The salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty were definitely the lowest in history.

Let's just say, convert it.

There was no prime minister in the Ming Dynasty, and the biggest official was Zheng Yipin.

And the salary of Zhengyipin is [-] stone, converted into soft girls, it is probably in the early [-]s.

And the lowest rank nine sesame officials, the monthly salary is only [-].

Well, six hundred is not enough to eat.

Of course, low wages are not the reason for their corruption.

It can be said that throughout the Ming Dynasty, from top to bottom, there was no one who was not greedy.

Those who are not greedy can only starve to death.

Because their wages can't even support themselves, let alone a family.

The use of power for personal gain is also a common thing.

Not enough..., this has nothing to do with Fang Tianfeng.

He only knew that these officials did not have a good thing, so he did not need the slightest mercy when dealing with these people.

There is no need for any mercy and the so-called respect for the old and the young for those old things in the cabinet.

......Because, they don't deserve it.

Of course, some old people have to be respected, but like them, they can only be considered old and not dead, they are thieves! Even Fang Tianfeng has been sharpening his knives a little bit, and he wants to find a chance for these people.

Xu Jie's family has 160 mu of farmland alone, which translates to... [-] square kilometers! Even if the other cabinets are not as greedy as Xu Jie, they are definitely not a small amount.

And once the house was seized, then all these things belonged to him.

Since he killed Wansanqian, he has become more and more enthusiastic about this kind of work of copying others.

If you kill [-] people, you will get wealth that can rival the country.

The most important thing is the industrial chain that can continuously generate money.

Although he was already very rich, Fang Tianfeng didn't mind looting the homes of these cabinet elders, and then confiscating all their family properties to become even richer.

All that is needed now is an excuse, or solid evidence.

Whether it is Dongchang or Hulong Villa, there are now a group of people who are specialized in this kind of work.

Chapter 059 Murong Shu! (please subscribe)

"Chen and concubine Murong Shu, see Your Majesty."

Murong Shu bowed nervously, bowing her head, not daring to look at the youth in the dragon robe in front of her.

Because she was really nervous.

A few months ago, his father, Murong Wudi, hurriedly invited her back to his home.

Originally, she thought something was wrong at home, so she asked Master to leave to go home.

It was only when she got home that she found out that it was the emperor who asked her to go to the palace to serve her by name! Murong Shu did not have any complaints.

Rather, she was already prepared.

After all, she is a girl, no matter how high her martial arts skills are, it is impossible for her to inherit the family business.

Therefore, it is...the best choice for her parents to choose a good husband for her.

And when I want to marry her today, even if it's just a concubine, it's still an imperial concubine! Therefore, Murong Shu not only has no complaints, but a little bit of joy.

Marrying an emperor is better than being forced by your parents to marry the so-called children of a noble family.

Moreover, even if she didn't want to, but she, a girl, had no choice but to accept it silently and quickly, Murong Shu nodded in agreement.

But her father moved faster and sent someone to notify the court directly.

In the end, Dongchang and Hulong Villa joined forces to escort her back to the palace.

Although she is also a master, she has been promoted to Xiantian at a young age, and she can be regarded as a peerless genius that is rare in 100 years.

However, her heart still couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

After all, this is the first time the big girl has been on the sedan chair.

The emperor attached great importance to her, and she thought so at first.

Because she had just entered the palace, a eunuch came to announce the decree and named her Concubine Shu.

And the title came down, under normal circumstances, the emperor would definitely let her sleep that night.

So, she also dressed up for a while.

That night, I waited nervously.

However, it didn't.

Fang Tianfeng didn't go there, because at that time he was not in the palace at all, he went out to pick up girls.

However, because of her absence, she sealed Murong Shu again, but she was misunderstood.

After all, for a concubine to fall out of the emperor's favor for a long time, and even to be the first: This is completely... out of favor, it is the performance of being thrown into the cold palace.

Originally, she could comfort herself because the emperor was too busy and had no time.

But as time went by, her heart was almost desperate.

Because, for nearly half a year, the emperor ignored her.

She didn't even meet anyone else except... those maids in the palace.

This is actually quite normal.

After all, Fang Tianfeng didn't take the throne for a long time. Although he was the emperor, he actually only had two concubines.

One Su Xin, one Murong Shu.

Those people in the past were naturally moved away, and all the things his cheap dad had been on were taken to the other side.

The others who didn't look good were also dismissed by him.

Those people did not come in purely for beauty contests, but were sent in by those ministers who stuffed them with money.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and this is something that can't be helped.

If there is any emperor with such a curious taste, it is quite normal in itself.

However, Murong Shu was in despair.

She suddenly realized a 'fact' that she was just a tool for the cooperation between her father and the court.

In exchange, she was sent to the palace.

And his father became the supporter of the court, and the Murong family also got the support of the palace.

However, the chip she exchanged was forgotten.

She is willing to marry the emperor, but it is based on her being able to become the emperor's concubine and being favored by the emperor.

After all, she is still very confident in her appearance.

But who would have thought that this would be the case? As soon as she entered the palace, she was named Concubine Shu, and then she was put into the cold palace.

This kind of thing, if it is an old woman, it will be fine.

However, she is a girl who is like a flower and a jade in her prime! In the past six months, she has always wanted to be favored by the emperor.

However, the emperor never came.

Originally, she had given up on herself.

But today, she finally got the news and the favor of the emperor.

Someone had informed her in advance that the emperor would come back to her for the night tonight.

She was pleasantly surprised at first, but then she was overwhelmed with anxiety and tension.

Because she was afraid that she did not do well and made the emperor unhappy, she was really put into the cold palace.

It can be said that this is almost a crucial night for her.

She has completely lost the composure of a congenital master, and her former composure.

Now she is just a person who wants to be favored, or is unwilling to be put into the cold palace like this, and died without a problem.

"Chen and concubine Murong Shu, see Your Majesty."

The girl lowered her head nervously, almost crying.

On the other hand, Fang Tianfeng looked up and down with great interest... the girl's face.

The small melon seed face is very delicate, and the white face is like white jade, which makes people love it.

The slender and slender limbs, as well as the long smooth black hair, all attracted the man's mind.

Chapter 060 Power! (please subscribe)

There is no doubt that Murong Shu is a stunner, a stunner enough to impress any man.

Especially the pair of round and straight jade legs, because of the reason of practicing martial arts all the year round, looks extraordinarily slender and fit.

Compared with ordinary ladies, there is a little more ambition and beauty.

There is not a trace of fat on the waist, abdomen and calf, just these slender legs are enough to make people unable to resist and die for what they are doing.

"His Majesty."

Seeing that Fang Tianfeng had been silent for a long time, the girl was about to cry, for fear that she did not do well enough to make the emperor unhappy.

She was even more afraid that the emperor would turn around and leave in a fit of anger, then she would really be finished.

Raising her head cautiously, the girl secretly looked at the man's expression.

However, there was no expression.

Fang Tianfeng's years of experience had taught him that happiness and anger were invisible, even in the face of Murong Shu.

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