Fang Tianfeng sat on the chair and rubbed his temples with a headache, although Lian Xing was not as dark and sick as her sister.

However, she is definitely not a silly little girl.

"Just, want to see you and you."

However, what Fang Tianfeng never expected was that the girl was soft and soft.

The lotus moved slightly, walking slowly behind Fang Tianfeng with a pair of slender jade legs.

The delicate white and tender hands gently took over the work of Fang Tianfeng's hands and gently touched the man's temples.

In fact, this is actually a very dangerous move.

Because, with Lian Xing's strength, with the outbreak of her grandmaster-level powerhouse.

With such a close contact, Lian Xing can definitely kill Fang Tianfeng in an instant, without any accident.

Well, if Fang Tianfeng didn't have King Kong's indestructible magic.

However, Lianxing doesn't know! If she wants to, now is definitely the best time to do it.

After all, Fang Tianfeng was the one who took away her innocence and also captured the sisters of the entire Yihua Palace.

It can be said that for them, it is definitely a heinous man.

Of course, it is impossible for her 837 to do this.

And Fang Tianfeng also believed that she would not do this.

It's not because she is so narcissistic that she thinks she has deep feelings for herself, so she is reluctant to kill herself.

Just as I said before, even for the sisters of Yihuagong, she would never dare to do it.

After all, anything she does could kill her sisters.

However, Fang Tianfeng was surprised by what Lianxing said, because he didn't believe a word of it.

Although instinctively he didn't want to doubt what the lovely girl said, there was really no emotional basis between him and Lianxing.

Even if it is a long-term relationship, it should be said for a long time.

However, he only had one day.

"After all, you are my man too."

Lian Xing's faint words came from behind Fang Tianfeng, and the touch of the soft jade hand made him feel deeply.

Therefore, he simply leaned back, his head just resting on the softness of the girl's chest.


With a bang, the girl's delicate auricle was dyed with a layer of blush, which spread to the base of the ear, and quickly continued to spread around.

However, it did not refuse.

Although a little embarrassed, the girl didn't have any.

Not even showing any dissatisfaction and discomfort.

However, precisely because of this shy appearance, Fang Tianfeng couldn't see through her more and more.

It shouldn't be like this.

Originally, he had already prepared the requirements and conditions so that she could stay at ease.

But now in this situation, it is obvious that the plot is not unfolding at all. This is obviously already a frivolous action, and it should be instinctively rejected by the girl.

After all, he is a scum who hugged her forcibly! Even if he had to compromise because of threats, there was no way to retaliate.

But how could this deep-rooted disgust and rejection be disguised as "..."

Fang Tianfeng was silent, because he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Although, in his heart, he couldn't believe that Lian Xing would fall so easily.

However, what if it is true? As a sane male, although the three views are somewhat abnormal, there are some flaws.

However, the heart of liking cute and beautiful girls will not change.

Well, wouldn't it be better if Lian Xing's performance was actually true? If so, why should he refuse to question and object in a hurry? The girl didn't know what Fang Tianfeng was thinking, she just blushed and her eyes were tender. Looking at the man like water.

A pair of plain hands gently massaged the man.

"I want to make you a concubine, what do you think?"

Fang Tianfeng was silent for a long time, and some tentatively explained the negotiating conditions that had been decided.

Although he was leaning on the girl's breasts, he seemed to be enjoying himself and carelessly, but he was secretly observing the girl's expression.


The girl nodded softly, not knowing what she was thinking of, and her pretty face became even more rosy.

And it was precisely because of her attitude that Fang Tianfeng felt helpless.

If Lian Xing wants to negotiate with him, that's fine.

He would agree to some of Lian Xing's demands on the condition of marrying her as his concubine.

For example, some girls from the Yihua Palace were released.

Or, some other condition.

These... are all planned.

However, now it is completely unexpected.

The girl's shy look is like an illusion, this is a master-level master! It's not a little girl who is just beginning to love! How could such a situation happen! Besides, didn't you show your true colors just now? Why are you acting again! "so be it."

Fang Tianfeng hurriedly stood up from his chair and walked out quickly, "You can think about the title or whatever, as long as you like it.

When you think about it, let someone tell me."


Seeing the back of the man fleeing, Lian Xing couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing softly.

At the same time, there was a hint of pride and joy in his eyes.

The plan was successful.

Chapter 058 Start! (please subscribe)

Because he hugged each other strongly, Fang Tianfeng's heart was in a weak position.

Facing Lian Xing unconsciously, he would have an invisible pressure that would make him fall into the inferior position.

Maybe it's guilt, or something else.

In short, it was really difficult for him to calm down.

Therefore, when facing Lianxing, he can only retreat.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuyan has also been on the right track.

Originally, when Fang Tianfeng was away, those ...... memorials ━━━━━━━━━ were handed over to Haitang for approval.

As for her younger sister Yunluo, she assisted in her studies.

But now the situation has changed. Half a month ago, Haitang was still the main attacker, Yunluo was in charge of the attack, and Jiang Yuyan was obediently observing and studying.

After half a month, Yuyan and Haitang have been able to handle government affairs.

However, Yunluo was still a little confused.

Even, they often deserted.

But that's right, after all, she's still young, and she's still dreaming about small rivers and lakes.

If you can calm down and deal with government affairs, that's really weird.

Yunluo was clearly trained by him, but her progress was far inferior to Yuyan.

After all, after half a month, Yuyan was almost able to handle these matters separately from Haitang.......government affairs.

Of course, these are all carried out in the dark in the harem.

If the old people in the... cabinet know, I am afraid that Fang Tianfeng will have to be impeached.

Don't look at him as the emperor, but these old people really have the courage.

The cabinet ministers of the Ming Dynasty are not good things. One or two are called Qingliu, but in fact they are all scum who use power for personal gain, and each family is very rich.

For example, Yan Song, one of the six major traitors in the Ming Dynasty, was a famous corrupt official.

However, his end was not good, he was overthrown by Xu Jie, a 'clear celebrity' of the Ming Dynasty, and his ambition was ruthless.

All his property was confiscated, and he was cut down and returned to his hometown.

That's not all, he killed his son Yan Shifan in front of him.

It's still Ling Chi! Just let Yan Song watch him from the white-haired man to the black-haired man.

Yan Song's favorite grandson, Yan Hu, was exiled to Liaodong by Xu Jie.

Until Yan Song was dying, he wanted to see it until his death, and asked someone to plead with Xu Jie, but he was cruelly rejected by Xu Jie! However, it is ironic.

When Yan Song was once in power, Xu Jie's eldest son Xu Fan's daughter promised to marry Yan Shifan's son, Yan Song's grandson Yan Hu, as a concubine!

Falling into a hole is only the lowest level.

Yan Song was naturally not a good person, and although it was a bit miserable to end up like this, he deserved it.

However, Xu Jie's 'clear flow' is even more terrifying.

Don't say how much money he embezzled, just say that he used his power for personal gain and made profits for the entire Xu family.

Because the entire Xu family covers an area of ​​[-] mu.

And this is still clear.

This Qingliu has more money than the corrupt official Yan Song.

Of course, this is actually inseparable from the tyranny of the Ming Dynasty.

After all, the salary offered by the imperial court is really too low.

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