Over the years, Liu Xi has been helping Jiang Biehe build his reputation with Dongchang's resources.

In contrast, Jiang Biehe also married his current wife Liu.

And Liu, because of the support of his godfather Liu Xi, is always arrogant and domineering.

Jiang Biehe was shameless in front of her and was humiliated by her in every possible way.

Because, after all, he has to rely on Liu Xi behind this woman, and Dongchang behind Liu Xi.

Therefore, as long as the Liu family does not nod, Jiang Yuyan will not be able to recognize her relatives in this life.

Even, will be humiliated by Liu, just like the original.

"Master Fang, I don't know who this girl is"

Jiang Biehe's eyes finally shifted to Jiang Yu, and he asked with some hesitation.

He felt a familiar aura on Jiang Yuyan, as if he had passed her.

However, I can't remember anything.

So, he still couldn't bear it.


When Jiang Yuyan saw Jiang Biehe finally noticed her, she couldn't help but feel happy, even if she wanted to answer.

However, it was interrupted violently by Fang Tianfeng.

"Master Jiang, how about taking a step to speak."

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand to stop the girl, and looked at Jiang Biehe with a smile.

"it is good."

Jiang Biehe was stunned for a while, nodded lightly, and made a gesture of invitation, "Then go to Qinzhai to chat, please come with me."

Jiang Biehe can be said to be deliberate, imitating Jiang Feng of the year in everything.

Even, if someone said that he and Jiang Feng of the year wanted very much, he would be happy because of it.

Therefore, it is really hard to believe that the person who admires Jiang Feng so much and imitates Jiang Feng for more than ten years is actually the real murderer who betrayed Jiang Feng and caused the death of both Jiang Feng and his wife.

Fang Tianfeng couldn't think of any other reason, he could only say that jealousy drives people crazy.

Perhaps it was simply jealous of Jiang Feng, or it could be because of Jiang Feng's wife Hua Yuenu.

That... the woman who can make Jiang Feng stunned and play around, making him believe what she said, naturally has an unusual charm.

0 Maybe, he just... unknowingly fell into the charm of being a Huayue slave.

In the end, I betrayed Jiang Feng with the idea that I can't get anyone.

He took Fang Tianfeng and Jiang Yuyan all the way through the corridor to his Qinzhai, and also saw the style of this room.

The layout of the qin studio is very simple. There is a Nanmu qin and a square chair on the qin table.

On the cabinets against the wall, there are all kinds of porcelain and decorations.

It looks like it should be antique.

"Young Master Fang, if you have something to say, please speak directly."

Jiang Biehe still kept a smile on his face, like a graceful gentleman.

......"Then I'll just say it."

Fang Tianfeng nodded and said lightly, "I came to see you today, except... about the flower-picking bee, I'm here for an old friend of yours more than ten years ago, Daxia Jiang."

The girl stood beside her obediently, letting Fang Tianfeng speak for herself, and there was even a hint of sweetness in her heart.

"The old man..."

The smile on Jiang Biehe's face gradually disappeared, his pupils shrank, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

Let him act, how to cover up his flaws, but he still can't look directly at his inner demon.

When Fang Tianfeng mentioned his old friend, the first thing he thought of was not his... lover, but Jiang Feng.

"Jiang has been traveling for more than ten years, and there are many old friends. I don't know which one the young hero is talking about"

Jiang Biehe was able to disguise for so many years without being seen through, so naturally he has the strength to win an Oscar.

He quickly got used to it, and forced himself to show a smile like a spring breeze.

"Master Jiang, don't be nervous."

Fang Tianfeng smiled, he liked this hypocrite's panicked expression very much.

Chapter 026 Whistleblowing! (please subscribe)

It is very easy to satisfy a person who has been acting all the year round and acted so much that he can deceive himself.

Perhaps this is why Holmes is so keen on solving crimes.

"Jiang Daxia, do you still remember the... singer from ten years ago?"

Fang Tianfeng saw that it was almost there, and he didn't want to force Jiang Biehe to really blow himself up, so he was straightforward.


Jiang Biehe was suddenly startled, and the shock in his heart was no less than hearing the names of Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu.

Because he was not afraid of anyone in his life.

Even if he was a hypocrite, he never felt that he owed anyone.

"Eight Three Seven"

Except... those three people.

Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu, naturally, needless to say, they have become his inner demon, his nightmare.

And there is one more, that is... that... the singer.

That... the singer who abandoned him because of his pursuit of glory and wealth.

And that... songgirl, is also the only woman in his life who has truly been touched.


As if remembering something, Jiang Biehe suddenly turned his eyes to Jiang Yuyan, his outstretched hand trembled slightly.

I felt that this girl felt very familiar before, and vaguely had the feeling of an old friend, but I didn't remember it for a while.

But now it looks like this girl looks like there is a shadow of herself and her between her eyebrows! Back then, he hooked up with Liu Xi's goddaughter.

I thought I would never love again in this life, so I have already talked to her about marriage.

However, when he was visiting a brothel by chance, he came across that... the woman in his heart.

However, good fortune makes people.

Liu Xi's goddaughter has no fart ability, but her desire for control and jealousy is extremely strong.

But she still has a big backer, and he also needs to use this backer to climb up, and he has no ability to resist.

So he compromised, left some money and ditched the... songstress.

But now, her daughter has come to the door.

"You talk first, and I'll go out and help you watch for a while."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the woman who was about to cry, couldn't stand the atmosphere, shrugged and opened the door and walked out.

But instead of going far, he closed the door and stood at the door.

Although I don't like nympho very much, but I don't admit that it's better to have a better strategy.

Now Jiang Yuyan has all her heart on him, and as a man, she has the obligation and responsibility to help her fulfill her dream of identifying her relatives and help her find her father.

Even if she still can't enjoy the treatment of a daughter in the end, at least she won't be bullied by that ... Liu family.

On the other side, Jiang Biehe's highly valued apprentice is also the good mistress who has found him, that... Liu Xi's goddaughter.

"Jiang Dan, what's the matter?"

At this moment, in Jiang Biehe's study, his wife was sitting in his seat and writing something.

But his good apprentice bowed his head and stood in front of her respectfully.

"Returning to Shi Niang, the one who attended the martial arts conference a few days ago... Tie Xinlan and Fang Tianfeng have already returned.

Moreover, they claim to have killed the flower picker bees.

However, they also brought back a strange girl."

"It looks like an ordinary person, and there is no internal force fluctuation."

Jiang Dan revealed everything he knew one by one, without the slightest guilt for betraying his master, and even a trace of joy.

Well, does this mean that Jiang Qin betrayed his master Jiang Feng in the same blood.

And Jiang Dan betrayed his master Jiang Biehe 0..."The flower-picking bee died"

Liu Shi was also stunned, and then his face became gloomy.

Who was the flower picker, she thought she knew.

Basically, she knows everything Jiang Biehe knows about Jiang Mansion and the like.

What Jiang Biehe didn't know, she knew too.

There is nothing wrong with picking flowers for Jiang Biehe, but he is also secretly working for the East Factory.

The world thinks that the main occupation of flower pickers is... rapists, killing the whole family is just incidental.

But in fact, Liu Shi is very clear.

The main purpose is to kill the whole family, rape or something, that is incidental.

It can be said that these two secretly handled a lot of things for her.

But now, so dead! "Very good."

The shock in Liu Shi's eyes disappeared for a moment, and he quickly regained his calm, pretending not to care, and said while writing, "You must know that all of your master's strength and status are given to him by the mistress.

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