"Among the surviving masters, there are some old antiques from the eight sects.

And those... old antiques have never shown up, and no one knows whether they are still alive or not."

"Besides, it is rumored that there are two great masters in Yihua Palace.

If it looks like this, this Yihua Palace is the most powerful sect on the rivers and lakes."

"The ten great masters, these are the recognized figures in the rivers and lakes.

It's just that no one knows whether the Eight Great Sects have... Eight Great Masters."

"Originally, the Marquis of Tiedan and Nagu Santong were also masters, but they are all dead.

Although the supervisor is at the peak of the innate, and a boy in Tiangang wants to achieve greatness, he has never been able to do it, and he cannot become a master."

"And there are probably only one or two masters living in seclusion on the rivers and lakes.

Do the math, no more than twelve digits."

Said, Iron Claw Feiying also deliberately looked at Liu Xi's eyes, seeing that his face became more ugly, he nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "As for this innate peak, there are not a few.

However, it is impossible to say that they can become masters in a short period of time."

"The reason why the eight major sects have been handed down by masters is simply because those so-called masters passed on their skills to future disciples through empowerment when they were dying."

"If you can't break through the grandmaster in this way, then you can only say that this person is a real waste."

"Speaking of which, the difference between us and them is just this opportunity."

"It's true that you can be regarded as a master master who has achieved success through his own efforts, only three or four.

Two of them are still from Yihua Palace."

"It's just, Liu Xi, what are you doing with these masters in the middle stage of the innate?"

Iron Claw Feiying squinted his eyes slightly, with a smile in his eyes, looking at Liu Xi with a gloomy and ugly face, "Last night, there was a lot of... movement.

I heard that a thief broke into the mansion and was killed by you."

"And the next day, you went to the sect to find the news of the master master."

"Presumably, you didn't take the little thief. On the contrary, you should have been slapped by him, knowing that you are not an opponent, so you can only watch the other party take your things and leave."

"And, it should be a heavy one."

"Believe it or not I killed you!"

Liu Xi glared at the iron-clawed flying eagle, raised it slightly, and his inner strength was almost solid! And looking at the iron-clawed flying eagle, his eyes were full of threats, and his face was even more difficult to see.

Because, all in.

Moreover, the iron-clawed eagle's analysis is well-founded, and even he can't find the slightest fault.

Moreover, the words are full of schadenfreude, but they don't show off.

Therefore, Liu Xi can almost judge from his tone that the Iron Claw Flying Eagle really has nothing to do with this matter.

In fact, some things are just... so easy to judge the truth of the facts.

He didn't know that his behavior was easy to cause suspicion, but he just... couldn't take this breath.

I can't help it! The uncomfortable feeling in my heart is simply refreshing.

I finally had a glimmer of hope, but as a result, someone forcibly took this glimmer of hope away! "I believe, why don't I believe it"

The Iron Claw Flying Eagle took two steps back and waved his hand quickly, but there was still a smile on his face, and he didn't have the slightest emotion of fear, "Can I not believe what you said?"

After speaking, he walked towards the door on his own, and even waved at Liu Xi before leaving, "Go, I still have a lot of things to do."

Iron-clawed Eagle is in a good mood now, and the smile on his face is getting brighter and brighter.

Because, most of the time, he only knew what Liu Xi had lost.

There are not many things that can make him so concerned and excited.

And the most important thing is nothing more than... more than ten days ago, he personally handed over the Divine Six Divine Dices in Liu Xi's hands.

Liu Xi has Liuren Divine Die in his hand, and only a few people know about it.

Liu Xi naturally wouldn't talk nonsense, and Jiang Biehe, if he didn't want to die, he wouldn't be able to spread it everywhere.

And the rest, only his iron claws flying eagle.

In fact, this news is... he spread it out! Iron Claw Feiying is in a good mood, and when he is in a good mood, looking at the weather, he feels a lot brighter.

Everyone knows that he is Cao Zhengchun's loyal lackey and the executioner.

But few people know that he was raised by the Iron Marquis God since he was a child! When he joined the East Factory, although it was the result of the God Marquis' calculation, it was also the result of his voluntary sacrifice.

After Shenhou died, he thought he had cut off contact with Hulong Villa.

After all, undercover is like this, once the line is dead, it will be over.

And he is in single-line contact with the God of Iron Courage.

However, he never expected that the owner of Haitang Villa in Hulong Villa still found him and was willing to accept him.

So in order to repay the kindness of knowing, he is also very grateful to pass a lot of information to Hulong Villa.

