Although the little fairy is still one.

Because Murong Wudi and her two brothers were at home, the last step was not carried out.

However, Jiang Yufeng had already flown together with her sister.

After all, it is also a hundred people, and Fang Tianfeng has already gained experience.

"Sister Xinlan, don't worry, since my uncle has escaped, my father will definitely protect him."

Jiang Yuyan couldn't help comforting her softly, she still couldn't see through her father's true face, and she foolishly thought that Jiang Biehe was really afraid to recognize her just because of Liu's.

If you only know that in the original book, Jiang Biehe was so cruel that she used her to detoxify.

And it was precisely because of that one incident that Jiang Yuyan was completely blackened.

Even, since she was so cruel to the point of killing her, the only sister who was truly kind to her without asking for anything in return, Jiang Yufeng.

However, in this life, Fang Tianfeng is destined not to let these tragedies repeat themselves.

But speaking of it, the incentive seems to be the Six Renshen Die.

This time when I went to Jiangfu, I happened to get the Liuren Divine Die.

Fang Tianfeng thought to himself, he had already made up his mind and had a relatively complete plan.

However, the world is unpredictable and the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

He still doesn't know what will happen when he returns to Jiangfu this time.

"Yufeng, let's go and say goodbye to your senior sister first."

Fang Tianfeng looked at Tie Xinlan, who had gradually calmed down, and said softly to the girl beside her, "After all, she has helped us a lot this time, so let's talk to her before leaving."


Hearing this, Jiang Yufeng nodded lightly, looking at Fang Tianfeng with tenderness in his eyes.

A girl like Jiang Yufeng, although she looks careless on weekdays, seems to be very careless.

But once she gets rid of it, she will follow the person she likes with all her heart.

"Brother Fang, I won't go."

Tie Xinlan shook her head gently and said softly, "I, I want to rest."

"Okay, you should have a good rest first."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, and when he suddenly got the news of his father, Tie Xinlan still couldn't calm down.

Sometimes it was like this, obviously trying to find news of her father.

But when she really found her father, her heart was not at peace.

"I'll stay too."

Jiang Yuyan said with a sweet smile, "Sister Xinlan stays in the inn alone, and needs someone to take care of her."


Fang Tianfeng was speechless, Xinlan was not a child, and she was not hit.

She was just a little excited by the sudden good news, and it was difficult to calm down.

That's why I wanted to stay and take a good rest to calm myself down.

"All right."

Fang Tianfeng finally nodded, the two girls were together, so they could take care of each other.

Chapter 042 The head is big! (please subscribe)

This time, Murong Xian really did a great job in investigating the matter of Murong Villa....

What's more, she still helps outsiders investigate her own family.

In a month's time, I almost looked through the Murong Villa from top to bottom, including those... secret rooms and the like.

Although there was no news about Tie Xinlan's father, Murong Xian's strength in it was unbearable.

On the other hand, it is also a good thing that no clues are found.

After all, this means that the disappearance of the Murong family and Tie Ruyun really doesn't matter.

Helping outsiders to investigate his family, it is no exaggeration to say that Murong Xian was definitely under enormous pressure.

In fact, just relying on her relationship with Jiang Yufeng's sisters and sisters is not enough for her to do this.

Both Yuyan and Xinlan could see that the reason why she did this was entirely because of Fang Tianfeng.

Only love can make a girl so blind and irrational.

There was only Yufeng, who foolishly thought that Murongxian really did this for her sake. It can be said that she was completely moved.

And Fang Tianfeng was also very helpless.

Yufeng looks like this, it has to be said that she is indeed the best choice for a wife.

Because even if he cheated, Yufeng wouldn't be able to find out, her temper is really too careless and not delicate at all.

Moreover, she can't do anything to doubt her husband and friends.

"Yufeng! Brother Fang!"

The woods outside the Murong Villa, here is the meeting place where they and the little fairy agreed to meet.

And this month, they have also met here.

And now, Murong Xian also came here early in the morning to wait.

Seeing the arrival of Fang Tianfeng and Jiang Yufeng, the pretty face couldn't help showing a sweet smile that made everything pale.

However, behind the smile, there is a trace of sadness.



The two also greeted the girl one after another, but then suddenly fell silent.

If they parted, none of them could speak first.

Moreover, Murong Xian still has his own mind.

Don't look at Yufeng's usual carelessness, but she is very sensitive to feelings, especially when they are separated, her heart is particularly delicate.

In the end, Fang Tianfeng still had to stand up, bad guy.

"Xian'er, we are leaving."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl with some guilt, and said softly, "Xinlan's father has been found, so we have to go back with Xinlan."


Murong Xian obviously did not expect Fang Tian to say this, and the originally half-opened red lips also closed slightly.

The thoughts that had just been sorted out in my heart were already disrupted at this time, my heart was numb, and I didn't know what to do.

Fang Tianfeng also saw at a glance that the girl had something on her mind, otherwise she would not have reacted like this.

"Yufeng, let me and Xian'er chat alone."


The girl did not doubt, nodded lightly, and walked towards the rear.

She only assumed that Fang Tianfeng and Murong Xian were talking about something serious.

And learn from her mother's lesson, so she knows that a woman must not interfere in her man's affairs, otherwise it will only make the other party feel disgusted.

Like her father, and her mother can now be called incompatible.

"Xian'er, you have something on your mind"

After Yufeng walked away, Fang Tianfeng no longer pretended, and opened his arms to embrace the girl in front of him.

Holding the girl's petite and tender body, she also felt infinite emotion in her heart.


The girl in her arms nodded lightly, raised her head to look at the man, her red lips parted slightly, but there was a hint of hesitation.

"What's wrong"

Fang Tianfeng was puzzled, "This one is not like you. What happened? Your father found out that you helped us. Do you want me to explain it to him?"


When the girl heard the man's caring words, a warm current flowed in her heart, but she felt a little more guilt because of it.

Thinking about it, there were already tears in his eyes.

"What the hell happened"

Fang Tianfeng was a little impatient, but if Murong Xian didn't say anything, he would be helpless.

"My father, my father wants me to enter the palace and serve the emperor with my sister."

Murong Xian finally couldn't bear it anymore, crawled into Fang Tianfeng's arms and cried, and the two lines of clear tears also stayed with the beautiful cheeks.

The appearance of pear blossoms with rain makes people feel distressed, any man who sees it can't help but soften his heart and wants to comfort him.

On the other hand, Fang Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought it was something, it turned out that her father forced her to marry him.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to relax, but the girl raised her head and looked at him with tears in her eyes, "You don't love me anymore."


Fang Tianfeng was shocked by the girl's words, how did it suddenly change so quickly, "You were relieved when you heard the news that I was getting married, you don't love me anymore, you want to get rid of me, right?"

The girl was crying, struggling to get out of Fang Tianfeng's embrace, and the aggrieved appearance made people look distressed.

"No, you listen to me explain..."

Fang Tianfeng finally knew what the problem was, and hurriedly wanted to explain, but was interrupted by the girl.

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