Fang Tianfeng is still here: with a few girls, and then brush up on Jiang Yufeng and Murongxian's goodwill, and by the way, check the disappearance of Tie Xinlan's father.

On the other side, the East Factory received a secret report.

After being replaced by the stall head Liu Xi, the original big gear head Iron Claw Feiying became Liu Xi's capable subordinate, the second and second gear head of the East Factory.

But at this moment, this 2nd gear head has a solemn and gloomy face.

"What happened"

Liu Xi said lightly, his tone was full of femininity.

Compared with Cao Zhengchun, he is more in line with the temperament of a eunuch, feminine and scheming.

"Miss Third is dead."

Iron Claw Feiying backed away: "I was killed by Jiang Biehe."

The third miss is... Liu Shi, Jiang Biehe's first wife.

Of course, Liu Xi couldn't have predicted Jiang Biehe's great achievements in the future more than ten years ago, so he bet on him in advance.

What he did was to cast a wide net.

Lots of fish.

A strategy of choosing the best.

No one knows how many goddaughters Liu Xi has.

However, Jiang Biehe is indeed the most promising of all the husbands-in-law chosen by his goddaughters.


Hearing this, Liu Xi couldn't help but change color, and his expression gradually turned cold, "Don't forget that he wants to betray Dongchang, he still holds the handle in my hand, and I can bring him to ruin at any time!"

"The big boss is too worried."

Hearing this, Iron Claw Feiying couldn't help but smile and said lightly, "Everything from Jiang Biehe is given by us, and we can also take it back at any time.

He can't betray us unless he doesn't want the fame and status he has now.


After a pause, Iron Claw Feiying whispered again, "I may not have said enough... It is clear that the third young lady is going to die, not already."


Liu Xi was stunned for a moment, then laughed angrily, and scolded, "He wants to kill my goddaughter, and he notified me in advance."

"Jiang Biehe is dissatisfied with having a woman riding on his head."

.................Iron Claw Feiying shook his head and defended Jiang Biehe, "Actually, it's not just him, any other man can't stand this. ."

What's more, even if they were eunuchs and not men, they couldn't stand it either.

Therefore, they are particularly hostile to... the Dragon Husbandry Villa controlled by a woman.

"Well, it's his incompetence that he can be mounted on his head by a woman."

Liu Xi snorted coldly and raised his head in disdain.

Then, I saw the somewhat helpless expression of the iron-clawed flying eagle.

Liu Xi was stunned and thought, "It's because of me"

The reason why Jiang Biehe was riding on the head by a woman was that he was backed by his godfather in the final analysis.

Otherwise, how could Liu shi be so arrogant and how could Jiang Biehe be so tolerant. However, there is a limit to everything.

If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it any longer.

But Jiang Biehe was still worried about Liu Xi's existence, and even if he wanted to kill his wife, he had to inform him in advance.

I have to say that the unparalleled Jiangnan hero who looks bright on the surface actually has such a bitter scene behind his back.

Seriously, every family has a hard-to-read scripture.

Chapter 039 The Six-Ren Divine Dice! (please subscribe)

"It' fault."

Liu Xi shook his head, his expression somewhat helpless.

He took his daughters away and married them to those talented people who might be famous in the future.

Then, through the line of his goddaughter, to control those people.

However, his original intention was definitely not to let his goddaughter control those people.

But he forgot that his own existence was a great pressure.

Since his goddaughter dared to take advantage of his wind and put pressure on those people's heads, it was also his mistake.

"That's not a good word for Da-Gangtou,"

Iron Claw Feiying smiled and said, "These...disobedient dogs still want to attack their masters, and if such dogs die, they will die."

"What benefits did you get for talking to him like this?"

Hearing this, Liu Xi couldn't help but glanced at him with some deep meaning, and said lightly, "Then, you should also have my share."

In other words, just... let the Ironclaw Eagle take things out.

Iron-clawed Eagle has never taken out anything, it is nothing more than... thinking that when he agrees, there is no need to take out the things, and he can swallow it all by himself.

