"You've changed, you weren't like this before.

When I used to use it, I called it Little Fairy, and I called it Xian'er, but now I can't use it, you want to kick me away, right?"

Chapter 043 ━━━━━━━━easy time! (please subscribe)

At the foot of Mount Huangshan, a sense of drowsiness struck, and Fang Tianfeng couldn't help yawning.

They have traveled all day, just to take care of Tie Xinlan and let her see her father as soon as possible.

In fact, their speed is indeed very happy, and now they have reached the foot of Huangshan.

The Jiangfu is located in Mount Huangshan.

Before dark, you can reach Jiangfu.

"Brother Fang, are you sleepy?"

On the side, the girl riding a little mare looked at him apologetically.


Fang Tianfeng shook his head and sighed helplessly, "It's just that I'm a little tired."

Really tired.

Yesterday, in order to appease Murong Xian, he had put a lot of effort into it. Who would have thought that... a sigh of relief, would cause such a big misunderstanding.

Fortunately, he held the girl in his arms in advance, otherwise if Murong Xian ran out, the misunderstanding would only be bigger.

You can't blame him for this.

He is... the emperor! Hearing that Murong Wudi was going to marry Murong Xian to him, he also knew the reason for Murong Xian's sorrow, and knew that it was just a misunderstanding of unequal information. He breathed a sigh of relief. Most of the girls I meet are very rational and reasonable.

Even the most unreasonable Chen Gillian was tamed by him.

Therefore, it was the first time that Fang Tianfeng was in such a situation as Murong Xian. Fang Tianfeng was at a loss as to what to do.

It was also the first time that he knew how difficult it was to reason with a girl who had been misunderstood.

In order to reason with Murong Xian, his mouth was almost torn apart.

After all, every half-sentence is interrupted by a crying girl.

And in the face of the girl's aggrieved and distressed appearance, she still has a sense of powerlessness.

What can he do? He is also very desperate! In the end, it is not only possible to force the girl to quiet down by forceful kissing.

In the end, in order to win the girl's trust and make her believe that she is really... being today, it took the boss's efforts.

If it hadn't been explained clearly, Fang Tianfeng wouldn't have dared to leave like this.

Otherwise, I am afraid that once Murong Xian is really blackened, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"It seems that Sister Xian'er is giving Big Brother Fang a headache."

Yu Yan was gloating on the side, with an obvious smile on her pretty face.

Yuyan didn't know how to ride a horse at first, but after more than a month, she has learned.

After all, riding a horse or anything is not difficult to learn.

However, riding a horse is exhausting and uncomfortable.

After all, if you want to control the horse to go the right way, you can't be distracted at all.

Just like driving, it's tiring.

In fact, riding a horse-drawn carriage is the best, but the horse-drawn carriage of this era has no shock-proof function, and riding a horse-drawn carriage will be more uncomfortable.

When riding a horse, there is also an internal protection body, so that the thighs will not be worn by the horse's back.

But when I was in the car, the shock was so shocking that it really hurt my butt.

Well, when you say that, it seems that you can play with car shock. "You are still laughing."

Fang Tianfeng glared at her fiercely, "I'll let you know what it means to cry in the evening!"

"Ah, no, sister."

Yu Yan was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, and hurriedly ran to hide beside her sister, trying to stay away from Fang Tianfeng.

"Brother Fang, don't bully Yuyan."

Yufeng is also a madman who protects her sister, looking at Fang Tianfeng seriously, "What's the matter, they are all coming at me, I will continue for Yuyan."


Fang Tianfeng stopped talking. She did not expect that Yufeng, who has always been so honest, has also learned badly.


Fang Tianfeng didn't say a word, but Yuyan, who asked for help at first, pouted in dissatisfaction, "Sister knows to snatch me! Brother Fang didn't feed you last night, little thing."

"You still told me."

Yufeng glared at her fiercely, "You didn't want to be dissatisfied last night."

"Ah! You don't say any more!"

Tie Xinlan's face was flushed, and she shouted loudly to force them to end this filthy conversation.

In fact, she also participated in the war last night.

Moreover, she was also the one who was killed the fastest without leaving her armor, and was the one who was sluggish and unable to fight again.

After all, her line of defense has been completely captured.

And, 4 or something, it's a little too exciting for... girls.

You know, she didn't even dare to 3 before.

If it wasn't for the sudden news of her father that made her a little uneasy yesterday, Fang Tianfeng put her on the bed in a trance.

And sister Jiang Yufeng followed up without any shame.

I have to say, last night was really a mess.

Although I experienced such absurd things when I was the emperor twice before, I have to say that the previous times were not as enjoyable as this one.

Mmm, awesome.

The girls were laughing and playing along the way, and Yingying Yanyan's feeling made Fang Tianfeng feel intoxicated.

And none of them realized what it meant to return to Jiangfu this time.

This is not just a matter of Tie Ruyun's re-emergence!

Chapter 044 ━━━━━━━━ Iron like clouds! (please subscribe)

Jiangfu, hall.

Tie Ruyun was drinking tea with Jiang Biehe, the two were chatting and laughing like brothers.

And Tie Ruyun didn't even know that Jiang Biehe was... the culprit behind his imprisonment.

Moreover, the place where he was imprisoned was actually... the dungeon of Jiangfu.

Jiang Biehe is a man who is proficient in calculation. He teamed up with Liu Xi to defeat Tie Ruyun and imprisoned him.

However, he did not kill him.

What he did was actually... it would be convenient to rescue him in the future.

Jiang Biehe is now the deputy leader of the alliance.

Therefore, if he can rescue the previous leader, then his position will be secure.

And in order to repay his life-saving grace, Tie Ruyun will definitely support him as the leader of the alliance, otherwise he will be ungrateful.

Although it is a calculation, people in the martial arts cherish their reputation, and they just eat this one.

Therefore, Jiang Biehe never showed his face from beginning to end.

And Tie Ruyun has always been locked in a box, not knowing where he is at all.

He only knew that he was rescued a few days ago and released by Jiang Biehe.

Then, he also learned from Jiang Biehe that it was Dongchang Liu Xi who imprisoned him.

Well, this incident was indeed planned by Liu Xi, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After that, he was confused and followed Jiang Biehe to Mount Huangshan.

And, let Jiang Biehe go to inform his daughter who was looking for his whereabouts.


Tie Ruyun was talking and laughing with Jiang Biehe, and by the way, he drank tea to moisten his throat.

Outside the door, a woman wearing a blue gauze skirt suddenly rushed in.

"Heart Orchid!"

Tie Ruyun also looked surprised and stood up from the chair excitedly.

"Dad, where have you been these days, and who caught you?"

Tie Xinlan was a little scared at first, afraid that the news was fake, but now that she finally saw Tie Ruyun, all her worries burst out all at once.

"Dad is fine."

Tie Ruyun was also a little excited, but there was a hint of gloom on his face after listening to Er's answer, "It's Liu Xi, he arrested me and trapped me in the tower of death, giving me night every day.

Fortunately, my internal strength is deep, and I can stand it, if not..."

"Ashamed to say."

Jiang Biehe shook his head with guilt on his face, "I originally found out about Brother Tie's whereabouts, and was planning to bring someone to rescue.

However, Brother Tie broke free from the shackles of the ecstasy liquid on his own,"

Tie Ruyun was stunned for a moment, because it was not the case.

He was really lost by the ecstasy liquid, and he was confused all day long.

If Jiang Biehe had not rescued him, he would still be imprisoned by Liu Xi.

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