The secret room is not big, the length is the same as the room, but only one meter long.

Those...the ones who built the secret room very big are actually stupid hats.

Could it be that when others enter the house, there is a big difference in the length of the space between the front and the inside? Impossible, no one is a fool.

Therefore, Liu Xi is very smart. From the outside and inside, the length is only one meter apart.

Compared with the total length of ten meters, this meter is not so important.

Because, it is easy to be ignored by people as a wall.

However, it is... this is only a one meter wide secret room, but there are a lot of good things.

Well, to say it's a good thing is not always true.

Of course, it is impossible to put any antique calligraphy and painting in it.

These... antiques are... for people to see, and the ones in the back room are... idiots.

After all, the secret room does not see light all the year round, the water inside is generally relatively large, and the writing and painting are easily damaged by moisture.

Most of the boxes in the secret room are boxes.

And what was in the box was, of course, gold and silver.

Only these things have the value of being placed in the secret room.

Those...everything is put in the secret room, it's pure stupidity.

In a secret room, naturally only the most valuable things are kept.

And the Liuren Divine Die is inside the wall of this secret room.

That's a dark box.

There's not much space, but it's good enough to put some small things.

For example, the Six Renshen Die.

Well, of course, in addition to the six-ren god dice, there are also two secret books in the dark grid.

But just a cursory glance at Fang, Fang Tianfeng was no longer interested.

Just kidding, he is also in the role of King Kong's Indestructible Magic and Qigong Dafa, as well as the assistants of the eight sects of martial arts.

"How courageous! Little thief, how dare you come to my house to steal something!"

However, just after Fang Tianfeng took the Liuren Divine Die, he suddenly heard a movement at the door.

Before he could make a move, Liu Xi's angry voice came from outside the door.

Fang Tianfeng raised his brows slightly, as expected.

These...the ancients were not stupid.

In the secret room of this study, there must be something connected to Liu Xi's bedroom.

The act of opening the secret room must have triggered a device connected to a similar sound transmission tube, awakening it.


Without the slightest delay, Liu Xi smashed the door of the study with one palm, and then saw Fang Tianfeng in night clothes walking out of the secret room, holding the Liuren Divine Die in his hand.

"Give it over!"

Liu Xi was stunned, it was his own treasure! It was the only hope for his own rise! Now, it was actually stolen by someone! Immediately he was furious............Sorry, directly Even without declaring the war, he slapped the man in black in front of him with a palm.

Then...then he was slapped by Fang Tianfeng and flew out, hitting the wall heavily.

Well, Liu Xi's design is still perfect.

As long as someone steals something, he can find it immediately.

Unfortunately, there is a fatal flaw.

That is, if the person who comes to steal is stronger than him, then he is in danger.

However, he would never have imagined that Liu Xi, a dignified master, would come back to steal something! It was obvious that he could use a gun, but he had to rely on technology to steal.

So, isn't this sick?

Chapter 049 Get it! (please subscribe)

"You, who are you!"

Liu Xi grabbed his chest and got up from the ground, looking at Fang Tianfeng with a look of horror and inconceivable, his tone was full of unwilling questions and panic.

Even Cao Zhengchun, who is at the peak of the first-class, can't slap Liu Xi, who has reached the later stage of the first-class, with a single slap.

However, Fang Tianfeng did it.

Not only did it do it, but it looked easy.

Liu Xi is not stupid, he instantly understood that this person is definitely a master at the master level! But he never imagined that a master master would come back to steal his own things! You are a master! What do you want? Say it! Ah! You're.... Say it! If you say it, he will give it to you! If you say it, can he still not give you it? If it doesn't work, even if he's unwilling, in the end he can't just obediently give the thing with both hands, but why did you steal it! "I want this thing."

Fang Tianfeng stared at Liu Xi for a while, pretending to be hoarse.

As he said that, the person has disappeared, and only the sound of the ethereal voice is left, and there is Liu Xi who wants to cry but has no tears.

The head of the dignified East Factory was actually made to cry.

Liuren Divine Die, no matter how big the secret is, it only gives people the possibility of being promoted to Grandmaster.

However, you are already a master, what do you want to do with this thing! However, Fang Tianfeng has no intention to care what Liu Xi thinks.

He has already left with the Six Renshen Die.

Moreover, there is no need to cover up the figure at all.

Because he has this confidence, even if the Grandmaster comes in person, he will not be able to catch up with him, let alone follow him.

Be low-key when it's time to be low-key, but be assertive when it's time to be assertive.

As for the reason why he wanted to steal the Six Renshen dice in the first place instead of robbing it.


Is it because he is used to it or he is not used to robbing? Well, it is still not accustomed to robbing.

After all, he is such a kind person.

"Brother Fang, you are back."

When he returned to the house, he found that the light in the room was still on.

And Yuyan, who was sitting anxiously waiting, saw her return, her pretty face showed a surprised expression.

"Aren't you asleep yet?"

Seeing this, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart, "Brother Fang is not here, I can't sleep."

The girl shook her head lightly and smiled sweetly, "Besides, Yuyan thought, maybe Big Brother Fang could find a place for Yuyan when he came back, so he didn't dare to sleep."

"I'm ashamed to say that, there is really something I need your help."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head somewhat helplessly, and handed out the Divine Six Divine Die in his hand.

"this is"

Yuyan took it with some doubts, but she didn't understand what it was for.

"Six-Ren Divine Dice,"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl's puzzled eyes and said with a smile, "It is rumored that there is an extremely exquisite and peerless martial arts hidden in the Liuren Divine Dice.

However, no one has been able to turn it on over the years.

So, I want to leave this task to you."

"Eh, me?"

When the girl heard the words, she panicked instantly, "I can't do it, Yuyan is very stupid, if, if I can't turn on this Divine Divine Dice, wouldn't it be a big problem for Big Brother Fang."

"It's ok."

Fang Tianfeng spread his hands and said indifferently, "Anyway... I never thought of using the contents here, it's just better than nothing.

Yan'er, you don't have to be under pressure, it's best if you can open it up, if you can't, it doesn't matter."


Hearing Fang Tianfeng say this, the girl finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little relieved.

Otherwise, if Fang Tianfeng's plan was ruined because of her, then she would really have to die of guilt.

Fang Tianfeng handed the Liuren Divine Die to Yuyan, and naturally he would not cling to the dispensable mind.

Because in the original book, it was... Jiang Yuyan opened the Six Ren Divine Die.

But Fang Tianfeng didn't plan to remind her, because many times, many things can only be figured out by himself.

Even if other people reminded it, it was of no use.

......Because, too many truths are discovered by the flash of human inspiration.

Just like Newton, he realized gravity after being hit by an apple on the head.

However, if someone else hits him with an apple, can he still discover gravity? Impossible, non-existent.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng would not deliberately guide Yuyan, but let her find out by herself.

Otherwise, sometimes it will be more troublesome.

It's like Hu Qu.

Fang Tianfeng knew that the Liuren Divine Dice was related to Hu Qu, but who knows which Hu Qu Hu people's tune is, there are not [-] or [-].

Even if the scope is reduced.

Those ...... a little more famous songs, not one thousand but eight hundred.

Well, the ghost knows which song is related to the Liuren Shendice "Yuyan, I'll take you out to play tomorrow."

Fang Tianfeng saw that the girl took the Liuren Divine Die and started to think hard, and said with some guilt in his heart, "You haven't been to the capital, this is the most prosperous city in the country."

"no need."

Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head gently, "Brother Fang, wait until I figure this out before going out to play."

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