0 is not intentional, just because I got used to it so I didn't slow down.

After all, he had just passed Lianxing, and she had made him a little nervous.


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

However, the girl did not see it.

Therefore, her heart became even more uneasy.

A pair of bright big eyes, full of worry and grievance at this time.

Obviously, she is not bad looking! So she is indeed a girl who practices martial arts, and the most heroic girl he has ever met is Murong Shu.

Although Haitang is equally extraordinary in martial arts, she is also a congenital master.

However, Haitang is more of a commander-in-chief.

Whether it is the previous owner of the first villa in the world, or the owner of Hulong Villa.

And Lian Xing, the master of martial arts.

However, after all, he has practiced Mingyu Gong, and martial arts can be regarded as an invincible existence in the world.

But she seldom appeared in the arena, and she never appeared as a heroine.

Clear and ethereal.


Beautiful and unparalleled, like a fairy above the nine heavens.

Although Murong Xian and Yufeng are related to... they are sisters, but the two girls are too naive.

Although the martial arts are good, they are a little immature.

Only Murong Shu can be regarded as a real female "Your Majesty."

Seeing that Fang Tianfeng hadn't moved for a long time, the girl cried out softly, with an undisguised loss in her eyes.

Even if it's just a deal, I still want to be a real woman.

The girl was feeling lost, but the next moment she felt a pair of big hands wrapped around her waist.


A feeling of weightlessness struck, causing the girl to exclaim and instinctively want to struggle.

But when she reacted, the whole person was held in Fang Tianfeng's arms and walked towards the bed.

Being held in the arms of her husband, who is now the daughter, the girl will naturally not resist.

On the contrary, there was a hint of joy on the girl's pretty and beautiful face.

In those dark and moving eyes, there were even more crystal tears, which were tears of joy and excitement.

Because of her half-year wait, her cultivation finally came to fruition.

"Ah, it's finally over!"

In the imperial study room, Yunluo and Little Loli jumped up from the chair excitedly, her eyes curved into a crescent shape, two shallow dimples appeared on her cheeks, and a sweet smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.


Yuyan watched from the side with a smile on her pretty face.

In fact, Yunluo wasn't really busy.

These... The memorials presented are actually handled by the cabinet elders.

After they deal with it, they must sort and classify them, divide them into several categories according to their importance, and hand them over to the emperor.

In order to be lazy and to reduce the workload, the emperor generally only deals with the more important parts.

Otherwise, if you do it all by yourself, you will be really exhausted.

Finally, after the old votes of the cabinet are drawn up, they are presented to the emperor.

Although the cabinet can make a decision, in the end it still needs the emperor's approval.

If it doesn't work, it will be called back and repaired again.

Of course, the general cabinet will say that the memorial that was called back secretly has another opposite method, such as 'yes' changed to 'no', and then submitted.

In this way, both sides of 837 have a better time.

But there are exceptions, the cabinet will not repent, then the emperor needs to compromise.

Anyway..., there must be a compromise.

As for Yuyan and the others, they are... in charge of reading important memorials, and then applauding them.

And those...not too important, also need to be read briefly.

Because there are often cabinet elders who deliberately suppress rival officials, or there are parts of these memorials that may be detrimental to them.

But they didn't dare to detain the memorial without permission, so they would still present it to the emperor.

However, they will also put these memorials in those... unimportant memorials, I don't want to attract the emperor's attention because of this.

Therefore, in order to ensure that there are no omissions, it is necessary to read it at least once.

What's more, Fang Tianfeng has not been in court for more than half a year.

If you don't even deal with the memorial, then you will really be slapped by the old man.

Once it is overridden, what's the point of him as an emperor? Isn't he the only way he can personally kill the elders of the pavilion, and then he can take back his power?

Chapter 061 ━━━━━━━━━ Means!superior! (please subscribe)

Time passed in a blink of an eye.

Half a year is fleeting.

In the past six months, Hulong Villa has developed rapidly.

Although there is still some distance from Dongchang and Jinyiwei, the establishment time is still short after all.

Such progress is enough to be proud of.

On the other hand, within the past six months, the Xue Ji sisters finally came to the Central Plains from Dongying.

And far away in Dongying: Yagyu Tajima, also relying on his strength of Dongying: the first master, and on the basis that Dongying: master was sucked up by the Xueji sisters, successfully broke away from the Tokugawa shogunate and became a famous name.

Although there is still a long way to go before the unification of the whole East Ying, but there is already a foundation for the unification of the whole country.

Because, the Yagyu family is now the second largest force after the Tokugawa shogunate! Of course, if you want to unify the whole country, it is not a simple individual force that can win.

What's more, it requires the power of ordinary people.

Dongying: Although the daimyo's strength is far inferior to that of the Celestial Dynasty, each daimyo has several hundred or even tens of thousands of troops under his command.

Ants kill elephants, let alone people.

No matter how strong Liu Sheng but Ma Shou was, he couldn't stand the gang fight.

Fortunately, the Shinyin sect of the Yagyu family is a major sect that is not inferior to Koga and Iga at all.

With the support of the Xinyin faction, the Yagyu family is not afraid of any forces.

Although it can't match the teamwork of other big names.

However, the premise is that other daimyo will join forces.

Even, Yagyu Taima Shou has already attracted a group of relatively weak daimyo by combining vertical and horizontal.

And with this, several powerful daimyos were wiped out.

Coupled with the full support of the Ming Dynasty and the full help in the economy, the unification of the East is just around the corner.

Of course, the Ming Dynasty would not directly send troops to help Liu Sheng but Ma Shou.

Because no nation can tolerate the invasion of foreign nations.

Once the army of the Ming Dynasty goes to Dongying:, those... daimyo will surely unite.

Of course, even if those .

And Daming, just pull it out - the team has more than [-] people.

However, Daming will definitely not send troops.

As a result, Fang Tianfeng had no reason to help Danma, and used the sacrifice of his own people to help him unify Dongying:.

That's impossible, this kind of doing good deeds without asking for anything in return, unless he is a fool to do it.

What's more, if you want to cross Dongying far away, you have to cross the sea.

On the other hand, Yagyu Taima Shou himself would not be willing to send troops to rescue unless he couldn't hold it any longer.

It is easy to ask God to send God, but this has been the truth since ancient times.

He was also afraid that he would take down Dongying: it was a wedding dress for Daming, so it would be a waste of time.

As for the economic and material support of the Ming Dynasty, Yagyu Taima Shou...... readily accepted.

Sugar-coated cannonballs, just eat the sugar-coating.

What's more, Liusheng Danma Shou didn't even think about going against Daming, even if he defeated Dongying: Although Liusheng Danma Shou couldn't really agree to become a vassal of Daming.

——After all, he is far away from the ocean and has the protection of the sea. He has the confidence in this regard.

However, it will not turn against Daming.

And Fang Tianfeng was naturally happy to let the Hulong Villa's outer forces, the Giant Whale Gang, make a deal with the famous name of Dongying:.

Daming paid food and weapons and other materials, and then from Dongying: got gold.

Moreover, he will not cut off transactions with other daimyo just because of Yagyu Tajima.

Two-hand trading, as long as there is money, both sides sell, and the interests come first.

This transaction is profitable no matter what.

Then, just across the sea, I just need to watch the Eastern Ying people dog bite the dog.

As for selling weapons without permission, there is nothing wrong with the law, since these weapons are all authorized by Fang Tianfeng.

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