It is impossible to say that the weapons of the Ming army can be used for a lifetime. In fact, they need to be replaced after a period of time.

And those... old weapons, most of them are lying in the military warehouse waiting to be rebuilt.

And these weapons, you only need a little decoration, you can all sell them to Dongying: go.

As for the enemy, it is even a joke. If the weapons are sold to the Dongying people, do they all go to Daming to rob them? It is impossible. They have not even managed the other famous names around. doing things on the coast.

When some of them unify Dongying: At that time, they must have suffered heavy losses due to the fighting.

When that time comes, they will directly attack Dongying in a lightning-fast manner: that is the right way.

Now Qian Hao Zhao's Dongying: The situation is too complicated.

And those pirates who came to Daming to loot were actually Daming's own people.

Dongying: It is a big country producing gold and silver, but it is also a small island country.

Resources are scarce, but gold and silver production is abundant.

There is no place to use it, so I can only send money to Daming.

Many times, even if they knew they would be tricked, they had to grit their teeth and admit it.

And because of the Daming sea ban, all these gold and silver have gone into the pockets of those pirates who pretend to be Japanese pirates over the years.

And the true identities of these pirates were actually formerly... Da Ming's small landlord seedlings.

Therefore, the loss in this sea ban is enormous.

If you have money and don't make money, you are like a fool.

Chapter 062 Means!Down! (please subscribe)

And to deal with pirates, Fang Tianfeng can't be said to be following the rules and relying mainly on defense.

The coastline of Daming is too long.

And no matter how large the army is, it is impossible to defend the entire coastline.

Passive defense, the loss is too great.

Although the craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty have stepped up to forge new ships and artillery, it cannot be accomplished overnight.

At least, it will take more than three years to form combat effectiveness.

In wars, all that is burned is... money.

So, instead of...letting the army run around in vain, just use violence to control violence.

My father said that only magic can defeat magic.

What the Ming Dynasty lacked most was... gangs and families who depended on smuggling for food.

Those... those who have degenerated themselves into pirates are mostly small businessmen who have nowhere to go.

Of course, no.... to deny that they will end up being bigger than those gangs and families that rely solely on smuggling.

For example, gangs like the Giant Whale Gang... feed on smuggling.

Moreover, it is also a smuggling organization certified by the imperial court.

This is still based on the premise of the sea ban, and once the sea ban is lifted... smuggling organizations like them can seize most of the country's external market in the first place.

And the reason why Fang Tianfeng is aware of the benefits of foreign trade but has not released the sea ban is here.

He must first fully grasp the power of the giant whale gang in his hands before he can let go of the... sea ban.

No matter what the policy is, it is sure to let yourself eat the big head.

Besides, what's wrong with competing with the people for profit? Is the emperor not a human being?

With the huge giants of the giant whale gang, and the support of the complete industrial chain left by the thirteen thousand.

It can be said that the foundation of foreign trade has been established.

The rest is... the place to exit.

And Dongying:, is... an excellent exporter.

Another one, those small countries in Southeast Asia, can also be used as exporting countries.

Today, the imperial court has only announced the opening of the sea for a month. At this moment, the docks and ports of the national defense coastline are already full of ships of all sizes.

These......, all are big and small gangs and.

Of course, big forces like the Giant Whale Gang have their own dedicated docks and ports, and they don't need to crowd around with others to compete for a parking spot.

As for the pirates, there is no need to worry.

In the past, it was because of the sea ban, so Japanese pirates had nothing to do with most families.

Only the army needs to fight against Japanese pirates in order to maintain the integrity of the country.

But now, these... families and gangs, big and small, are all beneficiaries of foreign trade.

The existence of those... Japanese pirates is... threatening their interests.

Even if the court does not speak, they will try their best to support the court and let the court pay for them.

And those... families who have become pirates and pirates have regretted their bowels.

The reason why they became Japanese pirates in the first place was because...they took a fancy to this big cake smuggled during the sea ban.

Smuggling is too risky, so it's better to just be a pirate.

But now, smuggling has been formalized, and it is not a crime at all, and it can be legally smuggled only by paying taxes.

As a result, those of them... have turned into a family of pirates and pirates, and everyone has been shouting and beating.

In fact, the reason why they were able to smuggle so smoothly.

It is simply because in Daming mainland, there are still many families who support them.

After all, everyone wants a good meal, and they don't want to go to jail.

Then it's easy to handle, pick one of the small family to carry the handle, and let others be pirates.

And they are only responsible for providing the pirates with supplies for their smuggling.

Earn money without taking any responsibility.

Even, they will inform these pirates, so that they can escape the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army.

Now that the sea ban is open, these families no longer need to talk to others, they can do it by themselves, and they make more money.

Therefore, they changed their bodies, from secret supporters of pirates to staunch supporters of the court's bandit suppression.

The ultimate victims are the pirates.

As for how hard the pirates are and what they think, it has nothing to do with them.

In short, everything in the Ming Dynasty is developing in a good direction.

Since Fang Tianfeng came to power for more than a year, he has been spreading spies to the surrounding small countries.

Ask them to record the topographic maps of those countries under the pretext of investigating local customs and human landscapes.

And, be as detailed as possible.

And his request is to let these spies know the local area more clearly than the local people! Is it very familiar? Yes, when the Eastern Ying people in the future... they did this.

So in the end, when they started to invade, the maps in their hands were more detailed and clearer than those of the natives.

Even where there are trails to copy, few local people know about it, but they all know it.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will not be imperiled in a hundred battles,,, Fang Tianfeng is... imitating what the Dongying people do.

When the fight starts in the future, it will not appear to be in a hurry, nor will it suffer a big loss.

Chapter 063 Lan Fei! (please subscribe)

Regardless of foreign affairs for the time being, even in the Ming Dynasty, undercurrents are surging at this time.

Because, according to reliable information, the imperial court is going to take action against the Yihua Palace.

Of course, this is just a gossip from the people involved.

However, the reliability is still very high.

Because Liu Xi, the head of the East Factory, suddenly began to urgently summon the leaders of various sects to gather in the capital.

And his purpose is to crusade Yihua Palace! The eight major factions, the four major gangs, as well as the previous Wulin League leader Tie Ruyun, and the current Wulin League leader Jiang Biehe, all these people have arrived.

Although on weekdays, one or two of them were very disdainful of calling the court eagle dog.

But at the critical moment, the court has something to do.

To find them, they still have to be on call.

At the very least, it should be given appropriate attention.

As a result, the martial arts people, who usually have a disdainful face of a court eagle, put on a really fragrant expression.

Although the person in charge this time was Liu Xi, the head of the East Factory, but no one felt it was wrong.

Rather, it is precisely because of this that they are more certain that this is the decision of the day! Because Cao Zhengchun, the supervisor of the Dongchang factory, did not come, obviously to avoid suspicion! Then why he avoided suspicion is not because he did not want to be misunderstood.

And Cao Zhengchun, who is under one person and more than ten thousand people, is afraid that he is not only the son of today! Well, of course, although it is only a guess, it is actually inseparable from ten, 89,.

This time, the action was actually caused by Fang Tianfeng.

In the past six months, the Ming Dynasty has been constantly moving, and he himself will naturally not be idle.

It took half a year to finally fall in love.

The other girls were easy to handle, but he only spent half a year for Lian Xing's sake.

In the past six months, Lian Xing has already practiced the ninth level of Ming Yu Gong, the ultimate art of Yi Hua Palace.

Her strength is no longer inferior to her sister.

Moreover, for... Fang Tianfeng, it is already a hundred things.

Sure enough, girls are soft-hearted, well.

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