Along with it, the entire Murong family also rose.

In particular, the other eight daughters of the Murong family also raised their prices.

And now, it is even more up for grabs, wanting to choose a famous and promising backstage from the rivers and lakes, marry his daughter, and reach a marriage with the other party.

This is a matter of mutual benefit for both parties.

However, it is not a good thing for Fang Tianfeng.

Because, how could the daughter of the Murong aristocratic family choose one of them? Of course, he wants all of them! It took three days for a group of four to arrive at a nearby town where the Murong family was located.

On weekdays, the Murong family also makes purchases here.

Fang Tianfeng was no stranger to this.

These...the so-called famous martial arts families all like this kind of tune.

I don't like living in the city, nor will I live near the city.

Instead, find a small town and build a villa or something on a nearby mountain.

It seems that in this way, their worth can be doubled.

Of course, the effect is definitely there.

This kind of production method has indeed won them a good reputation.

"Several guest officers, you are still staying at the hotel.

The shop assistant stood at the door and greeted him with a smile on his face.

After all, this combination of handsome men and beautiful women with three women is too conspicuous.

And in this small town, it is not ordinary people at first glance.

“stay in the hotel,”

Fang Tianfeng walked in with a few girls, and said as he walked, "My best room here, money is not a problem, the key is to be clean, understand?"

"Objective and assured, absolutely clean."

The shop clerk immediately smiled, they like to serve such big money, not only rich and generous, but also like to give them these.......Little er tip.

The worst thing about staying in an inn outside is that the room is not clean.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Some dark-hearted stores are like this.

Soon, the shop assistant walked in with a few people through the side door and into the backyard.

In the backyard, there are several independent courtyards.

In fact, these......yards are actually not much different from ordinary dwellings:.

The area is not large: there are only two rooms in total, plus a small courtyard of more than [-] square meters.

In the middle of the yard, there is also a tree of unknown species.

The decoration of the room is not luxurious, but it does meet the requirements of Fang Tianfeng.

Reached out and touched the table, it was spotless, and there was no dust visible to the naked eye.

There is also a table and four 44 round stools in the room, which are standard.

Other than that, there is only one double bed left.

There were mats and quilts on the bed, and the quilt exuded a smell of ozone that had been scorched by the sun.

"Guest officer, what do you think about this room?"

The second shopkeeper cautiously stepped forward and asked, "If it is objectively necessary, the room next door is the same as this one."

One courtyard has two rooms, and two courtyards have four 44 rooms, exactly one per person.

However, will Fang Tianfeng agree to one room per person? Impossible, it doesn't exist.

"Okay, that's it."

Fang Tianfeng threw a piece of silver to the shop assistant, "Prepare us a table of wine and food first."

"Well, sir."

The second shopkeeper immediately smiled, bowed his head and walked out respectfully, "I'm going to prepare wine and food for you."

"How is it, can you get used to it?"

Fang Tianfeng turned his head and looked at the girls with a gentle smile.


Jiang Yuyan did not speak, she unconditionally supported all decisions made by Fang Tianfeng.

As for Tie Xinlan, she just rolled her eyes, you have already booked all the rooms, and you said these things... What is the use of Miao only having two rooms, then it is bound to be Someone wants to share a room with Fang Tianfeng.

Well, of course, the three girls are all in good shape, and they won't feel cramped even if they sleep in one bed.

"How can there be any habits or not, why should the children of the rivers and lakes care so much."

Jiang Yufeng said carelessly, and sat down at the table.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said nothing.

From the very beginning, he discovered that Jiang Yufeng was a little careless.

It can be said to be generous for men, but it is not necessarily a good thing for girls.

Because such a girl is easy to be deceived.

: The daughter of the Murong family, according to the writing style of the peerless double pride, 9.

Chapter 034 Murong Xian!superior! (please subscribe)

After finishing the room, the group went to the first floor for dinner.

Although it is said to have prepared a table of wine and dishes, it is actually six dishes and one soup plus rice to satisfy the appetite.

There are four meat and two vegetables and a broth, which is actually enough to eat.

And in comparison, other people are only one or two dishes with rice, six 66 dishes or something is actually very extravagant.

Four people were sitting around the table eating, but they never wanted to attract the attention of almost all the diners on the first floor.

Of course not because of Fang Tianfeng, but because of the three girls.

Because it is so beautiful.

In this small town, when did such a beautiful girl ever show up to the nine young ladies of the Murong family....... The beauty of the country, but that is not the kind of people who can seen.

But now, there are three 3 angel-like girls appearing in front of them.

They can eat rice anytime, but beautiful women are not something they can see casually! Tie Xinlan frowned slightly, she didn't like the eyes of these people.

8 In comparison, Jiang Yuyan is already used to it.

After all, she has been in contact with this kind of person since she was a child, and she has endured all kinds of hardships with her mother.

As for Jiang Yufeng, that was purely gross and didn't care at all.

Anyway..., a piece of meat is indispensable to being looked at by others.

In contrast, as the daughter of the leader of the martial arts alliance, Tie Xinlan cared more about these things than they did.

Although she is not a lady, but the etiquette that she should know is no less than others.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

I was eating when I suddenly heard noise on the street outside.

After that, I saw a few people walking past a man who looked like a man in silk and satin clothes.

"Little Er, who is that outside..."

Fang Tianfeng frowned slightly and asked aloud.

"Guest officer, that person's name is Zhou Dandan."

Hearing this, Xiao Er hurriedly lowered his body and said softly, "That's the bully in this town! With his family's wealth, no one can control him in this town.

Moreover, this person has also learned a martial art, but it's not... easy to mess with."

"Also, sir."

Xiao Er thought for a while, looked around, and said, "Boldly this week is extremely lecherous, and it's not like I haven't done anything about robbing civilian women. The guest officer should be more careful."

No wonder Xiao Er wanted to remind him, after all, it would be fine if it was just Fang Tianfeng.

However, he also brought three beautiful girls from three countries.

"Thanks for reminding."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, he didn't care in his heart, but he handed a piece of silver to Xiao Er.

Then what is Zhou Dan who is just a second-rate martial artist, a second-rate in his twenties, nothing.

Not to mention him, that is... a few girls are all first-class warriors, even capable of fighting Xiantian.

The mere second-rate, but it's just that, for Xiao Er, to remind them that they have to take a certain risk.

After all, he is just an ordinary person.


Jiang Yufeng suddenly exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention.

"How do you see that guy is upset"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl amusingly, and felt that although she was rough, she was in line with the setting of a chivalrous girl in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is normal to want to take action when you see a bully and feel a little resentful.


Jiang Yufeng shook her little head like a rattle, there was a hint of hesitation in her eyes, and she said with some uncertainty, "It's just, I seem to have seen Senior Sister just now."


Fang Tianfeng and the three of them were stunned, Jiang Yufeng's senior sister and the others naturally knew.

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