Once Lianxing is dealt with, all that is left is Yaoyue.

Although he and Lianxing joined forces, there is absolutely no problem in getting the invitation to the moon.

However, he prefers to continue this meeting and integrate the people in the martial arts.

Let them help themselves 'remove demons', thereby weakening their strength.

And these... people in the martial arts, even if they know that there are ghosts and know that it is a trap, they will definitely step into the trap obediently.

Life is alive, fame and fortune are two words, who can make an exception? If it is not for fame and fortune, then what are you going to run around and join in the fun?

Because Fang Tianfeng faintly revealed that he was going to attack Yihua Palace, Cao Zhengchun did not hesitate at all.

Directly greeted his confidant and informed Liu Xi, and let him take charge of the matter.

And Liu Xi was also ecstatic.

Even, I never thought about why Cao Zhengchun would give such a good thing to him.

Isn't it because there are ghosts in it? After being with Fang Tianfeng for so long, Cao Zhengchun still doesn't know what kind of person he is, and how can the hundreds of girls who suddenly appeared in the harem hidden in the harem become the world, except. ...... Where else in the Yihua Palace have so many girls with high martial arts skills, that is to say, the Yihua Palace has actually been taken care of by His Majesty a long time ago.

Now suddenly it is false to say that it is to target Yihua Palace, the real target is actually those...Wulin sects are right.

Cao Zhengchun is not stupid, of course, he must avoid suspicion, otherwise, if he kills him with himself, it will be finished.

As for pitting Liu Xi, that's no problem.

This meeting was actually quite casual.

That is to find a yard, and then let these martial arts people live in, and then have a casual meeting.

The people who are supposed to come... have come anyway, and after talking a lot, it is... using fame and fortune as a bait, so that these people in the martial arts are willing to be chess pieces to help the court destroy the Yihua Palace.

They didn't even have any doubts about it.

And after the meeting, I care about these.... The people in the martial arts are naturally eager to sign up, one or two with a righteous face, as if they want to be incompatible with the Yihua Palace.

As the current leader of the martial arts alliance, Jiang Biehe was the first to make a statement.

After that, the eight major sects and the four major gangs also expressed their positions one after another, wanting to destroy the Yihua Palace, which is incompatible with...

After all, there was a gap between Yihua Palace and them, and it seemed out of place.

"Iron Man."

Tie Ruyun was also aroused by those people's righteousness, and he seemed to be filled with righteous indignation. Just as he wanted to stand up to express his inner indignation, he decided to join them, but was held back.

Ding Qing took a look, but found that it was someone she didn't know.

A young man with a white face and no need of powder and oil.

A eunuch.

"what's the matter"

Tie Ruyun's tone was rather unkind, but he was still polite and did not act directly.

"Eunuch Cao asked me to tell Iron Hero that Concubine Lan misses Iron Hero very much recently.

So, Tuo Xiao: come and tell someone, let Iron Hero go to continue."

The little eunuch hurriedly finished speaking, and Tie Ruyun's expression softened a little when he heard the words.

Even unconsciously, he brought a smile.

Because, it is my daughter who is looking for me, so naturally there is no problem.

Chapter 064 Terrified! (please subscribe)

Lan Fei is naturally Tie Xinlan.

After Xinlan went home with Tie Ruyun, and after dealing with some of the family—for example, the relatives who were arguing about bullying Tie Xinlan and wanting to divide the family property, Xinlan brought Yufeng to the capital.

Came to this place where Fang Tianfeng had explained to them from the beginning, and then became the imperial concubine.

Then, of course, it is the good news link that I like to hear and hear.

Yuyan was very busy all day, so naturally she didn't have the time to inform Jiang Biehe.

And Yufeng, because of her mother's death, has inevitably had a estrangement with Jiang Biehe.

Although, Jiang Biehe had good reasons to kill Jiang Liu.

But killing is killing after all, and Jiang Liu is her mother after all.

This kind of thing can't be explained in a simple and reasonable sentence, but also reasonable.

After all, it is still very common in the celestial dynasty to help relatives and not help others.

