But now, Jiang Biehe said.. he ran out by his own strength, which is not in line with the facts.

The next moment, he came into contact with Jiang Biehe's line of sight, and he reacted quickly.

"That's right."

Tie Ruyun nodded lightly and said solemnly, "Liu Xi, this thief, he thought he could control me with Ecstasy, so he didn't guard me very closely.

As a result, I broke free from the shackles of the ecstasy liquid, and happened to meet Brother Jiang who came to rescue him.

I wait for the inside and outside to work together to break down the death tower and foil the plot of the dog thief Liu Xi."

Well, yes, that's it.

Jiang Biehe was saving face for him, and Tie Ruyun couldn't help but go down the stairs.

So, this is actually a business-to-air blow.

in spite of....

No one but the two of them knows what happened.

So, as long as the result is perfect, that's fine.

"Uncle Jiang, thank you for saving my father."

Tie Xinlan's eyes were red, and she bowed gratefully to Jiang Biehe.

And Jiang Biehe took it with a kind smile without blushing at all.

After all, as a qualified actor, if you blush because of this, it will be a failure.

But Tie Xinlan felt a little guilty because she was influenced by Fang Tianfeng before and instinctively thought that Jiang Biehe was not a good person.

But now she doesn't think so anymore, although Jiang Biehe is not a good person.

But it is an indisputable fact that he saved his own father.

A family reunion is a real joy.

And Fang Tianfeng was also happy to watch the excitement on the plate.

In fact, no matter what Jiang Biehe said or what Tie Ruyun understood.

In fact, it's all just an illusion.

If he hadn't given Cao Zhengchun an order to let him release Tie Ruyun, how could this old guy escape and Jiang Biehe, he would dare to oppose Liu Xi.

"Liu Xi, Jiang Biehe, the cooperation is really good."

Fang Tianfeng took a deep look at Jiang Biehe, he just asked Cao Zhengchun to release him, but he didn't say he wanted to build momentum for Jiang Biehe.

Although he has two good daughters, Fang Tianfeng is not... he must be used...  

Let Tie Ruyun be the leader of the alliance or let him be the leader of the alliance, the other side Tianfeng is not bad.

Anyway..., as long as their daughter becomes the princess, they won't be able to do things even if they don't try their best.

What's more, Tie Ruyun is more trustworthy than Jiang Biehe, who colluded with Liu Xi with deep scheming and a criminal record of betrayal.

"Father, where is my mother?"

Xinlan is still there: reminiscing with Tie Ruyun, but Jiang Yufeng looks at Jiang Biehe with some doubts.

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene cooled down again.

Chapter 045 Loyalty and Power! (please subscribe)

Jiang Liu died.

in spite of....

For some reason, she is Yufeng's mother after all.

Therefore, Yufeng is bound to stay behind to perform filial piety for his spirit.

Therefore, Yufeng is inseparable.

As for Xinlan, originally because of Tie Ruyun's return, she should go home now and take care of her family affairs.

After all, Tie Ruyun has been missing for so long, and their family has some things to deal with.

However, because of such a big incident in Jiang Mansion, Tie Ruyun was still a participant and an insider.

So, he couldn't leave for a while.

And Xinlan also stayed to take care of Yufeng.

Therefore, only Fang Tianfeng and Jiang Yuyan were left.

After all, Jiang Yuyan's identity has become sensitive, especially because Jiang Liu has always rejected her existence, and now she just happened to be dead again.

Therefore, she had better not stay in Jiangfu any longer.

At the very least, we have to wait until Jiang Liu's burial.

Of course, it will not be said to the outside world that Jiang Liu was killed by Jiang Biehe in a fit of rage because he raped Jiang Biehe's apprentice Jiang Dan.

The reason given to the outside world is that Jiang Mansion was invaded by thieves, and Jiang Liu died unfortunately.

As for who the thief is, it doesn't need too many people to know.

There are only a few insiders, and it is impossible for anyone to tell this matter.

So it doesn't really matter what the truth is.

Jiang Yuyan's identity is too sensitive, so it is not suitable to continue to stay in Jiangfu.

And Fang Tianfeng was not in the mood to cheat with Jiang Bie Heer, so he left with Yuyan.

They are going back to the capital.

It has been several months since he left the capital.

Although the affairs of the DPRK and China are usually handled by the cabinet on their behalf, in the end, it is only necessary for the emperor to stamp a seal ━━━━━━━━━.

So, as long as it's not too big of a deal, Haitang and Yunluo have always been in charge.

The cabinet handles government affairs, which are then handed over to the emperor.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor does not have to show his face.

Why is it because before the Ming Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty was generally used for administration, and the leader of the Shang Dynasty was the Prime Minister.

However, the Ming Dynasty has already abolished the prime minister, and everything is handled by the cabinet.

So, the previous dynasty has actually lost its meaning.

Therefore, it does not make much sense for the emperor to go to court or not.

In the Ming Dynasty, the emperor was notoriously lazy.

There is even a certain emperor who has never been to court several times in his life for decades.

As for Fang Tianfeng, it's just that he didn't go to court for a month, so it's not a big problem.

In the palace, Cao Zhengchun also helped to cover.

Civil and military officials who want to see the emperor must first pass the test of Cao Zhengchun.

However, as long as this is not too urgent, Cao Zhengchun can directly refuse.

Even if there was a real emergency, the people from Hulong Villa were supervised by the side, and in the end, they passed over Cao Zhengchun and presented the memorial to Haitang.

On the one hand, it is also to supervise Cao Zhengchun, so as to prevent him from being arbitrary and rampant.

On the other hand, it is also because Fang Tianfeng intends to cultivate Haitang, and also intends to cultivate the power of Hulong Villa, so that they can one day truly compete with Dongchang Jinyiwei.

As for Cao Zhengchun, of course he knew what Fang Tianfeng was thinking, after all Fang Tianfeng didn't hide it from him at all.

And, for.. this kind of thing, he is also happy to see it happen.

Eunuchs have no real children, unless they are married and have children before entering the palace.

However, Cao Zhengchun just doesn't belong to this category.

So, he can be said to be carefree.

As for accepting adopted sons, it is only for the convenience of attracting and controlling his subordinates.

The emperor cultivated and supported Hulong Villa, but even so, Hulong Villa could not grow up without ten or eight years.

After all, the current Hulong Villa is still too tender.

Because Zhu ignored the death, it caused great chaos in Hulong Villa.

And within ten years, the emperor will still reuse him Cao Zhengchun.

As for ten years later, at that time, Cao Zhengchun was almost dead.

Even if he didn't die, he should have been in his seventies at that time.

In his [-]s, he still wants to take charge of the East Factory, which is unlikely.

So, he will have to retire at that time, 83 anyway... Dongchang is not his.

What will happen to the person who takes over the East Factory at that time, and what does it have to do with him? So, this is a completely happy behavior.

It is precisely because Cao Zhengchun is old that Fang Tianfeng will reuse him with confidence, rather than re-enable a loyal little eunuch.

Because loyalty changes with power.

So instead of this, it is better to let Cao Zhengchun continue to take charge of the East Factory, and help Haitang to expand Hulong Villa by the way.

In this way, it is a completely win-win: thing.

Beijing and Jiangnan are still far away.

It took ten days on the road to reach the capital in the afternoon of this day.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not directly bring Yuyan back to the palace.

Instead, he lived in a house in the capital.

This is the real estate he ordered Haitang to buy for him early in the morning, the purpose is to do some shameful things here with the girls one day.

Moreover, it is easier to get out from here than from the palace.

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