Fang Tianfeng saw the girl's careful thoughts, smiled slightly, and comforted her gently, "This martial arts is still very strong, but I have two great skills, so I can't use it: that's all."

The opening of the Six Renshen dice requires extremely delicate operations and combinations.

However, it is much easier to close it.

The so-called "opening" of the six ren god dice is originally a crack from the top point.

And if you want to close it, then just put the cracked ones together...with brute force, and then turn it around at will to prevent the Liuren Divine Die from opening.

Fang Tianfeng also nodded in satisfaction, although he did not use this martial arts.

However, he has not been generous enough to give this thing to others.

Chapter 055 Return to the Palace! (please subscribe)

The problem of the Liuren Divine Die was solved, Fang Tianfeng no longer hesitated, and took Yuyan directly home and returned to the palace.

Fang Tianfeng's nothing, it's just like going home anyway.

However, Yuyan opened her cherry lips a little sluggishly, unable to speak.

"Brother Fang..."

Yuyan bit her lip with her teeth, looked at Fang Tianfeng, and hesitated to speak.

In his eyes, there was a hint of inferiority, as well as fear and fear.

She was only born of a singing woman, according to the classification of the upper class.

Even if it is to sing, it is a prostitute.

And this kind of person is usually the lowest.

And the daughter of a prostitute, where will the noble go? Here, but the palace! The most noble place in the whole world.

"Why are you asking me?"

Seeing the girl's appearance, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but feel a little amused. He reached out and touched the girl's hair and smiled, "If you have anything to ask, just ask, I can still answer you."


With Fang Tianfeng's affirmation, the girl calmed down, struggled for a long time, and asked softly, "Brother Fang, your identity..."

The girl's eyes were full of struggle, but when she arrived at this place, she already had guesses in her heart.

Everyone knows that there is only one man in the palace, and the rest are eunuchs.

And whether Fang Tianfeng is a man or not, Yuyan had already determined last night.

So, is his identity still doubtful? It's just that many things can't be guessed, and they need to be admitted by the other party.

"Actually, I have another name."

Fang Tianfeng saw the girl's concerns and shook his head helplessly, "My surname is Zhu, Zhu Houzhao."


Although there had already been speculation, the girl couldn't help but shouted in surprise.

Then he hurriedly stretched out his jade hand to cover his small mouth, preventing himself from screaming too loudly, and lost Fang Tianfeng's face.

"Fang... Big Brother Zhu..."

The girl looked at the man hesitantly, and after a long while she cried out reluctantly.

It's not that she doesn't want to admit Fang Tianfeng's identity, it's just that she's used to calling it that, and it's not easy to change her name suddenly.

"Although I am Zhu Houzhao, to you, I am Fang Tianfeng."

Fang Tianfeng felt helpless, stretched out his hand to grab the smooth white and tender hand, and looked into the girl's eyes seriously, "Do you understand?"

"Yes, got it."

The girl was caught with her hands, and she felt a heat flow through her body, and said with a sweet smile, "Big Brother Fang."

"Well, isn't that nice"

Fang Tianfeng nodded, showing a smile, stretched out his index finger and gently scratched the girl's nose, "In the future, don't think too much about everything. Thinking too much will make the originally simple things complicated."

"No, Yuyan will become stupid."

Yu Yan Jiao shook her head angrily, and Fang Tianfeng felt pity for her charming appearance.

How could he not know the girl's mind, Yuyan was far inferior to himself in the martial arts journey.

Even if she knew that she would definitely be promoted to Grandmaster in the future, she herself did not know.

Therefore, she can only help Fang Tianfeng in her resourcefulness.

That's why she has to keep her nerves tight and make no mistakes.


Fang Tianfeng stretched out his hand and caressed the girl's flawless face, with a hint of pity in his eyes, and said softly, "I, how about making you Concubine Yan?"

"Brother Fang..."

