Fang Tianfeng didn't answer her immediately, but instead looked into the girl's eyes and looked at the envy in the girl's eyes.

Then, he nodded heavily, "You will be better than your sister in the future."

Chapter 030 Passing on the Power! (please subscribe)

Jiang Yufeng, sister of Jiang Yuyan.

In fact, ever since Jiang Yufeng returned to Jiang Mansion three days ago, Jiang Yuyan has often stood admiringly watching from a distance.

Seeing that Jiang Yufeng was praised by her parents for her outstanding talent and achievements.

I also saw the picture of their family enjoying themselves.

Although Liu Shi and Jiang Biehe were at odds, they even secretly intrigued.

However, they still love their only girl very much.

So even if they look good, they should try to be as harmonious as possible in front of their daughter.

Jiang Yuyan came all the way to find her father, and her original intention was nothing but a desire for family affection.

How could she not be envious of her half-sister, because that was originally the happiness she deserved.

However, her mother has passed away, and her father is afraid to admit publicly to her.

She can understand her father's difficulties, but it doesn't mean that she can accept it with a smile, and say she doesn't care when it's over.

She is just a weak girl, she is not a saint, she cannot face all the suffering with a smile.

After encountering family love, it turns out that he may never be able to get this family love.

At that moment, Jiang Yuyan couldn't help but feel a hint of despair in her heart.

"Yuyan, is Yuyan's qualifications really good?"

Jiang Yuyan heard Fang Tianfeng's affirmative answer, a sweetness and hope rose in her heart, and her big charming eyes were full of hopeful little stars.


Fang Tianfeng nodded heavily, paused, and then said, "I've traveled the world for so long, and I've never met someone who is more talented than you.

Let's put it this way, whether it's Tie Xinlan or your sister Jiang Yufeng, their qualifications are far inferior to yours."

Indeed, a person who is born to open up the two veins of Ren and Du can be called one in a million.

Although Fang Tianfeng said that he has not been walking around the rivers and lakes for a long time, the scenery that different people see is different.

His energy these days is something no one else has ever experienced in a lifetime.

Duan Tianya, Gui Hai Yidao, and Haitang 3 are all geniuses personally selected by Hou Zhu, the god of iron daring.

It's one of a kind.

However, none of them can pass the second line of governor.

"Then what about my father?"

Jiang Yuyan's little heart was beating fast, and she suddenly had a bold idea.

"Strength does not mean talent."

Seeing the look in the girl's eyes, Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said with a smile, "Your father Jiang Biehe's talent is actually not very good.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be in the middle stage of the innate by now."

After thinking about it, she was afraid that the girl would not understand the division of grades, so she said, "Let's put it this way, your elder sister and Tie Xinlan are already first-class.

And their future achievements are only higher than your father's.

And you are only higher than them."


There was a hint of hesitation in Jiang Yuyan's eyes. After receiving Fang Tianfeng's encouraging look, she couldn't help but summon her courage and asked loudly with her eyes closed, "Then, how long does it take Yuyan to reach the realm of Sister Xinlan and Sister Xinlan."

People are like that.

When you practice martial arts for the first time, you will take someone you know as an example, and hope that you can become that person in the future.

But then, they will be slapped with cold water by the master who taught them.

Say something like 'You don't want to get started without ten or eight years.

Without [-] years of unremitting efforts, you still want to reach this state." Therefore, the passion of these young girls and boys who practice martial arts will be hit.

But as their fantasies are shattered, they will practice more down-to-earth, and will not go astray.

However, Fang Tianfeng never poured cold water on people.


Fang Tianfeng saw through the girl's hope and smiled, "If you want."


Jiang Yuyan blinked and looked at Fang Tianfeng with some confusion, as if wondering if she had heard it wrong.

My elder sister and Tie Xinlan have both practiced for at least ten years before they reached today's achievements.

Even though she is a genius, it is impossible to achieve it overnight.... Although she has never practiced martial arts, she is the most basic thing , she still knew.

"You have to believe me, will I lie to you?"

Seeing the doubt in the girl's eyes, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but be speechless.

Why, every time I tell the truth, no one believes it? "No, I believe you, Brother Fang."

Seemingly stimulated by Fang Tianfeng's words, the girl hurriedly waved her hand.

But he forgot that he was still lying in Fang Tianfeng's suspicion, and his little hand hit Fang Tianfeng all at once.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry..., Brother Fang."

The girl was so wronged that she was about to cry, and she didn't know what to do now that she was already in a mess.


Fang Tianfeng shook his head, but then his expression became serious: "Yuyan, I have two divine arts here.

Do you want this gold magic or this silver magic?"

"Yes, what's the difference?"

The girl raised her hand weakly and looked blankly at the man holding her.

Chapter 031 He is obviously thinking of her! (please subscribe)

"Golden Magic can make you lay the most solid foundation and make people invincible at the same level.

And silver magic, you can quickly become a master, and you can even become a congenital master like your father overnight."

"Now, it's time to choose, do you want this gold or this silver"

Fang Tianfeng had a serious expression on his face, and even the atmosphere in the whole room became a little nervous.


The girl hesitated a little, lightly opened her lips, and whispered, "I want to..."

"Well, I knew you wanted it all."

Fang Tianfeng nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and said "eight three seven"

The index finger scratched the girl's nose, "Yuyan, you are very greedy.

However, it is good practice.

People who practice martial arts just need to be a little bit greedy, and people don't kill themselves for their own sake, well."

Yuyan was speechless all of a sudden, because, in fact, she didn't seem to have said that she wanted everything.

After all, she just wanted to ask about the characteristics of these two divine arts.

But why is it like this? "Okay, Yuyan, since you've already made your choice, let's get started."

No waiting: The girl reacted, and Fang Tianfeng entered the teaching session guided by the novice with a serious face, "The Golden God Technique is called King Kong Indestructible Technique, and its internal strength is far more profound than ordinary exercises, and can even reach eight times that of ordinary exercises. deep!"

"So, practicing the Vajra Indestructible Magic will make you invincible at the same level.

Moreover, once you complete your cultivation, you can even make your skin invulnerable, and your whole body will turn golden."

"Brother Fang."

The girl who was still listening to Fang Tianfeng's explanation, her pretty face suddenly turned pale, and she whispered, "That..., if I don't want this one, I'll choose that one... Silver magic will do."


Fang Tianfeng stopped talking, his face was black.

How come every girl I meet is unwilling to learn King Kong's Indestructible Magic, Xue Ji and Piao Xu are like this, Haitang is like this, and now it's Jiang Yuyan's turn who has never practiced martial arts.

You embarrassed him like this! I feel like he was a fool who chose King Kong's indestructible magic before! Besides, he is invulnerable! Why is his whole body turned golden! "Are you sure"

Fang Tianfeng ignored the girl's protest and said intimidation, "Silver magic is not... gold and silver silver, but the prostitution of a prostitute of three points of water.

If you practice this technique, you must have sex with a man to be able to achieve rapid success."

Well, generally speaking, according to this word intimidation, girls will be scared away.

Fang Tianfeng nodded with satisfaction, and gave his random response sixty-four likes.

When the girl was stunned, he told her to practice the Vajra Indestructible Magic and give her a great practice of absorbing the power.

Instead of saying the original silver magic, it's actually... absorbing power.

Well, the result is the same.

Anyway...all of it.

Generally speaking, girls who love themselves will definitely give up when they hear this.

He even gave him a backhand slap.

But Yuyan is more obedient, she may shake her head, but she will never hit herself.

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