In front of the chief superintendent, whoever is praised by the mistress will be on the rise, you can understand.”

"Jiang but understands."

Jiang Dan buried his head lower and said respectfully, "Jiang Dan is teacher 3.

1 Mother's confidant, not Master's confidant."


Liu shi nodded with satisfaction and said lightly, "Let's go, let's meet these guests of your master."

A doubt suddenly arose in Liu's heart, she was very interested in this strange girl who appeared out of nowhere.

Just after going out, before going to the hall, a servant came over.

"Madam, the master and that... The surnamed Jiang and another woman went to Qinzhai, and Tie Xinlan is still in the lobby."

The servant said respectfully, and Liu Shi's uneasiness was even worse.

Chapter 027 Blackmail! (please subscribe)

Within the Jiangfu, the Liu family almost covered the sky with one hand.

None of these... servants, is not her eyeliner.

Jiang Biehe naturally knew about this......, but he couldn't do anything.

Naturally, he has been fed up with this Liu Shi all these years, but she is holding her own criminal evidence in her hand, and there is the great god of Dongchang standing behind her.

Even if he was upset, he could only hold back.

Being able to hide Jiang Feng's death, he was naturally very tolerant, and he was willing to shrink his head in front of the tortoise.

Although he and the Liu family have a daughter, Jiang Yufeng, the relationship between husband and wife is extremely poor, and the appearance is inseparable.

Because of this consideration, Jiang Yufeng was sent to Nanhai Shenni to practice cultivation since he was a child.

What I'm afraid of is... Jiang Yufeng has become a mean person like her mother.

Although Jiang Biehe is a hypocrite, he is really kind to his daughter.

04 Jiang Yuyan is still there: In the room, he recognizes Jiang Biehe, while Fang Tianfeng is guarding at the door.

There is a grandmaster helping them guard the door, and it is enough to make them proud.

And Fang Tianfeng, after all, is also a master.

Liu Shi, who came from the backyard aggressively, was naturally sensed by him from a long distance.

"Master Jiang,"

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help knocking on the door, reminding the two in the room, and said lightly, "Your wife is here."

Jiang Biehe was naturally not an idiot. Thinking of what would happen to Jiang Yuyan if his wife found out, he hurriedly told Jiang Yuyan not to disclose this matter for the time being.

Then the door was opened, and the image of the... elegant gentleman was restored.

And Yuyan also came out behind him, her eyes were red, obviously she had cried.


Glancing at Liu Shi, who was walking slowly not far away, Fang Tianfeng glanced at him and said lightly, "You seem to be related to Flower Picking Bee, right?"

"Well, it's trouble for Mr. Fang."

Jiang Biehe nodded lightly, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "I've said everything I need to say, and the little girl will get rid of Mr. Fang's care."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Biehe had indeed greeted him with a smile on his face, and greeted him from a distance, "Madam, why are you here?"

"Brother Fang."

Jiang Yuyan shouted in a pretty voice, her voice was fascinated, it could be seen that she was in a very bad mood.

When he saw his father, he finally knew each other.

However, his father hurriedly ordered to reveal his identity.

She didn't believe it was her father who was merciless, otherwise he wouldn't cry just now.

She was a smart person, and when she saw the mean-looking middle-aged woman in the distance, she naturally understood the reason for the first time.

However, knowing is knowing and understanding.

However, the mood will still be very uncomfortable.

"You will follow me from now on."

Fang Tianfeng pretended to sigh, and there was some helplessness in his tone.


Jiang Yuyan raised her head to look at Fang Tianfeng with some surprise, and smiled.

Obviously, she cares more about whether Fang Tianfeng wants her than if her father doesn't recognize her.

Therefore, it is also good for nympho, because they are really good at strategy, and even they often attack themselves.

Jiang Biehe told Jiang Yuyan a lot, but most of them were not remembrances, but warnings or exhortations.

He asked Jiang Yuyan not to reveal her relationship with him, otherwise his... jealous wife would never let her go.

"What did you tell them"

Liu Shi looked coldly at her husband who was walking towards her, and said coldly without giving him any face.

Because she is supported by a good godfather, she can be said to be extremely arrogant at home.

Even Jiang Biehe did not touch her eyebrows at all.

No way, who made her have a good godfather? Fortunately, her godfather was a eunuch, otherwise, Jiang Biehe felt that he might not be able to bear this old woman.

Although she was a bit vicious, at least she didn't put a cuckold on herself!

Otherwise, Jiang Biehe will try to tear her face to death.

After all, he is a congenital, and it is not difficult to kill the people of Guangjiang Mansion.

The reason why he has been enduring Liu Shi is just to win Liu Xi's support.


Jiang Biehe's face changed slightly, there was a hint of anger on his face, and his tone was not good, "That kid is blackmailing me, he knows my relationship with the flower picker bee, and deliberately gives up that Tie Xinlan.

To ask me to meet alone is... to extort my money."


Liu Shi had no doubts, but she still frowned. She was used to being arrogant, but she didn't like others to blackmail her, so she said coldly, "How much does he want?"

"One hundred thousand taels."

Fang Tianfeng's voice came from behind him, his tone was cold, as if he really had a good talk with Jiang Biehe, "I think, you definitely don't want Jiang Biehe to lose the title of Unparalleled Benevolence and Righteousness."

Jiang Yuyan's eyes widened, she didn't know about the flower pickers, and she didn't hear the whispers of a few people.

Therefore, she is still a little ignorant and unknown, and she doesn't know what they are talking about.

"You, you didn't just... say so!"

Jiang Biehe pointed at Fang Tianfeng angrily, which was completely in line with the hatred of those who were extorted.

Chapter 028 Another pair of sisters flowers ~ (please subscribe)

"who is she"

Liu's gaze turned to Jiang Yuyan lightly, not caring about the [-] taels of silver, but began to ask her identity.

Because not only Jiang Biehe, she also saw a familiar shadow in this girl.

Jiang Biehe may still be in the game, but Liu Shi, who has been with Jiang Biehe for so many years, knows him better than Jiang Biehe.

"My maid."

Fang Tianfeng said lightly, his tone seemed a little impatient, "I said, can you give back the [-] taels?"


Jiang Biehe pointed at Fang Tianfeng angrily, but then gave up sullenly, leaned into Liu Shi's ear, and said helplessly, "Madam, he is also born."

Innately, Hao Ran has reached the peak of martial arts.

Any innate is not easy to deal with.

Jiang Biehe deliberately put forward this point, which shows that he has no confidence in winning the opponent.

So, the implication is that it is... a compromise.

Jiang Biehe must win these [-] taels.

Even if it is the food expenses for his own daughter, it must be given.

At the very least, I can't let my daughter suffer from the other side.

"Okay, I'll give it."

Liu Shi looked at Fang Tianfeng lightly, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

For so many years, no one has ever dared to threaten her.

"Jiang Dan, let's go."

Liu Shi gave Jiang Biehe a deep look, and the expression in his eyes was a look of contempt.

Jiang Biehe couldn't help clenching his fists, watching his apprentice follow him like a dog... his wife left.

He even ignored his master.

Of course he knew about Jiang Dan, this guy who eats inside and out, but he couldn't move him.

Who made him have no godfather? The group left the backyard and returned to the hall.

And Liu Shi left directly. She had to prepare money and find someone.

One hundred thousand taels is not... a small amount.

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