After all, he was destined to open a harem.

First let Tie Xinlan get upset and sulky, and then get used to it when she gets mad.

Well, let's talk.

It seems that Haitang has also negotiated with the Murong family, and the eldest daughter of the Murong family will marry into the palace and become the imperial concubine.

However, this is not enough.

Haitang means to marry the two daughters of the Murong family to the emperor.

However this is not possible.

The Murong family is not stupid, they still understand the principle that eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Although the royal family deserves to be flattered, they are people from the south of the Yangtze River after all, and it is impossible to put all the bets on the imperial money and Zhao family.

Therefore, it is impossible for all daughters to marry Miao.

Of course, although it is impossible to marry a daughter to the royal family all at once.

But the Murong family has also compromised and is already negotiating with Haitang.

Arms can't twist thighs, after all, they are just famous families in martial arts.

The imperial court never cares about these...., marrying you is looking down on you.

If you dare to object, you will be defiant and despise the court.

At that time, directly send the army to pacify your Murong family.

Therefore, the head of the Murong family's hair is now gray.

In the face of the aggressive court, I don't know what to do.

Just as he was thinking about it, he had already reached the gate of Jiangfu.

Chapter 024 Recognize each other! (please subscribe)

The servants of Jiang Mansion naturally knew Tie Xinlan and Fang Tianfeng. After all, at the martial arts conference the day before yesterday, they had all the limelight.

Therefore, they immediately greeted the two of them respectfully.

No matter what it looks like or not, at least it's superficial.

"This son, Miss Tie, I don't know but that task has been completed."

The servants had already gone to spread the word, and the one standing in front of them at this time was Jiang Biehe's apprentice, Jiang Dan.

At this time, Jiang Dan still had a flattering and hypocritical smile on his face.

I don't know how to do martial arts, but I have learned [-]% of this hypocrisy.

"Of course it's done, otherwise what do you think we're doing back here?"

Fang Tianfeng glanced at him, and said indifferently, "Picking bees, they were just slaughtered two hours ago."

"If that's the case, then I don't know where the corpse of this flower-picking bee is."

Jiang Dan smiled, but he didn't care and continued to ask.

"What right do you have to ask me here?"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly gave him a cold look, and immediately made Jiang Biehe's most esteemed disciple fall into an ice cave, "Your master asked him to come out to see us, as for you, just do your part. "

Jiang Dan's head was in a cold sweat, and he felt like he was being seen through in an instant, and he almost collapsed to the ground in fear.

"Hahaha, little friend, Jiang is late, so the two of you have been waiting for a long time."

At this moment, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the back hall, Jiang Biehe walked in from the back, and patted Jiang Dan's shoulder, "You do your thing, leave it to me here."

"Yes, Master."

Jiang Dan hurriedly bowed respectfully, and then hurriedly backed out.

Fang Tianfeng put too much pressure on him, there was still a look of fear on his face, he didn't dare to stop, and hurriedly walked towards you in the backyard.

He must report this matter to his wife immediately.

Fang Tianfeng was stronger than everyone imagined.

"Fang Xiaoyou, it is said that the flower-picking bee has been killed. I don't know where this person's body is."

Jiang Biehe smiled and spoke softly.

The voice is gentle and humble, and it is easy to make people feel good.

A person in a high position must know how to act and what kind of attitude and tone to use.

"Both of the flower-picking bees were killed by ambush."

Fang Tianfeng glanced at him, and without looking back, he said lightly, "As for the evidence, what evidence do you want? On the official road [-] miles outside the city, their bodies are still lying there. If you want evidence, you can find it yourself. ."

"Haha, little friend is joking."

Jiang Biehe laughed, full of energy, but he was covering up his lack of confidence, casting a shadow on his heart.

Blossom Picker had news of two people, and he never told anyone.

Even Mr. Hongye may not know this.

However, Fang Tianfeng swore to tell him that both the flower-picking bees were killed, which only showed that he really encountered the flower-picking bees.

And, they have all been killed.

Jiang Biehe thought that he knew very well the characters of these young chivalrous girls, and in their hearts, they would not do such things to ruin their own reputation and spread rumors indiscriminately.

It's not just them, there are famous and surnamed people on the rivers and lakes, all cherish their reputations.

"Little friend, you said that there are two flower-picking bees, but this flower-picking bee, there are still two people who can't succeed"

Jiang Biehe's heart sank, but he still had a kind expression on his face, and asked curiously, as if it was the first time he had heard of it.

Jiang Biehe is definitely not a good person, but he is definitely not a simple person either.

His martial arts are not high, and he is in the middle of the innate.

But on the rivers and lakes, he can be regarded as a top expert.

It is not that the Eight Great Sects are stronger than him, but they are not as famous as him.

The Eight Gates are famous for tickets, not individuals.

And it is precisely because of his unparalleled reputation that no one has dared to challenge him.

In rivers and lakes, sometimes fame is more important than the so-called strength.

Because, some people just... recognize fame.

But at this moment, Jiang Yuyan's eyes were looking straight at Jiang Biehe.

She has always thought she had no father, and envied those children with happy families since she was a child.

But before her mother died, she suddenly told her that her father was Jiang Biehe, a famous Jiangnan hero.

It would be a lie to say that she was not proud or excited.

However, she was a little afraid in her heart, not because her mother was lying to her, but because she was afraid that Jiang Biehe would not accept her.

After all, the identity gap is really too big.

Even if there was a token from her mother, she was afraid that Jiang Biehe would not recognize her.

But now, seeing the gentle and humble Jiang Biehe, her heart couldn't help but calm down.

Even though Jiang Biehe was a hypocrite, he was very successful in his disguise.

At the very least, even Fang Tianfeng couldn't find the fault.

As her daughter, she has the extra points of family affection, and her affection for him is even higher.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Yuyan was even a little overjoyed, and also a little excited and unbelievable.

Because this man is actually her father.

Chapter 025 Recognize each other!Down! (please subscribe)

Even Tie Xinlan could see the longing in Jiang Yuyan's eyes.

People who have been in love since childhood will know how to cherish this relationship more.

What you can't get is always what you want.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yuyan was destined to be disappointed.

Fang Tianfeng shook his head indifferently and said nothing.

Although Jiang Biehe himself was a very shrewd person, he could even betray his master Jiang Feng for profit.

However, this is not incomprehensible.

Humans are born to seek profit.

Jiang Qin is just a little book boy, but Jiang Feng is a well-known Jade Lang.

Jiang Biehe doesn't care...

What kind of psychology did he betray Jiang Feng, but in the end he didn't really take Jiang Feng as his master.

Think about it too, who wants to be born to be a contemporary person? Besides, Jiang Biehe has been deliberately imitating Jiang Feng all these years, and he has no reason to envy him.

Yulang Jiang Feng, who was famous in the rivers and lakes at the beginning, can be said to be unknown to everyone.

Perhaps it was precisely because of jealousy that he would not hesitate to betray Jiang Feng.

And because of envy, he couldn't help imitating Jiang Feng.

However, he can't call the shots.

In the past ten years, Jiang Biehe has been in the world of Jianghu with the name of the unparalleled Jiangnan hero, which is inseparable from his wife Liu Shi.

It's not how powerful Liu is, but how powerful her backers are.

Because her backer is Liu Xi from Dongchang.

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