this dress for the girl.

Ever since she learned that Jiang Yuyan is Jiang Biehe's daughter, and her life has been so rough and miserable, there is only pity left in her heart.

He even forgot the girl's father, Jiang Biehe, who actually had bad intentions for her.

That's why some people often say that women are fickle.

They can hold grudges for a lifetime for a trivial matter, or they can forget all bad intentions and hatred for a trivial matter that makes them pity and move.

"Well, it's beautiful."

Fang Tianfeng sighed inwardly and chuckled, "It looks much better than before."


Hearing Fang Tianfeng's compliment, Jiang Yuyan couldn't help, tears filled her eyes, full of love.

It naturally exudes a soft and lovable temperament, and it is noticed all the time.

It's no wonder that the two flower pickers didn't go straight up, but wanted to tease her.

Because of her soft and weak appearance, it is too provocative for men to like her.

One punch will definitely make you cry for a long time.

"Let's go, it's getting late."

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said softly, "Just as we killed the flower-picking bee and wanted to go back for business, let's bring Miss Jiang back to Jiangfu together."


Tie Xinlan did not have any opinion, and nodded lightly.

Jiang Yuyan, however, looked so moved that she was about to cry.

However, Fang Tianfeng unknowingly looked down on Jiang Yuyan.

It has nothing to do with whether he likes it or not, of course he will not let go of such a beautiful girl as Jiang Yuyan.

However, because she is too easy to fall in love with, he made him unknowingly reduce her points.

It also has something to do with preference.

It's like someone likes Yujie, and Dololi dismisses it.

There are also people who like Lolita and scoff at Sister Yu.

Although Fang Tianfeng is not a picky eater, he also likes it more or less.

Even if he is exposed to rain and dew, it is impossible for him to be completely fair and just.

It seems that no matter how many harems he has, Gao Lan will always be the first in his heart.

And perhaps, it was also influenced by the first girlfriend Gao Lan.

Compared with Jiang Yuyan, who likes nympho, she prefers those girls who are more powerful.

For example, Begonia, and Piaoxu.

He also likes Xue Ji's kind... gentle character, because she is a gentle and pleasant Yamato Nadeko, not a nympho.

After calculating the time, he sent it to Dongying: the messenger should have arrived long ago.

Line up to meet Dongying: The envoy's fleet should have already received the Xueji sisters and brought them back.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng still has a certain respect for the sea.

The Yuan Dynasty planned to conquer the barbarians, but the entire fleet was wiped out by a typhoon.

Hundreds of thousands of people were wiped out.

Of course, most of the [-] troops at that time were on the shore, not on the ship.

The so-called total annihilation refers to the destruction of all those ships.

As for the casualties, although they were equally large, they were far from the point of total annihilation.

But this alone is enough to see the power of the sea.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng sent the most advanced warships of the Ming Dynasty to meet Xue Ji and the others.

"Let's go on horseback, go faster."

Tie Xinlan thought for a while, and facing Fang Tianfeng's surprised gaze, she suggested, "It would be better to reunite Yuyan sister and her father as soon as possible, the carriage is too slow."

"as long as you are happy."

Fang Tianfeng thought for a while and nodded.

Anyway..., it's not yourself who suffers.

Chapter 023 Marriage! (please subscribe)

Jiang Yuyan would definitely not be able to ride a horse. From childhood to adulthood, she lived a hard life and couldn't even afford to eat. How could she still have spare money and time to buy a horse and ride a horse? Tie Xinlan originally wanted to take Jiang Yuyan to ride a horse.

She is not bad at horseback riding, and she is not afraid of throwing her.

However, Jiang Yuyan himself took the initiative to find Fang Tianfeng.

Jiang Yuyan sat firmly on the horse, Fang Tianfeng was sitting behind her and hugged her to prevent her from falling.

And Tie Xinlan, finally breaking free from her sympathy for Jiang Yuyan, was looking at Fang Tianfeng's back with some resentment.

She finally understood why Fang Tianfeng had that surprised look just now.

It can be said that she took the initiative to pit herself.

Since it is necessary to ride a horse to speed up, of course it is impossible to walk slowly, it is better to ride a carriage and be restrained.

Because he had to take care of Jiang Yuyan, Fang Tianfeng deliberately did not let her sit on the horse.

For those who are riding for the first time, especially for girls, the friction of the back of the horse and the inner thighs are really painful.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng asked Jiang Yuyan to put his legs aside, sit on the back of a horse, put his arms around Fang Tianfeng's waist, and rest his small head on his chest.

And Tie Xinlan, looking at the backs of the two with a resentful expression, felt unhappy.

In the end, I simply did not do the second and did not stop, ,, and directly galloped to the front, out of sight and out of mind.

The wind whistled past, and even if you were sitting on the side, you could still feel the bumps when the horse ran.

The petite and tender body swayed along the horse's back, even a little like being thrown out.

However, the girl just grabbed the man's waist and felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

The hands that held the reins were firm and strong, and the arms were like steel that firmly protected her in her arms.

The warm feeling coming from the man's chest made the girl feel more at ease.

Smelling the strong smell on the man's body, the girl's heart skipped a beat like a deer.

Which girl doesn't have spring? Even if Fang Tianfeng doesn't like girls who are prone to nympho, he thinks that such girls are not strong-willed.

However, Jiang Yuyan didn't know these...  

The child of the poor family is in charge of the family early, let alone a single-parent family, she has only a mother and no father.

At this age, she has endured undeserved pressure and achieved maturity earlier than others.

Therefore, at this time, she has hidden what is called love.

Of course, it also has something to do with Fang Tianfeng's face.

Although he is not a peerless beauty, he is probably not comparable to Shi Jiangfeng.

But at least he's a handsome guy.

If you change to a big man with a greasy face, it is impossible for Jiang Yuyan to become crazy, it does not exist.

Even if it is a nympho, even if it is a hero saving beauty, it is the same.

Huangshan is not far away, but after an hour of running, it has reached the foot of Huangshan.

Ignoring the gazes of the people in the rivers and lakes at the foot of the mountain, Tie Xinlan felt that the pair of dogs and men behind her felt upset, ignoring the rule of Huangshan that no one should ride a horse, and ran straight up.

And Fang Tianfeng, who was following behind, was helpless, and it was also worth galloping on his horse.

But with this move, I am afraid that the leader of the martial arts alliance will blow it.

Because, Tie Xinlan will definitely leave the impression of arrogance and arrogance in the eyes of people in Jianghu.

Even if he didn't, Jiang Biehe would definitely launch his own forces to vigorously promote it, and he would never miss such a good opportunity.

At that time, even if not, it will become.

And once someone left such an impression, Jiang Biehe could justifiably prevent her from serving as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

So, jealousy destroys everything.

Even the horseback riding was proposed by herself, but now she herself is jealous.

Fang Tianfeng felt helpless, but he couldn't say anything.

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