She would never let go easily, and would even find someone to see if Fang could stay.

However, the premise is that it will not be exposed.

Although she was arrogant at home, she gave Jiang Biehe enough face outside.

Not for anything else, but for the plan of her godfather Liu Xi.

If Jiang Biehe is exposed, Jiang Biehe will be fine, just.

And she will definitely be killed by Liu Xi to vent her anger.

No one ever mentioned what happened in the backyard, it was a shame for Jiang Biehe and the others, and for the other side Tianfeng, they received money to talk about their credit.

Only, Tie Xinlan was left alone in the hall, sulking.

At this moment, still: looking at Fang Tianfeng with resentful eyes.

She is really angry, she likes the new and hates the old, and it's not so obvious so quickly! I gave her to that person the day before tomorrow, but I met a girl I picked up on the road today, and I forgot her.

And Fang Tianfeng is not guilty, these things can be explained.

When the time comes, tell her about Jiang Yuyan, and she will be soft-hearted again, and she will forget about it.

And at this moment, besides Tie Xinlan, there is a strange girl in the hall.

It was precisely because she was chatting with Tie Xinlan that she resisted the resentment in her heart and did not break out.


Seeing Jiang Biehe, the girl quickly stood up from the chair, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

And it was this daddy that instantly caught Jiang Yuyan's attention, causing her to look at this girl one more time.

"Yufeng, when did you come back?"

Jiang Biehe looked at the girl with some surprise, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, let me introduce you, little girl Yufeng."

Thinking about the presence of outsiders, Jiang Biehe quickly controlled his emotions and said with a chuckle, "This is Fang Tianfeng and Fang Shaoxia next to me, and I don't need to introduce the one over there.

After all, it seems that Xinlanxian's niece and Yufeng are very happy chatting."


The girl looked at Fang Tianfeng and nodded lightly, but couldn't help but glance at Jiang Yuyan.

But thinking that her father didn't introduce her, she didn't care anymore, she just thought she was Fang Tianfeng's maid or something.

Jiang Yufeng has studied martial arts with the goddess of the South China Sea since she was a child.

Although kind-hearted, he is very careless.

Rather, there are many things she doesn't care about at all.

As long as it had nothing to do with her, she didn't want to waste her time thinking about it.

Qian Hao, Zhao, and her martial arts are naturally good. She has been practicing martial arts with Nanhai Shenni for many years, and she also has first-class strength.

However, it is the flowers in the greenhouse, like working behind closed doors.

All along, although martial arts have progressed, they have never killed anyone.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng felt that he liked her a little bit.

Compared to Jiang Yuyan, he actually prefers this kind of little careless girl.

Because, such a girl is more interesting every day.

It's a little confusing, and once tamed it's extra submissive.

More importantly, they can form a sister flower with Jiang Yuyan.

Well, although there are already Xue Ji and Piao Xu, he doesn't mind another pair of sisters.

Chapter 029 Better! (please subscribe)

Jiang Biehe has been in a bad mood recently.

For a long time, his wife who had no feelings for marriage suppressed him everywhere, preventing him from developing and growing.

Even the confidants he has cultivated for many years are all white-eyed and wolf-like characters, and all of them have become the dogs of his wife Liu Shi.

However, behind the Liu family is Liu Xi.

Blocking is worse than sparse, blocking and suppressing it.

Better to steer clear.

Jiang Biehe was a man after all, and he was forced to be crushed by his wife for a long time, so he could imagine the dissatisfaction in his ears.

However, because of Liu Xi's reasons, he had to keep this part of the grievances in his heart and nowhere to vent.

After so many years of blocking but not sparse, the... pond in his heart has long been full.

The reason why he hasn't erupted is just a matter of time, a thousand miles away from the ant's nest of the ant's nest.

"Brother Fang, no, not there..."

In a guest room in the small courtyard, there was a girl's struggling voice.

Well, in fact, there were indeed only two people in the room.

Fang Tianfeng and Jiang Yuyan.

However, it is not doing the shy 837 things, but doing the things that people in martial arts often do.

Touch the bone.

Touching the bones is not only about the physical appearance of the bones, but more importantly, to find out a person's aptitude.

In fact, touching the bones is not easy.

It is necessary to explore every corner of the human body with inner strength, and for a person who has never practiced any martial arts.

Being invaded by internal forces in the body is definitely not an easy process.

Even if the person who touches the bones is experienced, it will still make her feel uncomfortable.

It's not pain, but it consumes the body very much, and makes people feel weak.

For those who practice martial arts, the most important thing to learn about martial arts is... meridians.

Those so-called geniuses are... In these meridians, they are thicker and wider than others.

Of course, it goes without saying that dantian, before resting to the final stage, the effect that dantian can have on one's cultivation is not very big.

After all, Dantian is like a reservoir, which needs long-term irrigation.

Dantian with power capacity in [-] years and Dantian with power capacity in [-] years is meaningless to most people.

Because, most of them died in the cultivation stage.

The meridians are not the same, some people are born with the small curvature of the sheep intestines and they are blocked by people.

But some people are born with broad meridians.

He was also born to open up the two veins of Ren and Du.

That is to say, there will be no bottleneck until one becomes a congenital master through cultivation.

And Jiang Yuyan was the one who was born that day.

"No wonder it can become the last big one in the future."

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly in his heart, this qualification is definitely something that most people have never had.

Whether it's Xue Ji Piaoxu, or Haitang and Xinlan, none of them have this talent, even if they are all first-class now.

Even, Haitang has broken through the innate.

However, it is too incredible to be born to open up the two veins of Ren and Du.

"Brother Fang,"

Jiang Yuyan lay limply in Fang Tianfeng's arms. Seeing that he didn't speak, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous, "Is my qualifications too poor?"

There is a hint of loss and a hint of gloom in the girl's eyes, but more of it is fear, fearing that she will be abandoned because she has no talent.

In fact, although she has never practiced martial arts, she also knows some things about martial arts.

For example, a girl of her age has already been shaped and is no longer suitable for cultivation.

Even if one has talent, but with the shape of the root bone, the talent is also weakened, and the future achievements are limited after all.

Therefore, those who ... practice martial arts have been practicing martial arts since childhood.

Not to mention five or six years old, when I practiced martial arts, when I was too young at that time, it was easy to damage the muscles and bones and leave troubles.

However, seven or eight years old should also begin.

However, she is already sixteen years old.

But, who doesn't have a martial arts dream, no matter...

Whether it's a boy or a girl, who doesn't yearn for strength? Otherwise, why are there so many heroines on the rivers and lakes? "How could it be."

Fang Tianfeng laughed dumbly and laughed, "If your aptitude is poor, then there are no good people in this world."


Jiang Yuyan was stunned for a moment, and the originally dangling heart was relieved, but suddenly there was a hint of inconceivable.

Smart and clever, she heard the meaning of Fang Tianfeng's words, that is to say, her talent is actually very good.

"Then, in the future, can I reach the level of my sister?"

Jiang Yuyan asked cautiously, her heart was full of hope, but she was afraid of getting a negative answer.

After all, hope is always so easily dashed.

Since childhood, she has made countless wishes and dreams.

However, those... are just dreams after all, and they were all ruthlessly pierced by reality in the end.


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