In any case, she has no way to make decisions on her own, even if it is her own lifelong event.

"Sir, Xian'er will leave first."

The girl rejected Fang Tianfeng mercilessly, and turned to leave.

But at the same time, her heart was beating wildly.

It's not because I like it, after all, it's far from being like it.

This is just because the man in front of him is a congenital expert! Even, seeing his suppression of Tu Jiaojiao, this person is stronger than his own father! She refused without hesitation, and the thing became angry and angry, what would he do to her? But the next moment, she no longer thought so.


The girl's delicate body trembled slightly, her small mouth made a painful sound, and she was about to fall to the ground.

If it wasn't for Fang Tianfeng, who was behind him, quickly hugging the girl, I'm afraid she would really fall down.

Chapter 039 Rescue! (please subscribe)

Almost subconsciously, Fang Tianfeng probed his inner strength into the girl's body to see the girl's physical condition and find out why she was suddenly in pain.

And almost at the moment when the internal force entered the body, I felt an almost substantial chill coming towards me.

Even Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but change color.

Because, the eight extraordinary meridians in the girl's body have been eroded by the cold at this moment! Moreover, this cold is still in the body, and there is no way to expel it.

It can be said that girls are in danger of dying almost at any time! " medicine..."

The girl fell into Fang Tianfeng's arms and muttered in pain, reaching out as if she wanted to take something out of her arms.

And Fang Tianfeng has never been a polite person.

He reached out and touched the girl's arms, grabbed a handful, and took out a white jade-like carved porcelain vase.

Well, not too big, but very soft.

At least when you feel the human heart 837 from zero distance, you don't have to worry about being rubbed off.

Pulling out the cork and smelling it close to his nose, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help frowning.

The smell of the medicine is very strong, and the moment it is inhaled into the body, you can feel the emergence of a heat energy.

There is no doubt that the girl has been using this medicine to suppress the cold poison in her body.

However, after all, indicators do not cure the root cause.

The essence of this medicine is to make the whole body heat up, thereby suppressing the existence of cold poison.

However, the cold poison itself had already invaded the dantian.

Rather, Dantian itself is a hotbed of cold poison.

Her inner strength is suppressing the cold poison all the time, but it is also transforming into the cold poison all the time.

If it is not handled properly, the cold poison will break out of the body and invade the eight meridians and meridians, and then invade the internal organs.

And once the internal organs are invaded by the cold poison, and after a long time, until the internal organs are destroyed, it is really impossible for the Daluo Immortal to save them.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not feed the medicine to the girl.

After all, the most yang martial art in the whole world is his King Kong Indestructible Magic.

With the magic of the indestructible King Kong, what more is there?

What's more, the internal power of the King Kong Indestructible Magic can completely remove the cold poison in the field.

Treating the symptoms and treating the root causes is definitely the detoxification method under the whole world.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng couldn't be so selfless.

If you don't think about it any more, the internal force in the body will not be sent to the girl's body.

And almost at the moment when the internal force entered the body, those... cold poison rushed up like a cat smelling the fishy smell, relying on a huge number.

It's a pity that almost at the same time when he came into contact with the inner strength of the indestructible magic of the vajra, the cold air disappeared.

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

When the internal force enters the body, it quickly spreads around, and the cold energy is gradually forced out of the eight meridians.

In the end, when Zhiyang's internal force fully occupied the girl's meridians, it retreated again.

And those cold air returned to the girl's dantian again, waiting for the next outbreak.

Well, although Fang Tianfeng is not a good person, he is not a devil either.

If the girl is cured in one go, then what will he use to help the girl to cure the disease next time? What will he use to gain goodwill? So, some things cannot be done all at once.

It was as if if there were no more criminals, what would the police do? The girl's snow-white skin was a touch of pink, and her beautiful face was flushed red.

It's not because of shyness, but because Fang Tianfeng's internal force is too effective.

It was like being drunk, with fever all over.

Even a little confused.


The girl slowly opened her eyes, saw the concerned and worried expression of the man, and smiled bitterly, "It seems that I owe you another favor."

"It's just that Xian'er, your body..."

A suspicious look flashed in Fang Tianfeng's eyes, and he looked at the girl with some worry.

"I'm used to it."

The girl didn't notice the change in the man's name, maybe because he just saved her, she smiled helplessly, "It's strange, why is there a cold poison in my body?"

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to tell me."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

"You should know, my sister Murong Shu and I both bowed to the god of the South Sea at the same time."

The girl shook her head, indicating that Fang Tianfeng should not be concerned, and said softly, "A few years ago, I stole the thirteen swords that my master gave to my sister because of my competitiveness.

However, there is no way to do it, which leads to the madness, and the cold air invades the eight extraordinary meridians in the body."

"Besides, I was born in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, a cloudy day, and a cloudy day.

The physique is already extremely cold, and the cold air invades.

Therefore, the cold poison in my body may erupt at any time, and I must take the medicine of extreme yang to suppress it.

However, sometimes it can't be suppressed."

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, this is really no one's fault.

It can only be said that Murong Xian killed himself.

But fortunately, although it is death, he has a solution.

Not to the point of falling to the original.

Chapter 038 Hard to read scriptures! (please subscribe)


Murong Xian whispered softly, "Thank you for helping me heal, I haven't taken advantage of the danger."


Fang Tianfeng was suddenly silent, looking down at the girl in his arms, as if he had remembered something, "If you don't say it, I'll forget it."


The girl raised her head and glanced at him in surprise, but the next moment, she met Fang Tianfeng's eyes.

And his two lips have also been blocked by someone.


The girl struggled hard, but to no avail.

In the end, she even felt something slippery get into her mouth.

She suddenly regretted a little, why did she have nothing to say about these things! However, she didn't realize that although she was kissed forcibly, she didn't feel any disgust.

On the contrary, I just felt that Fang Tianfeng's behavior was a bit abrupt.

Obviously, you can wait until she is ready to come again.

Well, while being ready is uncertain.

For a long time, lips parted.

The girl finally recovered from the state of being a little confused just now, and quickly broke free from Fang Tianfeng's embrace.

He glared at him fiercely, and ran out with a light effort.

Fang Tianfeng didn't stop him, just shrugged.

Unlike Tie Xinlan and the others, she has no emotional foundation.

If he insisted on keeping her, it would make her feel disgusted.

Many things are too much, and the thing he just kissed has left a shadow in her heart.

After all, today's experience is really tortuous.

And he just saved her life.

Many times, there is no way for many things to be one size fits all.

After all, there may be some connection between these things.

As a result, many things cannot be simply distinguished.

After Murong Xian left, Fang Tianfeng also left the place and returned to the inn.

At the same time, the girls who did not find Murong Yufeng also returned to the inn.

"Big stall, something happened!"

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