There are no masters in the palace.

That is, Cao Zhengchun has been guarding the palace, and at most Shanghai Tang.

In total, there are only two congenital masters.

Even if the innate masters from Dongchang, Jinyiwei and Hulong Villa were assembled, there were only about ten people.

However, Yihua Palace is a huge force with one grandmaster and seven innate masters! The more than ten innate talents combined will not be the opponent of Lianxing.

However, here is the Royal Palace.

It is the most honorable place in the whole world, and it represents the face of the court! If anyone dares to do things in the palace, it is to be with the court forever.

Although the court is not talented, there are not many masters.

However, the court has millions of troops! As long as the court is willing, even relying on the tactics of the sea of ​​people is enough to put out any outsider.

Even if the eight sects are united, it is useless.

Although Lian Xing was a grandmaster, he did not dare to take the risk of the world to do things in the palace.

Otherwise, Yihua Palace will definitely become a martial art that everyone shouts and beats.

At that time, she will certainly be able to escape from life with her master-level cultivation.

And those... innate girls can also report safety under her protection.

However, there are hundreds of girls who are just under the innate! No matter how strong she is, can she still protect the hundreds of people in the army, even for these... For the safety of the disciples of the palace, she also cannot act recklessly.

So, I can only stay in the palace obediently.

For so long, she hadn't even been out of the palace once.

Even if he wanted to leave the palace, he had to have someone notify Haitang, and he was entangled with Haitang like a spoiled child.

This gave Haitang a headache, and Fang Tianfeng complained to him the first time he came back.

The dignified master-level powerhouse asked Haitang to go out to play, can she disagree? Obviously not! But where her duty lies, she must keep Lianxing in the palace.

8 Fortunately, Lian Xing is quite reasonable. Although he wanted to leave the palace very much, he never surpassed it once.

Well, of course, even if she overstepped, Haitang wouldn't be able to find out.

After all, he is a strong master, so he still has this ability.

And out of various concerns, although Lian Xing can leave at any time, he always stays in the palace.

She was afraid that Fang Tianfeng would move the other sisters of Huagong because of her departure.

She is not like her sister after all.

Her sister was first betrayed by her childhood friend Hua Yuenu, and then smeared by the person she liked.

In the end, he was forced to blacken out.

Lianxing is much better. Although she had a crush on Jiang Feng, she never showed it.

At best, it's just the longing of the young girl in the flower season for the beautiful boy.

After all, she had never met a man before.

And after that, more than ten years have passed, and Jiang Feng has long since disappeared in her heart.

So many years are enough for her to understand whether it was love or just the throbbing of a young girl's love.

Chapter 057 Goal Shifting Flower Palace! (please subscribe)

In fact, it's best to fool a girl who is in a relationship.

As long as you are handsome, gentle, and have a good personality, it is easy to attract girls' favor.

Then it was misunderstood and thought it was love and liking.

Then, you were deceived.

But afterwards, most of the girls will come to their senses and realize that it was not love at the beginning.

And Lian Xing is like this.

Even the invitation to the moon is almost the same.

At least, when Fang Tianfeng was in Yihua Palace, she never saw any nostalgia or hatred in her eyes.

When it comes to Jiang Feng, it is more indifferent.

Perhaps the reason why she is still obsessed with killing all the wicked people in the world is just for face.

Don't doubt, not only men but also women, they will do anything for the sake of face.

"You finally came."

When Fang Tianfeng stepped into Lianxing's palace, what greeted him was not the angry questioning and hateful attacks from the girl in his imagination, but the resentment like a resentful woman in the deep palace! It was this resentment that made him Some scalp tingling.

"I am coming."

Biting his head and nodding his head, Fang Tianfeng always felt a little abnormal.

Between himself and Lian Xing, nothing should have happened. He is the most, and it can only be regarded as a strong day for her once.

It's a good thing that she doesn't hate herself, let alone a good opinion.

However, what is this feeling of resentment? Is it an illusion? "I heard that you are looking for me, what's the matter?


Fang Tianfeng sorted out his thoughts, his face was serious, and his expression was indifferent.

Although my scalp is numb, I absolutely cannot lose face in front of a woman, and said lightly, "If you are simply bored and want to go out for a walk, then you can naturally leave at any time, as long as you come back on time, you don't need to inform me. ."

"Can't I have anything else to do with you?"

The girl's resentful voice came again, this time, even the pretty face had an expression of resentment undisguised.

It was as if he was looking at some heartless man.

And it is this kind of resentment that is enough to make most men's hearts, and they will definitely love them well.

However, Fang Tianfeng was unmoved, and his scalp even felt numb.

After all, this is the woman who swears to kill all the wicked men in the world! Looking at the wicked men with the eyes of the wicked man, that means that he must kill himself...... Denial, of course he thought about the strategy Lianxing.

But know that the possibility of using formal means is too small.

The so-called formal methods only work when dealing with ordinary girls.

However, don't look at Lianxing's appearance as a young girl.

But the girl's age...,.

Can't say, can't say.

But no matter....

Anyway, Lian Xing is already a sane girl.

It's impossible to attack her in the same way as an ordinary girl.

What's more, she has killed a heartbroken man for more than ten years, and I am afraid that she has already seen too much about the man's mind, and has seen too much.

It's almost impossible to deceive her.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng will choose the most direct method, and love will grow over time.

However, the premise of being in love is time.

However, he only had one day.

Where did the love come from? "Bad people, they want people's bodies, and then they leave them in this deep palace without paying attention..."

Seeing that Fang Tianfeng was unmoved, the girl's expression became more and more resentful, and there was a cry in her tone, almost crying.


Fang Tianfeng helplessly interrupted the girl and sighed, "Don't pretend, you and I are both adults.

If you have something to say, just say it, if you want to settle the account with me, that's fine.

However, the way you act like this really doesn't fit your personality, it's too fake!"

"whispering sound,"

Lian Xing felt bored, and her tone changed instantly. She looked at Fang Tianfeng with disdain and contempt in her eyes, and said lightly, "Really, it's not good to act with me, you have strong feelings for me, isn't this what you want? Man, it's so hypocritical."


Fang Tianfeng was about to vomit blood, should you say this? Shouldn't it be his line? Women are hypocritical, okay! "So, what's the matter with you?"

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand helplessly, and when facing Lian Xing, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, "Let's talk about it first, I didn't mean to see you before, it was because of something.

, not in the capital."

"I know."

Lian Xing nodded lightly, "It's just like dealing with Zhao Zhao, you turned into a pigeon to deceive other sects, right? You are the emperor after all, and you want to eliminate the biggest unstable factor in the rivers and lakes. It should be.

However, how did you become a pigeon? What kind of martial arts is this?"

"Or rather, it's fairy magic"


Fang Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lianxing was finally back to normal.

But in his heart, he couldn't help but scold himself for being cheap.

Lianxing just now was acting like that, although it didn't fit the character.

However, there are a lot of things that can be done! As a result, just because he was cheap, he had to let Lian Xing return to normal.

Sure enough, as Lian Xing said, men are also hypocritical.

Chapter 058 Small Plan! (please subscribe)

"So, what are you trying to say to me?"

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