Chapter 050 East Factory! (please subscribe)

Fang Tianfeng suddenly regretted giving the Liuren Divine Die to Jiang Yuyan.

Because since getting the standing Liuren Divine Die, the girl almost forgets to eat and sleep, and even walks thinking about how to turn on the Liuren Divine Die.

And no matter how Fang Tianfeng persuaded her, it was useless, even if she wanted to take her to go shopping, she would not be interested at all.

Feeling helpless, Fang Tianfeng felt a little regretful.

In the final analysis, the martial arts in the Six Renshen dice are just to give people the possibility of being promoted to Grandmaster.

And he is already a master.

Whether it is the King Kong Undestructed Magical Art or the Great Law of Absorbing Gong, it can make people progress rapidly, step into the innate, and have the opportunity to break through the "eight three seven" of the supreme sect

Teacher's realm.

And the reason why he insisted on opening the Liuren Divine Die was just to satisfy his own curiosity.

After all, the martial arts in the Liuren Divine Die are not indispensable to him.

What he was curious about was because of what kind of martial arts were put in the Six Renshen Die.

In the TV drama version of the peerless double pride, the Liuren Shen dice is the highest secret of marriage dress magic.

And the magic of wedding dress is the highest skill of Yihua Palace.

However, in the original work, the martial arts of Yihua Palace are clearly Mingyu Gong, and what Yan Nantian practiced is the Marrying Clothing Magic.

And Fang Tianfeng is a man who has spent the entire Yihua Palace in the sun, so he is naturally very clear that Yihua Palace's martial arts is Mingyu Gong.

Then here comes the problem.

This world is likely to be a fusion of original novels and TV series.

Then, what kind of martial arts is placed in the entire so-called Liuren Divine Dice, which is the same as the original one, and inside it is the highest unique skill of wedding dress magic.

It's still the same as the setting. Inside is the highest martial art of the inner power and mind method of Yihua Palace. If Fang Tianfeng doesn't know these things...., in fact, there is no need to be so entangled, and he will not be afraid of it. What interest does this Six Renshen Die generate?

However, he just knows these things, so he will pay more attention to it.

If you don't know, you will be more interested.

Although he forced the girl out in the end, the girl followed him like a marionette, letting him walk down the street holding his little hand.

There was no response at all to the sound of hawking on the street.

The nature of girls is to like to go shopping, but Yuyan does not have this mood now, nor does she have any thoughts in this regard.

Now, she only wants to crack the six "Eh."

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, and if it goes on like this, I am afraid that Yuyan will become more like an inflatable doll when it is not the time to have sex in the future.

Therefore, it should not be dice of the six gods.

Fang Tianfeng was not in a good mood because of the six gods.

And there are people who are in a worse mood than him.

East Factory.

The most famous spy agency in the Ming Dynasty, even Jin Yiwei, was weaker than eunuchs in terms of power and status.

Because eunuchs have a natural advantage over normal men, they are not normal men, and there is no possibility of mutiny.

Because, even if they seek to usurp the throne, they cannot become emperors because of physical constraints.

Moreover, even if they want to support other new emperors on the throne.

However, who would believe a person who once betrayed his master? Therefore, the eunuch is actually the most loyal.

They may be authoritarian, they may be chaotic, and they may even dominate the government and the opposition.

However, they will not betray.

To the north of Donghua Gate is the headquarters of the East Factory.

The East Factory is only responsible to the emperor, with great power, but without the approval of the judicial organs, it can supervise and arrest subjects at will, beheaded first, and then file.

But as the group of eunuchs grows, the power of Dongchang also increases.

Although Jin Yiwei is also the emperor's henchman, but they are complete men after all, so Jin Yiwei cannot enter the palace.

And sometimes, when the emperor needs to issue an order, someone needs to go outside the palace to notify Jinyiwei.

And that would be too much trouble.

Thus, the East Factory came into being.