Facing Fang Tianfeng's gentleness, the girl seemed a little panicked.

After all, there is still this inferiority complex in the girl's bones.

Feeling inferior to her own identity, she is a concubine for Fang Tianfeng, not to mention that if she wants to be a concubine for the emperor, if an ordinary woman, I am afraid she is already ecstatic, and she cannot be herself.

However, the first thing Yuyan thought about was whether her own background would humiliate Fang Tianfeng's identity.

After all, that's the king of a country! The king of a country has married the daughter of a singing prostitute, and what is the proper way to "no objection."

Seeming to see through the girl's mind, Fang Tianfeng's face suddenly became serious, and there was a tone of indifference in his words, "I said that you are Concubine Yan, you are Concubine Yan, and it is useless for anyone to object."

"Brother Fang,"

The girl looked at the serious and firm expression of the man in front of her, her heart was moved, and her heart was shaking violently because of this, like a deer ramming around.

The pretty face was dizzy, and the corners of the mouth, with a sweet smile that made everything pale, "How domineering."

"Do you not like it"

Fang Tianfeng smiled and suddenly stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the girl's waist, hugging him tightly.

"No, Yuyan likes it."

The girl's sweet smile and affectionate eyes make it hard for any man to resist, "Brother Fang doesn't care...

Yuyan likes what it looks like."

At this moment, Cao Zhengchun seemed to be at the door.

However, he didn't say a word, just stood there quietly, but he already had some scruples in his heart.

His Majesty has only two concubines in total, one is Su Xin before, that is the woman God Hou likes.

His Majesty married her because of her looks.

And now this..., it can be seen that the bond with His Majesty is very deep.

So, it's worth it.

Chapter 056 Concubine! (please subscribe)

The emperor's canonization of concubines is not a big deal.

There's no need for hype.

You will know what you should know, and you will never know what you should not know.

The emperor will always have dozens or dozens of concubines in his lifetime. If each of them needs the favor of the ministers, then he will not die of exhaustion, and only the queen of the mother-in-law is worthy of the attention of the ministers.

In fact, if the emperor wants to establish a queen, he must first obtain the consent of the ministers.

For other things, the ministers can tolerate the emperor's petty temper, even if the emperor wants to execute a minister, it doesn't matter.

But, Queen, this is a big deal.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng has no intention of establishing a queen for the time being.

He originally left the queen to Xue Ji and Haitang, but Xue Ji was unwilling to be the queen because she was worried about her identity as a native of Dongying.

As for Haitang, not even a concubine was willing to be a concubine.

Because when you become a concubine, you have to hand over the rights of Hulong Villa.

This is definitely not a good thing for Fang Tianfeng.

But also because of this, the position of the queen is also gone.

However, although the Queen's position is gone, Fang Tianfeng still has one important thing to deal with.

The second house lord of Yihua Palace, Lian Xing.

At the beginning, Fang Tianfeng took advantage of Yaoyue to retreat, and directly broke through the Yihua Palace from the inside, and captured the entire Yihua Palace hundreds of people into the palace.

There are only a few people left to send letters to the monthly invitations.

And Lian Xing was the same, after being beaten by Fang Tianfeng, he was sent to the palace.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng never thought that Lian Xing would stay in the palace honestly.

After all, she is also a master-level powerhouse.

Although not as good as her elder sister, she has reached the eighth level with her jade skill.

Mingyu Gong is divided into nine levels, as long as you can reach the sixth level, you can advance to the innate.

And if you can reach the eighth floor, you can be promoted to Grandmaster, invincible in the world.

There are not many master masters in the whole world.

If Lian Xing was willing, she could have escaped on the way.

And even if she was sent to the harem, she could easily escape.

Not to mention, among the hundreds of Yihua arrested, there are still several who have cultivated to the sixth level of Ming Yugong, and they are also congenital masters! If they are willing, it is not a problem to penetrate the palace.

However, they were very smart and didn't do it.

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