Fang Tianfeng felt that he really did not miss anything.


Sure enough, the girl's face was full of stunned expression, she never thought that there is such a practice in this world.

Just when Fang Tianfen thought that he had succeeded, the girl's face suddenly turned red.... And Fang Tianfeng also had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"If, if it's Brother Fang, I can do it."

"Brother Fang,"

Seeing the astonishment on the man's face, the girl's expression suddenly changed: "Would you say, are you willing to let Yuyan go with other men? Or, in the eyes of Big Brother Fang, Yuyan just doesn't know Shame?"


Fang Tianfeng stopped talking at all, because he really didn't know what to say.

This is why I would rather choose such a practice than choose the King Kong Indestructible Magic! What did I do wrong with the King Kong Indestructible God! Obviously this is the real powerful martial art! "Hey,"

After a long sigh, Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to change his words, "I just made fun of you, but this silver magic is called the Great Law of Absorbing Gong, which can absorb the power of others for your own use.

However, in general, the efficiency is only one-twentieth.

However, if the internal forces are of the same root and the same source, 3.

The efficiency can be as high as: [-]%%.”

"I also practice this kind of exercise, and when I transfer my inner strength to you, you will be able to become a first-class master.

And quickly compared with your sister and the others."

"Eh, so it is."

The girl nodded lightly, with a blatant regretful expression on her face, and even her eyes began to become: resentful.

Looking at Fang Tianfeng's eyes, it is like looking at a heartless man, how much resentment you want.

Therefore, the nympho is really a very strange brain circuit.

She is obviously a smart girl, how did she become like this?

Chapter 032 Passing on the Power! (please subscribe)

Jiang Yuyan's loss is blatant, because she really likes Fang Tianfeng.

Moreover, I am also afraid that I will lose him because the gap between myself and him is too big.

Therefore, she wanted to use her body to tie herself firmly to his side, so that he would not abandon her.

What love can bring, love can do.

And what love brings, is not what family love can get.

Perhaps it was also because of the loss of family affection that made her yearn for love even more.

Even though she knew that Fang Tianfeng didn't really love her that much.

Even, just to get her body.

But even so, she still took the initiative to send it to the door like a moth to a flame.

However, what made her lose was that Fang Tianfeng was a very upright gentleman.

The person she likes is an upright gentleman, which makes her proud and proud, but too much an upright gentleman makes her unable to get him and makes her lose hope.

Such conflicting feelings really made the girl very painful and tangled.

But then she didn't think so.

Because, when Jiang Yuyan took the initiative to climb on Fang Tianfeng's bed, Fang Tianfeng refused.

He refused to refuse such a good opportunity, so she refused to refuse Jiang Yuyan herself.

After all, although he is not a good person, he is not a devil either.

Qigong Dafa is not complicated.

If someone who has already practiced the practice of inhaling Dafa teaches another person the practice, then the other person doesn't even need to know how to inhale Dafa.

And now, that's how it is.

Fang Tianfeng straightened the girl, and both of their palms were tightly pressed together.

In fact, gong can also be transmitted from the back.

However, that is based on the fact that the girl has no way to actively accept his inner strength and can only passively accept it.

And if the palms are close together, the efficiency is actually better.

"Yuyan, feel the process of inner power circulating in your body with your heart."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl seriously and warned, "Close your eyes and be moved with your heart.

Be sure to keep the whole process firmly in mind, and in the future, you will cultivate in this way."

No matter what martial arts, Zhou Tian is different.

There are eight extraordinary meridians in the human body, twelve serious meridians, and countless acupuncture points.

Therefore, the variables that can be contained in this are infinite.

Zhou Tian of any martial arts practice is different, and if there is any mistake, he may even go into trouble.

Transmission of gong, and empowerment to some extent.

As long as both parties are voluntary, the efficiency can reach [-]%, almost [-]%.

The rest is just a matter of proficiency.

In the process of empowerment, it is also related to the ability of the meridians to bear the empowerment and the dantian.

Some people's meridians are... a small stream, along this stream to the sea, that is, the dantian.

However, in this case the speed is bound to be limited.

For some people, the meridians are like the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

In terms of efficiency, it is naturally several times stronger than Xiaoxi.

The law of conservation of energy proves that what is gained must be lost.

If you want to open up the meridians, you will inevitably consume the inner strength that you have finally cultivated.

However, Jiang Yuyan did not.

Because her meridians are naturally connected, she has already opened up the two meridians of Ren and Du without cultivation.

As long as she is willing, Fang Tianfeng can even send her to the innate in an instant.

However, this is not good.

Even if the two veins of Ren and Du are congenitally connected, but if they become congenital in one fell swoop, it will inevitably lead to an unstable foundation.

After all, Jiang Yuyan has not even practiced the exercises now.

Rather than... let her be promoted to innate if she doesn't understand, it's better to let her hone in the first-class realm for a while and let her comprehend by herself.

In this way, if she is promoted to Xiantian by her own efforts, then her future achievements will be limitless.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng is not going to send her to do it overnight.

Instead, it only gave her sixty years of inner strength.

Of course, sixty years of internal strength is actually quite a lot.

After all, Cao Zhengchun has only [-] years of internal strength after so many years of boyhood.

However, Jiang Yuyan is only first-class, while Cao Zhengchun is innate.

Cao Zhengchun's [-]-year power is equivalent to Jiang Yuyan's [-]-year power.

837 Naturally, the two are not the same.

Soon, the internal force followed the meridians and acupoints in Jiang Yuyan's body for several weeks, and finally converged on her dantian.

Jiang Yuyan was smart, although she couldn't remember the trajectory of her internal force on the first week of the week.

However, practice makes perfect.

With instilling internal strength over and over again, she quickly wrote down the entire trajectory.

However, this is after all forced infusion.

So in terms of understanding, she is still lower than others.

Of course, the talent is there, and the inner strength is also there.

Although she will be worse than others in a short time, she can catch up and even surpass.

What's more, sixty years of internal strength is almost invincible in the first-class realm.

At the very least, Tie Xinlan has only been able to power for more than ten or twenty years, and Jiang Yufeng is about the same.

However, Jiang Yuyan is more than three times their size.

It is completely possible to overwhelm people with power, and to have money and self-will.

Chapter 033 The Murong Family! (please subscribe)

The Murong family, like the Jiang family, also belonged to an aristocratic family in the south of the Yangtze River.

Moreover, the Murong family was even more famous and prominent than the Jiang family.

Because, the eldest daughter of the Murong family is now the emperor's concubine.

As soon as she entered the palace, she was named a concubine.

In addition, it has not been long since today's son succeeded to the throne, and there is no queen! Therefore, Murong Shu may even have the possibility of being a mother to the world! It is precisely because of this that the Murong family is ecstatic and spread the news on the rivers and lakes.

In fact, the reason why all the three disciples of Nanhai Shenni came out this time was precisely because Murong Shu was going to marry into the palace.

Otherwise, Jiang Yufeng and the others would not be able to meet the requirements of apprenticeship.

Well, the requirements are actually not high, just mere innate.

The news that Murong Shu married into the palace and flew up the branches to become a phoenix spread all over the world as if it had grown wings.

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