In addition to... its own duty to oversee hundreds of officials and the people of the world, Dongchang also shoulders the heavy burden of guarding the palace.

However, no one can... deny that the East Factory headquarters is still a bloody and frightening place.

No one who entered the East Factory has ever come out intact.

Even if the identity is beaten again, as long as you enter the East Factory, you will have to peel off the skin if you don't die.

Of course, most people never get out.

Dongchang is synonymous with darkness.

Just like Jinyiwei, the East Factory is 3.

1 Royal Black Gloves.

As the rights of the East Factory became larger and larger, many rights originally belonging to Jinyiwei were taken away by the East Factory.

Correspondingly, those... The dirty work that Jin Yiwei was responsible for was also taken over by Dongchang.

The prison in Dongchang is the Heavenly Prison! There are the craziest and most inhumane executioners and executioners in the world, and they have the best interrogation skills in the world.

Practice makes perfect, they know how to make a person feel like dying without putting that person's life at risk.

There are countless punishments in Dongchang, among which the top ten tortures are the most.

And here, there are more people who are proficient in lingering punishment.

Chapter 051 East Factory!Down! (please subscribe)

East factory, too dirty.

Just like using a sewer, it is full of the smell of blood and corpse, as well as a smell of death.

The screams of the East Factory have never stopped, and there are always a few people who are unlucky.

The offense is not too big to be killed.

But the crime is not small and there is no backstage, there is no way to be rescued from the East Factory.

Therefore, executioners often use these people to practice their hands.

Anyway... as long as you don't die.

After all, if you die, it's not easy to find another person to practice.

The factory supervisor of the East Factory was undoubtedly Cao Zhengchun.

However, Cao Zhengchun rarely came to the headquarters of the East Factory in person, much less went to Tianjing.

He is the superior.

The things that the superiors have to do are the same as the companies of later generations, and they only deal with the general direction.

Usually, I just stay in the office.

Compared to staying in the dark and bloody Dongchang, he had a gloomy and cold expression on his face.

Cao Zhengchun prefers to stay in the palace, by the emperor's side, with a humble and flattering smile on his face.

Because the palace is... the biggest authority in the world.

People here enjoy the supreme honor and power.

The most powerful person in the world is the emperor.

And he, Cao Zhengchun, is... the one who is above ten thousand people! As a eunuch, this is the limit of what he can do, after all, he has no basis for rebellion.

So, he is already very satisfied.

In the palace, Cao Zhengchun was just a humble and flattering servant.

But in the eyes of outsiders, that is a devil who kills without blinking an eye! However, although Cao Zhengchun did not want to stay in the East Factory, he even disliked the bloody smell here.

However, after all, this is the East Factory base camp, after all, someone needs to be in charge.

The superintendent didn't want to do it.

Then, of course, this task can only fall to the big gear head.

The subordinate officials of the Dongchang factory consisted of one member in charge of one thousand families and one member from one hundred families in charge of punishment.

The status of these people is second only to that of the Dongchang factory supervisor, they are not eunuchs, they are outsiders.

Even if Jinyiwei has been merged by the East Factory,,, or because it was merged by the East Factory,,.

So these people are more and more not because the eunuchs are jealous of them...complete men.

In addition, there are more than [-] people in charge, foreman, and stewards, who are allocated by Jinyiwei, who are divided into twelve sons, ugly, Yin and Mao, and the steward wears a round hat, soap boots, and brown shirts.

The rest of the people have the same boots and caps, but wear straight body.

These people also have no status at all.

However, in the East Factory, the real power figures are the sergeant and the fan sergeant who are in charge of the detective work.

There were more than a hundred people in the stall, and there were twelve ugly men, all wearing pointed hats, white leather boots, brown clothes, and small sashes.

Among them, the highest position is the first gear head, the second gear head and the third gear head.

There are several commanders in command of each commander, who are also called "fanzi".

, also known as "Officer"

, and these people are also composed of elite molecules selected by Jinyiwei.

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