Yes, that's right.

People often talk about Dongchang Fanzi, but they are actually Jin Yiwei's people, cannon fodder, and younger brothers.

But, that is... not a eunuch.

When it comes to Dongchang, people's first impression is... The people inside are all conditions.

But it wasn't, apart from...the Dongchang factory supervisor and the people in key positions, as well as those more than [-] stall heads.

Among those little people, there are very few eunuchs.

After all, there are not many eunuchs in total.

There were [-] eunuchs in the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty.

There are [-] maids in the palace.

And among the ten thousand eunuchs, most of them had to work to death in the palace.

And with these ten thousand people, there can be a few high-strength people in martial arts. Over a hundred stalls, almost [-]% of the eunuchs who know martial arts.

More eunuchs are just ordinary people.

There may be some martial arts masters who voluntarily become eunuchs for status and work in the East Factory.

However, no one would cut himself off in order to be a little eunuch.

Therefore, many times the East Factory is short of manpower.

Those ordinary eunuchs can't be used naturally, they don't know martial arts, they don't have discipline, they're just a bunch of slaves, and even if they come, they will only cause trouble.

Therefore, he could only borrow someone from Jin Yiwei.

Of course, there is the kind of borrowing without repayment...

And although these people were borrowed by Dongchang, it is impossible to say that they were all cut into eunuchs.

In that case, I'm afraid Jin Yiwei will rebel.

Moreover, people who are not willing to become eunuchs will definitely have resentment in their hearts.

If this kind of person uses it, it is likely to backlash and bite the owner.

Therefore, it will not be cut.

At this moment.

In the east factory, a middle-aged man in black, with a red robe on his back, a pointed hat, and white boots, was looking for clues in the dossier room with a gloomy face.

This person is Liu Xi.

The head of the East Factory, a martial arts master, second only to Cao Zhengchun.

But at this moment, this congenital expert has a gloomy face, as if someone owes him tens of billions.

"Why not! Why not!"

Chapter 052 The Iron Claw Flying Eagle! (please subscribe)

"Why not! Why not!"

Liu Xi smashed the table in front of him with an angry palm, and his gloomy face was full of unwillingness.

Ever since he was robbed of his Liuren Divine Die in an open and fair manner last night, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he wanted to vomit blood.

Therefore, even if he knew that he could not beat the Grandmaster, he must at least know who that person was.

However, there are only a few masters in the world.

He searched and searched, but couldn't find any master like the one who attacked him last night.

And those... innate peaks, who may step into the master level at any time, he has also checked.

However, there is no one similar! It's not Liu Xi's boasting that the intelligence agency of the East Factory is absolutely the best in the world, and even the once prosperous Hulong Villa may not have the intelligence of the East Factory's intelligence agency.

However, the same is true.

It's because the Dongchang factory couldn't even find the information about that person, let alone other places! "Whoa!"

The next moment, a large group of Dongchang Fanzi rushed into the dossier room with weapons in hand, their murderous appearance even scary.

What's more, here is the East Factory.

And the reason for this is entirely because they heard the voice of the dossier room.

However, when they opened the door and walked in, they did not see the imaginary thief.

Only Liu Xi, the head of their East Factory, and the torn table.

"Go down! It's none of your business here!"

With a gloomy face, Liu Xi said coldly, "Close the door."


Those...fanzi naturally did not dare to resist Liu Xi's orders, and hurriedly bowed their heads and walked backwards.

However, it didn't close.

"Are you all deaf? I told you to close the door!"

Liu Xi was instantly furious, and his originally gloomy face became more gloomy at this time, "It's still my words that don't work."

"Dashitou, why is there such a big fire?"

He was roaring, but a chuckle came from outside the door, which was heard before anyone could hear it.

Liu Xi's face did not improve in the slightest, only slightly restrained.

Because he knows who is coming, the second and second gear of the East Factory, the iron-clawed flying eagle.

That... the relationship between the former Dongchang high-ranking stallion who was squeezed out by himself, and his relationship with him, is definitely not good.

So even if he is in a bad mood, it is impossible for him to be exposed in front of this person, and let people see his jokes for nothing.

Sure enough, the next moment, a shadow entered the dossier room.

The same people are dressed in black, with a red robe on their back, a pointed hat on their head, and white boots on their feet.

It's just that this man's red robe is tied on the side.

Liu Xi's red robe was tied behind his back, but this person tied the red robe under his left shoulder.

On weekdays, the left hand is also hidden in it.

It seems that there is infinite murder in it! That red robe, as if there is endless blood, hidden murder! "What are you doing?"

Liu Xi looked at him coldly, as if he was questioning at all.

And in fact it was, he was just chasing people.

"Why, not welcome"

Iron Claw Feiying had a faint smile on his face, looked around, and then looked at the table that was smashed by Liu Xi, "Who made the big stall first angry so much that even the table was smashed to pieces. .

Tell me, the big stall is looking for someone, maybe I can help you."

"you know"

Liu Xi's face was gloomy and uncertain, and there was even a faint flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Aren't you here to find someone?"

Iron Claw Feiying sneered, he naturally saw the murderous intent in Liu Xi's eyes, but he didn't care.

If Liu Xi dared to do something to him, that would be great.

Rather, that was exactly what he expected.


Liu Xi did not suspect him, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

He was indeed a little too nervous, and it was impossible to think about it now.

If Iron Claw Feiying really knew the master-level master, he wouldn't be pushed out by himself.

However, the Iron Claw Eagle is still suspect.

Until the dice of the six gods, nothing more than... three people.

He and posted on Feiying, and Jiang Biehe.

Jiang Biehe was his younger brother, but the Iron Claw Feiying was an outsider.

Therefore, he would naturally suspect the Iron Claw Eagle first.

However, doubt is doubt, but he has no evidence and can't do it.

It's ridiculous, to arrest someone who never needs evidence, but one day will have to worry about finding evidence.

If there is no evidence to attack the iron-clawed eagle, no matter what the result is, there is no doubt that the position of his big head must be headed.

"Why don't you say"

Iron Claw Feiying had a smile on the corner of his mouth, not annoyed by Liu Xi's attitude at all.

Because, the more Liu Xi treats himself badly, the more upset he is.

It is precisely because Liu Xi is in a bad mood that he cannot control his emotions and express his dissatisfaction so frankly.

If Liu Xi is in a bad mood, then he is in a good mood.

Iron Claw Feiying is actually not a person who likes to laugh. During the years he followed Cao Zhengchun, he almost never laughed.

But since Zhu ignored the death and Liu Xi took his place again, he began to become: like to laugh.

The original cold-faced killer of the East Factory has a tendency to transform into a smiling tiger at this time.

And I have to say, for people who know people, the iron-clawed eagle that laughs is even more terrifying!

Chapter 053 Each has its own master! (please subscribe)

"Since you don't want to say it, let me guess."

Iron Claw Feiying didn't care about Liu Xi's angry eyes at all, he paced the dossier room on his own, looked at the dossier Liu Xi had checked, and thoughtfully said, "Master, what are you doing to check the master's book in this world? Not much, just some old antiques."

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