Nanhai Shenni has only three apprentices in total, except... Jiang Yufeng, the other two senior sisters are all daughters of the Murong family.

The eldest young lady is Murong Shu, and the fourth young lady is Murong Xian.

Needless to say, the eldest lady is already married to the palace.

Then, the senior sister in Yufeng's mouth is only the fourth young lady, Murong Xian.

Senior sister is not affordable for everyone, and the three girls almost all started at the same time.

To be a senior sister does not depend on... seniority, but on strength.

Obviously, this Murong Xian is stronger than Jiang Yufeng, so she can be this senior sister.

Senior sister is not easy to be, not only must have strength, but also bear pressure.

However, Jiang Yufeng never said anything about surpassing senior sister.

It can only show that she admits that she is inferior to the senior sister Murong Xian.

Although Jiang Yufeng was a little careless, she was also a very proud girl.

To be able to make her say Senior Sister willingly, this Murong Xian must be a very good girl.

In that instant, Fang Tianfeng even wanted to see it.

The next moment, however, he changed his mind.

Because, besides...that...Murong Xian, he also saw another person.

One of the ten evil people, "Neither male nor female"

Tu Jiaojiao! The top ten villains are all in the valley of the villains. Although they are innately strong, they never dare to step out of the valley of the villains.

Because once they leave the Valley of the Wicked, they will be hunted down by the eight sects.

However, even so, Du Jiaojiao still appeared here.

Moreover, he is still following that... Murong Xian.

This is somewhat intriguing.

Chapter 035 Du Jiaojiao! (please subscribe)

Jiang Yufeng excitedly took the two girls to her world, while Fang Tianfeng, he acted alone.

Then, the other person's way was blocked.

A congenital master.

"Du Jiaojiao"

Fang Tianfeng had a smile on his face, although he was asking, he seemed to have already confirmed it.

"How did you recognize me"

Du Jiaojiao's face turned cold, and she looked at each other vigilantly.

Although the opponent did not have a trace of internal force fluctuations, it was precisely because of this that the opponent was more dangerous.

She is not stupid enough to think that the other party is an ordinary person without the slightest martial arts, so the other party is a master who is stronger than herself! "You don't have any disguise, you just use your original appearance, how can you not recognize it?"

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, because Mr. Mao felt that these people's IQs were generally insufficient. As one of the top ten villains, Du Jiaojiao was so skilled that even the family members of the disguisers could not reveal them. A sentence breaks through.

It was she who cultivated "the worst person in the world" back then.

For this reason, convince the ten evil men to spare Xiao Yu'er.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the little fish to live to such a big age, and it was not killed by Fang Tianfeng until a few months ago.

Of course, the ten bad guys don't fit in either.

Although it is said that the ten evil people jointly cultivate the little fish, but in fact there are only five of them.

Moreover, Du Jiaojiao is also a think tank in the top ten villains.

She planned all the plans of the ten wicked men, and it can be said that there is no last resort, otherwise there is no perfect plan.

However, the person who has always been a think tank has forgotten even Yi Rong, and directly appeared in the world with his original appearance.

It can only be said that she must have suffered a major blow, so she forgot to make peace.

In fact, for a person who is proficient in disguise, if he hadn't exposed his true colors, Du Jiaojiao wouldn't have been reduced to being in the company of the top ten villains.

Otherwise, she can completely rely on the disguise technique to traverse the arena.

"Why are you following Murong Xian?"

Fang Tianfeng frowned slightly and looked at her with some puzzlement, "Murong Xian has only recently graduated from Nanhai Shenni, and you have become famous more than ten years ago.

Logically speaking, you shouldn't have an intersection..."

"I have no grudges with Murong Xian, but I have grudges with the Murong family!"

Du Jiaojiao's expression was a little distorted, and her eyes were full of anger, "If you want to stop me, then you are going to be my enemy of the top ten villains!"

"You can't represent the top ten villains."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said lightly, "Fox fake tiger might or something, forget it."

Although the ten wicked men may sound like one, they are all just wanted by the rivers and lakes, so in the end they have to fall into the valley of the wicked and dare not come out for the rest of their lives.

The reason why they were able to cooperate was because they were afraid that being separated would not be enough to make the eight sects fearful.

Therefore, he had to unite to avoid being driven out and killed.

However, since Du Jiaojiao had left the Valley of the Villains, she could no longer be regarded as one of the ten villains.

Unless they want to fight against the world's martial arts, Tu Jiaojiao will die in vain even if she is beaten to death.

"Tell me, what grudges do you have with the Murong family?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at her lightly, not worried about any small movements she made.

Because she is a smart person.

And smart people are the ones who know how to judge the situation best, and they won't do anything irrational.

Unless they decide that compromise won't do any good.

0 "Okay, I'll tell you."

Du Jiaojiao clenched her fists tightly, as if she was enduring something, but she soon released it.

This thing is complicated and complicated, and simple and simple.

Du Jiaojiao has been staying in the Valley of the Wicked for more than ten years, but recently she has received a letter from her family.

The ancestor of the Tu family was once a general of the imperial court.

And that general also went on an expedition to the Western Regions, and got a cube treasure.

It is called the Six Renshen Die.

There are six 66-sided dice in Liuren Shen, according to legend, as long as the six 66-sided are turned into the same color, it can be opened.

And what's in it is Yang Mingwu Lin's wedding dress magic! ...... Well, that's right, it's the one that Yan Nantian cultivated! The magic of marriage clothes can make people break through the master level! Such magic is naturally coveted by countless people.

Because of this, the people of the Tu family hid the Liuren Divine Die.

The reason why the book was passed on to Tu Jiaojiao was because someone had been eyeing the Tu family recently, probably for the sake of Liuren Shenshen.

So they called Du Jiaojiao back and hoped that she would take the Liuren Divine Dice away.

After all, for the Tu family, the Six Ren Shen Dies are a scourge.

If you can take it to the Valley of the Wicked, that would be even better.

However, people are not as good as heaven, and Tu Jiaojiao came back, but the Tu family had already been killed.

Not only were they all killed, but the county farm still had a weapon bearing the Murong family's mark! So, Du Jiaojiao ran here, wanting to seek revenge from the Murong family.

The reason why he followed Murong Xian was that he only met him by chance, so he followed each other.

So, all of this is really just a misunderstanding.

Chapter 036 Murong Xian!Down! (please subscribe)

"Liu Ren Shen Dice, isn't it just like a Rubik's Cube?"

Fang Tianfeng was simply unable to complain, no wonder he always felt that this matter was somewhat familiar.

As a result, this is indeed what happened in the original book.

"Are you going to stop me?"

Du Jiaojiao looked at the person opposite her calmly, but her heart was far less calm than she is now.

Her entire family was killed, and she had to avenge her.

Even if you know that the person in front of you is stronger than you, sometimes it is not impossible.

Although the other party is very strong, it is impossible for the other party to stay in the Murong family all the time.

She is in no hurry, she still has time.

A gentleman's revenge "Eight-three-seven"

Ten years is not too late, but she is not a gentleman.

Women take revenge, all day long! "Why should I stop you"

Fang Tianfeng shrugged and said lightly, "Just, don't you think there is something wrong with your words?"

"You suspect me of lying"

Du Jiaojiao looked at him coldly, revealing a dead silence in the coldness.

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and chuckled, "It's just that the loopholes in what you said are too obvious."

"You came home and saw the bodies of your family members, and there were even murder weapons left there.

Is it all too coincidental that if the Murong family really killed your whole family, why not burn the house down and destroy the corpse and leave a murder weapon clearly marked with the Murong family's mark on the spot?"

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