Chapter 054 Move flowers to join trees! (please subscribe)

Yuyan finally solved the Liuren Divine Die.

Just like the original book, it was quite a coincidence that when Fang Tianfeng was out with the girl, he met a Hu people playing Hu Qu on the street, just like the street performers of later generations.

And precisely because of the inspiration of this Hu song, Yuyan also found the law in it.

Well, although Fang Tianfeng didn't see anything.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Six Renshen Die has been opened.

It's not enough to get the six 66 faces together, and some parts of them must be pressed down to open the Six Renshen dice, which is equivalent to double insurance.

"Brother Fang, what kind of martial arts is in here?"

The moment the Liuren Divine Die was opened, the girl handed it over to Fang Tianfeng.

At this moment, the bright big eyes were filled with excitement, and they looked curiously at the peculiar Liuren Divine Die.

The Liuren Divine Die is really amazing. At the moment of opening, a blue beam of light burst out from the Liuren Divine Die! And the martial arts secret book is hidden in this beam of light! This technique is simply incredible! "

Fang Tianfeng stared at the Liuren Divine Die for a while, then shook his head, "It's useless."

Moving flowers and connecting trees, just like in the TV series.

In the original work, this is a kind of palm technique that uses force to fight, and it is not uncommon in the rivers and lakes.

It's just that when you move flowers and connect trees and cultivate to greatness, you can turn corruption into magic.

Once the practice of transferring flowers and connecting trees reaches the top level, it can be similar to transferring flowers and connecting jade in the Palace of Transferring Flowers, which has the same effect.

However, the transfer of flowers and trees in the Liuren Divine Dice in Fang Tianfeng's hand is the last step of the wedding dress magic.

The wedding dress magic is the martial arts that Yan Nantian practiced.

Transferring flowers and connecting trees is the highest state of the magic of wedding dress, and precisely because transferring flowers and connecting trees is the best method, it cannot be combined with any other...internal force.

Therefore, if you want to practice transferring flowers and connecting trees, you need to self-destruct martial arts. If you do not force yourself to practice, you will go back to the devil, and your body will produce toxins. The toxins accumulate on the face, and the appearance is ugly. In severe cases, the meridians are cut off and die.

Therefore, it is best for people who do not have martial arts themselves to practice shifting flowers and connecting trees.

And because of this, this kind of martial arts is simply tasteless to Fang Tianfeng.

Moreover, he himself is very concerned about the wedding dress magic, because the wedding dress magic is too violent, so when [-]% of the time, he will destroy all the skills he has cultivated, and then practice it from the beginning.

This kind of kung fu is prepared to be destroyed after being cultivated, so after it is destroyed, there are still remaining roots in the body: so that the practitioner can do more with less when practicing again.

So as to achieve the effect of defeating its front first if you want to use its advantages.

Wedding dress magic, the name of the wedding dress, is to make wedding dresses for others.

One must destroy one's own martial arts once in order to practice the magic of wedding dress, and this time, one does not need to disperse the martial arts.

Instead, you can pass on your martial arts to others, to someone who has never practiced martial arts.

In this way, you can quickly become a martial arts master.

And this... an instant martial arts master, has also benefited.

Because he only has internal strength, but does not have the foundation to practice the magic of wedding dress.

Without a foundation, there is no way to rehabilitate.

Therefore, he can also continue to practice the magic of wedding dress.

It is equal to, one person can practice the magic of wedding dress, and two people can achieve great success! However, Fang Tianfeng is also a sucker of Dafa and the magic of King Kong's Indestructible. people.

Yuyan didn't practice martial arts at first, but after being quickened by him, she has already practiced martial arts.

And he wasn't going to let Yuyan Sangong rehabilitate.


Yuyan blinked her eyes in confusion, she didn't know why, it wasn't long before she really stepped into the world of Jianghu.

Naturally, I don't know the famous wedding dress magic in the rivers and lakes, so I don't even know the highest state of the wedding dress magic power of moving flowers and connecting trees.

"It's nothing, this martial arts is useless."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, paused, and said again, "Yuyan, can you still close the Six Ren Divine Die?"

"should be okay."

The girl nodded lightly, and upon hearing this, Fang Tianfeng handed the Liuren Divine Die to her.

And the girl also began to try to turn off the six gods.

Not enough... She was still a little lost in her heart.

It took a lot of energy to open the Liuren Divine Die, thinking that it could help Fang Tianfeng.

But I never thought that the martial arts here are actually useless.

She still couldn't help Fang Tianfeng.

"do not worry about it,"

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