"Do you think the Murong family is stupid?"


Du Jiaojiao was silent, she was not a fool either.

At first, his eyes were only covered by anger, but after being pushed by Fang Tianfeng, he instantly understood.

It is very likely that he was used as a gun by someone.

Although the Murong family was not a good person, they would never make such a low-level mistake.

Someone killed her whole family, and they also hoped to put the blame on the Murong family.

This was almost the conclusion that Du Jiaojiao came to in an instant.

However, if it wasn't for the Murong family.

Who did it again?" The murderer obviously didn't want Murong Shi.

Well, even if the murderer is not an enemy of the Murong family, he will definitely not be a friend."

"The Murong family has been in the arena for many years, and there are always more friends than enemies.

If I were you, I would hurry up to investigate the enemies of the Murong family, who are those with tense relationships."

"Otherwise, after a long time has passed, I'm afraid you really don't have it."

Du Jiaojiao didn't answer, she didn't want to give up.

She didn't want to be persuaded in just a few words, to persuade her to give up the information she got.

Even if this information is false.

But her reason told her that giving up was the best choice.

The premise that she wanted to fight Fang Tianfeng desperately was that the Murong family was the murderer of her whole family.

But now, this precondition does not hold.

Instead of staring at the Murong family unreasonably, and being the enemy of the strong man in front of him, it is better to find the real murderer and truly avenge his family.

"All that said, it's up to you what to do."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head lightly, looked at Du Jiaojiao who was still hesitating, and said lightly, "This matter, you are also a victim, this time I will spare you.

However, next time I see you, you won't be so lucky."

In fact, Fang Tianfeng could have killed Tu Jiaojiao directly, once and for all.

But well, I just killed Xiao Yu'er before, and now I want to kill Tu Jiaojiao... I always feel like I am a murderer.

Although it was true that the other party was a villain, she did not provoke herself.

If you eat too much and have nothing to do, you will have to kill someone to stand up.

"Thank you."

Du Jiaojiao took a deep look at his back, and then looked at a place behind him with a little deep meaning, then turned around and left.

As Fang Tianfeng said, she must find the real murderer as soon as possible.

"Come out."

Fang Tianfeng did not leave, but just stood there and looked at a hidden corner, "Why have you been following us for so long?"

Soon, there was a rustling sound not far away.

Then, a girl came out of the corner.

Wrapped in light blue plain clothes, covered with a white gauze, the white neck is exposed, and the clearly visible collarbone, the pleats of the skirt are like snow and moonlight flowing down the earth, but there is a little more dust in the elegant place. temperament.

The elegant jade face is painted with light makeup, the three thousand blue silk is scattered, the butterfly hairpin is inserted into the head, and a strand of blue silk hangs on the chest.

The looming red door on the cheeks creates a pure muscle like petals 3.

She is so delicate and lovely, her whole person is like a butterfly flying in the wind, and like a clear and thorough ice and snow.

Fang Tianfeng's expression was slightly moved, because he recognized this girl.

Hao Ran was the girl Jiang Yufeng went looking for... the girl named Murong Xian, the fourth young lady of the Murong family.

However, Jiang Yufeng and the others did not find Murong Xian.

Instead, this Murong Xian ran to his side.

I have to say, that's how it is sometimes.

Fate, amazing.

The people who wanted to find her couldn't find her, but it was just a casual thing, but she saw it in her eyes.

Chapter 037 Accident! (please subscribe)

"The little girl, Murong Xian, has seen the son."

The girl gave Yingying a salute, her pretty face exuding a faint blush.

"You already found her"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly realized something, and some understood why the girl was here.

Undoubtedly, it was because Murong Xian had already discovered Du Jiaojiao who was following her.

So, in the case of being stalked, she even carried out anti-stalking.

However, Fang Tianfeng took the lead and helped her solve a big problem.

Should I say, worthy of being a disciple of the God of the South Seas? Even though he is only a first-rate, he is able to keenly detect the traces of a class of congenital masters.

It has to be said that Murong Xian's strength is still not weak.


The girl nodded lightly, as if she was a little embarrassed, and said softly, "She has been following me since I entered the city. Originally, I thought that someone was going to harm my Murong family, and I was thinking of grabbing the other party for questioning 04. …”

Saying that, the girl's pretty face was already flushed red.

After all, she was a mere first-class who still wanted to capture the innate masters for questioning.

Don't say it's her, even her father wouldn't dare to say that.

"If it wasn't for the young master's help, Xian'er would have been really miserable this time."

After saying that, Murong Xian patted her own little breasts a little scared.

All I can say is that it's somewhere in between.

Neither big breasts, nor small breasts.

This resource is not scarce.

However, the girl's charming face gave her a lot of extra points.

Sometimes, looks are more important than tits.

"It's alright, it's a job."

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand, with an elegant rather than elegant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you young master for helping, defending my Murong family, and returning my Murong family's innocence."

But Murong Xian didn't think it was a trivial matter, with a serious expression on her pretty face, she said sternly, "If this matter is not handled properly, it will make my Murong family doomed forever.

Although that man is one of the ten evil men, he is also a poor man."

"My Murong family, there is absolutely nothing to do."


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, no.

Although this matter was not done by the Murong family, the Murong family was not a good bird either.

A few daughters aside, all of them are not able to lead the family affairs, and they don't know anything.

But Murong Wudi, the head of the Murong family, and his two sons, Murong Zheng, have done all their bad things.

Just talking about Tie Ruyun is enough to explain what kind of family the Murong family is in essence.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with cute girls.

"That..., I'll say goodbye first."

The atmosphere suddenly became cold, and neither of the two parties knew what to say. In desperation, Murong Xian had to take the lead in saying goodbye.

After all, there is nothing left to say.

"Miss Murong."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly called out to her, causing the girl to look suspiciously, "I remember, Sister Ling should have already married."


Murong Xian didn't expect Fang Tianfeng to suddenly say such a thing, but it was not easy not to answer, so she nodded and said, "Well, my sister has already married into the palace and was canonized as Concubine Shu by the emperor."

At the same time, there were some doubts in her heart, and she suddenly asked her about her sister.

Could it be that she is an admirer of her sister? "So, does Miss Murong have... a crush?"

Fang Tianfeng laughed suddenly, and the serious and loving eyes made the girl dodge a little, "I like you, Xian'er, let's be together."

"Suddenly saying these things..."

Murong Xian lowered his head slightly, but there was a hint of joy in his heart.

After all, what girl doesn't want to be admired? It's one thing to see her, but it's another thing to have... other people admire her.

"But I refuse."

Although she had a good impression of the man she met for the first time, the girl still shook her head firmly.

Although there is a good feeling, but it can't be said to like, let alone love.

Love at first sight or something is more like a nonsense.

Anyway, this is also related to 837's life-long event, and I even heard that the emperor was a little greedy and wanted to marry all of their sisters.

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