Don't look at the peaceful appearance of these two people, Iron Claw Eagle is willing to be his dog.

However, if the Iron Claw Flying Eagle can become a big boss, how can it be a good match? Don't forget that Liu Xi is the culprit who robbed him of his position.

So, some things are not as simple as they seem.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the big boss,"

Iron Claw Feiying didn't feel embarrassed at all, he just didn't take it out for a while, it's not that he didn't take it anymore, his face was still full of smiles, "I don't know if you have ever heard of Liuren Divine Die"

With that said, the Iron Claw Flying Eagle took out a hexahedral object from his arms.

It was also strange to say that such a big thing could be stuffed into his arms, and he didn't feel panicked.

"Liu Ren Shen Die!"

Liu Xi's breathing suddenly became rapid, "But the treasures that General Tu obtained when he went to the Western Regions back then heard that the treasures contained in it are the secrets of the magic of the wedding dress! But, isn't this lost long ago? "

Liu Xi looked at the flying eagle with a hesitant expression. There was no doubt that he was worried that the iron-clawed flying eagle was deceiving him.

"It doesn't disappear, it doesn't disappear."

The Iron Claw Feiying shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "In the sixth year, countless people went to snatch it for these six gods.

But in the end, everyone came back in vain.

Because these six have long been hidden by that General Tu and passed on to his descendants."

"And then, under the guise of being stolen, I got rid of suspicion."

"However, the common man is not guilty of guilt.

Jiang Biehe accidentally learned that the Tu family had the Liuren Divine Die, so he went to slaughter the Tu Family and got the Liuren Divine Die."

"Then he really has a heart."

Hearing this, Liu Xi couldn't help but smile, and the result was Liuren Divine Die, his eyes were full of fiery but he still pretended to be very calm.

"Just kill him, and send someone else to monitor him."

Liu Xi spoke lightly, but it was... these plain words that decided Liu's ending.

It is also to completely treat Liu Shi as an abandoned son. After all, it is Jiang Biehe who is really useful to him, not Liu Shi.

He still has many goddaughters, it is better to say that he accepts goddaughters every year.

If a goddaughter died, he could send another goddaughter to marry.

Anyway... the goddaughter exists to be in charge of his contact with Jiang Biehe.

Jiang Biehe's use is still very big, and the title of benevolence and righteousness is also very useful.

Sometimes, Jiang Biehe's words on the rivers and lakes are more effective than his big head in the East Factory.

What's more, in order to kill his wife, Jiang Biehe also offered up the treasure he got.

If he didn't want to be discussed behind his back, he had to agree to disagree.

"The big boss is wise."

The iron-clawed eagle smiled and looked harmless to humans and animals.

If he was able to tell Liu Xi about this in person, he naturally received a lot of gifts from Jiang Biehe.

Otherwise, why would he, as the 2nd and [-]nd gear head on the spot, make a trip in person for this matter, even if he didn't mention the Six Renshen Die.

For more than [-] years, no one has ever opened this Six Renshen Die.

As for destroying it, it is not that no one has thought about destroying the Liuren Divine Die for more than a hundred years, and it will not be impossible to destroy the Liuren Divine Die.

Rather, I am afraid that while destroying the Six-Ren Divine Dice, I will also destroy the contents inside.

Moreover, the Six Renshen Die is indeed not so easy to destroy.

"Go and make him clean."

Liu Xi lowered his head and continued to deal with the affairs in his hands, no longer concerned about this matter.

In just a few words, a person's life and death have already been decided.

Both parties benefited.

Liu Xi got the Six Ren Shen Die and also lost a daughter.

Jiang Biehe killed the woman who was riding on his head to make a fortune, and at the same time lost the Six Ren Divine Die.

As for the iron-clawed flying eagle, he was only responsible for spreading the word, and he also received a gift from Jiang Biehe.

From beginning to end, only Liu was kept in the dark and sold without knowing anything.

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