However, Xinlan didn't have any concerns in this regard, so it was at that time that Tie Ruyun finally knew Fang Tianfeng's identity - as today's son.

After becoming an imperial concubine, the girl naturally can't run around like before.

Although Fang Tianfeng did not restrict their movements, they were instead bound by their own identities.

The education they received was... so that as girls, once married, they should be at home with their husbands and children instead of showing their faces outside.

What's more, they are queens.

If they show their faces at will, Fang Tianfeng, the emperor, will be embarrassed because of them.

Although Fang Tianfeng himself doesn't care about other people's opinions, and he doesn't think there are so many people who know them.

However, they just thought so, and Fang Tianfeng couldn't do anything about it.

And because of this, Xinlan has not seen her father for a long time.

In contrast, Tie Ruyun has not seen his daughter for a long time.

So after a little eunuch informed him, he didn't even care about removing the demons and guards, and followed the little eunuch all the way to the designated place, wanting to see his daughter.

The destination is not the palace.

Tie Ruyun also expressed his understanding, after all, even if he is the father of the imperial concubine, it is impossible for him to enter the palace casually.

Also, he was a little ashamed of himself.

Although he was the leader of the martial arts alliance, he is nothing now.

2. No status, [-]. No money and power.

Kong has a body of force, and the court does not look down on him at all.

In contrast, as her daughter, her status in the palace will definitely not be very high.

And these... are all influenced by him.

However, in the end, he did not have the daughter he was waiting for.

Instead, what came in was a eunuch, an old eunuch.

His hair was gray, but he was still full of energy, a white-faced, beardless, well-dressed old eunuch.

Cao Zhengchun.

Hair doesn't matter, although it is said that it is the parent of the body's hair and skin, it will also be properly trimmed.

Otherwise, there is no way to work at all.

It's just that it won't be as short as modern people.

But the beard is the symbol of man.

Those without beards are... eunuchs.

Of course, there are also people who are born without beards, but such people are also ridiculed.

For example, Uncle Liu Da'er.

Chang Yu once laughed at Liu Da'er for not having a beard, and was killed by Liu Bei, who held a grudge.

Well, although it is not necessarily true or false, it also reflects the importance of the ancients on beards.

Eunuch, the status is really not high.

However, even though the other party was a eunuch, Tie Ruyun did not disrespect and quickly stood up from the chair.

"I don't know what this... father-in-law is called"

Tie Ruyun very politely clasped his fists and saluted, with a smile on his face, he didn't usually talk about the contempt of Dongchang Fanzi.

Even if he was once arrested by Dongchang Fanzi.

But now it's different, his daughter has become a princess.

Although he is not an official, some things are very clear.

Elders come first.

In some small towns and villages, elders are respected, even if their family background is not very good.

But in the imperial court and the palace, it is even more so. There is a prince and a courtier, and no one likes to rely on the old and sell the old things.

Those who can be old in officialdom must be people with ability and status.

Otherwise, they would have been dismissed by the emperor long ago.

The same is true in the palace, as a eunuch, it is more like this.

Most of the eunuchs who gained power in the palace were eunuchs who grew up with the emperor, so they could gain the emperor's trust.

Once the emperor ascends the throne, he will arrange for his trusted little eunuchs to ascend the throne.

And this... old eunuch appeared in front of him, and his status was definitely not low.

"Iron Hero needn't be more polite,"

Tie Ruyun was polite, and the old eunuch was even more polite, with a warm smile on his face, "Our family Cao Zhengchun, Iron Hero, just call me Eunuch Cao."

"Cao Zhengchun!"

Tie Ruyun was secretly surprised in his heart, as if a turbulent sea was set off! Cao Zhengchun! Dongchang Factory Supervisor, one of the most powerful people in the world! Even though he is an eunuch, his status still depends on those court officials Above! After all, Dongchang has the right to supervise hundreds of officials! It can be said that he is... a real person below ten thousand people! How could Tie Ruyun not be surprised by such a person!

Chapter 065 Eliminating Demons and Guarding the Way! (please subscribe)

The imperial court wants to organize martial artists to eliminate demons and guard the way.

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