It will be much more convenient and hidden to do some things.

Chapter 046 Liu Xi! (please subscribe)

And Fang Tianfeng's target this time is Liu Xi.

Liu Xi, his strength has reached the late stage of congenital.

Even Cao Zhengchun is only the strength of the peak innate.

However, what Cao Zhengchun is practicing is pure Tiangang boygong after all.

That's when he recognized the martial arts that his godfather gave him after he entered the palace.

And his godfather was the head of the East Factory before him.

Fertilizer water does not flow to outsiders' fields, although it is not biological, but at least there are some feelings, which is not incomprehensible.

However, Liu Xi is different.

Although Liu Xi is also Cao Zhengchun's godfather, he made his debut halfway through.

Cao Zhengchun recognized his godfather when he was only ten years old. At this age, the three views of people have not yet been formed, and they still know how to be grateful.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun would treat him well when he knew his godfather, and tried his best to train him.

And Liu Xi, he is in his fifties.

Moreover, the reason why he recognized Cao Zhengchun as his godfather.

In Fang Tianfeng's view, it is actually the reason for the inertia of the plot.

The No. [-] in the world and the peerless double pride are linked plots.

Then according to the original trajectory, Cao Zhengchun was killed by Zhu Ignore.

But Zhu ignored it, and was killed by the right and wrong alliance Gui Hai Yi Dao and Duan Tian Ya.

And Liu Xi was lucky to take over Cao Zhengchun's position, and got the great practice of absorbing power that Zhu ignored.

So, it's logical ━━━━━━━━━ to start the story of the peerless double pride.

However, because of Fang Tianfeng.

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun didn't die, and Zhu Ignore died, but his great practice of absorbing energy did not spread.

As a result, all the opportunities for Liu Xi's rise are gone.

After that, under the inertia of the plot, he worshipped Cao Zhengchun as his godfather, which can be regarded as preparation for the future.

Although Liu Xi was a eunuch.

However, he also has his own mansion.

And Fang Tianfeng, after settling Yuyan, quietly came to Liu Xi's house alone.

And in the daytime, he has also obtained the floor plan of Liu Xi's house from Hulong Villa.

So, I quickly found a study room.

Sure enough, Liu Xi was in the study.

I don't know what's wrong. Some people like to talk about secrets in the study room. Can't they just change the bedroom? Just like Jiang Biehe, he is much more creative.

He is not in the study room, but in the Qin Zhai.

Well, although it was because his wife Jiang Liu occupied the study room.

Well, it's not a big problem.

"Liu Ren Shen Dice ah Liu Ren Shen Dice.."

At this moment, Liu Xi was holding a small object in his hand, frowning, and whispered in his mouth, "What's so amazing about you and how can I open you up?"

The Six Ren Shen Die can be turned, very much like the Rubik's Cube of later generations.

But slightly different.

The first is the size. Although it is a small object, it is several times larger than the ordinary Rubik's cube.

Another one, that is... Although the Six-Ren Divine Die is also a six-sided cube.

But compared to a Rubik's cube, it's more like an enlarged dice.

Because the corners where each side and other sides want to meet is a small square, not a sharp point like a Rubik's cube.

And its six 66 faces are not six colors, but six strange patterns.

Therefore, it is much more difficult to solve the puzzle than the Rubik's cube.

The Rubik's Cube also has specific rules, but it is unlikely that it will be used on the Six Renshen Die.

After all, the Rubik's Cube only needs one face of the same color, and there is no rule on which one is where.

However, the Liuren Divine Die requires the pattern on each side to be a specific position and a specific shape.


After playing the Liuren Divine Dice for a while, Liu Xicai had to give up and sighed.

It's been a month since he got this thing, but after so long, he can't do anything about it.

Presumably, it was because of this that Jiang Biehe gave himself the Divine Six Gods.

However, Liu Xi didn't care, because the more this was the case, the more it would prove that the Liuren Divine Die was true.

If you can't open it now, it doesn't mean it won't open in the future.

Anyway... he has time and patience.

He is different from Jiang Biehe, Jiang Biehe's ambition is too small, and he is staring at the position of a so-called martial arts alliance leader.

But he is different. He really wants to be more than one person and more than ten thousand people! And in front of him, there is a huge boulder blocking the road! Therefore, he must have the corresponding patience!

Carefully put the Six Renshen dice in the dark compartment, and Liu Xi will not stop too much.

Otherwise, staying in the study for a long time will easily arouse suspicion from others.

Qian Hao, Zhao Dongchang has no one of his own, betrayal and betrayal are everywhere.

So, he has to be extra careful.


Liu Xi went out and closed the door carefully.

After looking around, he left in peace.

However, he didn't know.

In the darkness, there is another person.

Liu Xi is very patient, Fang Tianfeng is more patient.

Fang Tianfeng was waiting outside the door while he was solving the puzzle of the Six Renshen Die.

When she left the study and the courtyard, Fang Tianfeng took action.

Entering the study carefully, Fang Tianfeng did not move around in curiosity.

For someone like Liu Xi, there must be some kind of alarm device in the study.

Chapter 047 Steal! (please subscribe)

The study is not too big, but it is not too small, but it is very well-arranged.

It's old-fashioned and looks very rustic.

There is a desk on the right side of the house against the wall.

Directly above the desk, there is a painting of calligraphy.

It's a pity that Fang Tianfeng doesn't act on these things, so he doesn't care.

On the desk are pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and there is a Taishi chair in front of the desk.

On the other wall of the study room, there is a bookshelf, and most of the bookshelves are filled with various books.

Fang Tianfeng just glanced at the desk and lost interest.

Because the ancients were always so simple.

They always like to put the secret compartment in the study, and, moreover, just behind the bookshelf in the study.

For countless years, the wisdom of the ancients has always been placed elsewhere.

In these obvious little things, but they don't care.

That's why those... thieves are so easy to get hold of.

After all, the similarity is too high.

The secret room must be behind the bookshelf, anyway... they are reluctant to use other 837 camouflage methods, and they are reluctant to dig a basement under the study.

And the secret room's mechanism is even simpler.

Either a certain book is fake and there is actually a wooden or iron peg connecting the two separate bookshelves.

Or, it is... an antique vase is actually fake, the base has a mechanism, and it opens with a slight turn.

So, it's really an explosion, is there any... "Crack--!"

Sure enough, when Fang Tianfeng effortlessly found the unusual book, he easily opened the door of the study.

However, this organ does not seem very humane.

It's not the same as the fully automatic show on TV.

Because, this mechanism is simply connecting two bookshelves that are placed together.

Break open the mechanism and manually separate it at the junction of the two bookshelves.

Then, a space for one person to pass through was revealed.

And behind this, is a completely dark secret room.

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