As a result, a large number of Wu Lin Zhengdao who did not know where they came from eagerly signed up.

Even if this action is likely to be a conspiracy by the court, they are like moths to the flames.

Of course, this time the operation was led by the imperial court.

However, it was not led by the imperial court.

Otherwise, it will inevitably make people in the martial arts suspicious and have a feeling of distrust.

If so, it's not a good thing.

Therefore, although the court was responsible for taking the lead, it did not appear later, but was hidden in the dark.

On the bright side, this time the leader of the alliance of eliminating demons and defending the road is the leader of the martial arts alliance, Jiang Biehe.

However, although this time the Demon Elimination Dao Conference gathered many experts on the rivers and lakes.

But it is a pity that Tie Ruyun, the former leader of the martial arts alliance who has always been jealous of evil, did not appear.

In other words, it appeared, but did not participate.

Tie Ruyun is Xinlan's father anyway, and Fang Tianfeng still won't let him go to death, he will take him easily.

Originally, Jiang Biehe should also be treated like this.

However, he committed suicide and was blinded by profit.

He has to use this time to eliminate demons and defend the road to build his reputation and power, so as to seek greater interests and satisfy his ambitions.

And Fang Tianfeng just did as he pleases, no one can blame him for his own death.

God's sins are forgiven.

Self-inflicted sin, can't live.

In fact, this time, the Wu Lin Zhengdao sneak attack on the Yihua Palace was not a glorious thing.

Because, Yihua Palace is a sect composed of women.

Moreover, Yihua Palace has not been born often in these years, and it should not have any impact on the status of the major sects.

It's a pity that people are unpredictable and people are always jealous of others.

The Ming Yu Gong of Yihua Palace is often coveted by others.

What's more, the people in Yihua Palace are all lovely and beautiful young ladies.

So, a lot of people have a crooked mind.

It can be said that in this so-called Demon Elimination Alliance, a lot of people have their own ideas and ulterior motives.

There are probably not many who really want to eliminate demons and defend the Dao.

More than that, I want to remove the membrane and comfort the road.

Therefore, these people died in vain, and they deserved it.

Eight sects, four major gangs, as well as some scattered first-class sects and small sects and lone rangers form a large army.

The mighty and mighty, a total of thousands of people in the martial arts team.

Among them, most of them are the elites of each family.

Once these people are completely wiped out, it will inevitably cause great turmoil to the major families.

Although it won't be smashed to pieces, it can be regarded as broken bones.

Jiang Biehe went with the people in the martial arts, but Liu Xi also followed with some younger brothers mixed in the crowd.

This time, he wants to be a oriole.

Yihua Palace's bright jade skills that can make people advance to Grandmasters are not only those... people in the martial arts, but even he, the head of the East Factory, is equally itchy.

Of course, the main reason is because of the Divine Divine Six that was stolen from him half a year ago.

Because I lost hope, I wanted to find another way out.

"Xinlan, have you seen this? This is the true face of the so-called martial arts."

On the top of the wall, Fang Tianfeng looked at the mighty team below with contempt, with undisguised contempt on his face, and the naked eyes that looked at the dead.


The woman on the side didn't reply, but her pretty face was strangely pale, as if she couldn't believe it.

She has always been committed to being a heroine.

And these...., were actually influenced by her father Tie Ruyun.

Even, her heart to be a chivalrous woman is stronger than Yufeng.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng can only use this method to break her fantasy, so that she wakes up and becomes more mature.

Even though she became a concubine, Xinlan still never gave up her dream of being a chivalrous girl.

It can only be said that even with what happened to her father, she still failed to see clearly the sinister nature of the rivers and lakes.

So, after letting her stay with the ladies and sisters of Yihua Palace for half a month, let her clearly understand and realize that the ladies and sisters in Yihua Palace are just a group of innocent and kind girls.

Combining these.........the ugly face of the martial arts person's 'Exorcism and Guarding Road', something that she has always insisted on in her heart.

Finally, it was ruthlessly exposed and shattered without hesitation.

There has never been a good person in this martial arts.

Perhaps, because of this, martial arts will be martial arts, not Notre Dame.

After all, there are only a few bitches in this world, Xinlan is just a little naive, but if she really wants to kill someone, she will never be soft-hearted.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng must also make her realize the truth of this world.

"Brother Fang, let's go back."

The girl's face was pale and weak, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I want to see Dad."

"it is good."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, and hugged the girl's slender waist with a warm smile, giving her much needed tenderness and warmth.

Then, find someone who is still there: chatting with Eunuch Cao boldly, who used to despise, hate and hostile to Dongchang's martial arts alliance leader.

Chapter 066 Goal Shifting Flower Palace! (please subscribe)

Yihua Palace, the famous hidden Shizong gate on the rivers and lakes.

It is said that it is a hidden world sect, and this sect is often closed down.

Because the two palace masters of Yihua Palace have a bad impression of the outside world.

That's why, in order to avoid other girls in Yihua Palace from repeating the same mistakes, they suffered.

So all along, only Yaoyue, Lianxing, and a few others have been active on the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, he never participated in the disputes in martial arts, but only single-mindedly helped the women who were betrayed by the heartless men to avenge their grievances.

Don't kill people, it's just treating those... heartless people like cats and dogs, and keep them in small cages.

Every day, only give them the necessary food to ensure that they will not die of hunger and thirst.

It can be said that these people are almost living in dire straits, and life is better than death.

Said to be famous, it is because the strength of Yihua Palace is too powerful.

Although he didn't make a lot of shots, in the rivers and lakes, the reputation of the Yihua Palace was faintly comparable to or even surpassed by the eight sects.

And the key to it lies only in the master-level master.

The eight sects are only suspected to have master-level masters.

But no one knows exactly how many people there are and who they are.

And the four major gangs, not to mention, are supported entirely by the number of people, and there are no master-level masters at all.

However, the two palace masters of Yihua Palace are all masters.

It is for this reason that Yihua Palace is very famous.

After all, the Grandmaster represents the pinnacle of the martial arts world! In fact, it is not that no one has thought about the idea of ​​​​moving the flower palace.

However, they couldn't even find a way to move the Flower Palace.

And the reason why they united this time was naturally because the imperial court provided them with a hiding place in the Yihua Palace.

That's why they are so positive.

If you can solve the 'devil's crooked way' of Yihua Palace, you will not only get a lot of prestige, but also have the opportunity to get the unique jade art of Yihua Palace.

After all, a group of women can use this to cultivate to the Grandmaster, there is no reason why they can't, um, although it is very illogical, but a large number of people... think so.

Including the Wulin League leader Jiang on the bright side, and the head of the East Factory, Liu Xi.

Although it was an idiot's dream, they were deeply suspicious of this and felt that as long as they obtained the cultivation method, they could break through the master and become the supreme existence.

Moreover, it is not one or two who hold this idea.

Although, the main attack is still the innate master.

And the innate masters in the entire team are only more than [-] people.

However, the number of the entire team is as high as: thousands.

Undoubtedly, a large part of it is for smuggling.

With [-]/[-]th expectation, they want to come over to pick up the leak.

No matter who it is, whether it is his own person who is the main attacker, or someone from Yihuagong.

Anyway... as long as someone dies, they have a chance to pick it up.

And when necessary, these people will also become cannon fodder used by those... innate masters.

Therefore, the two sides are actually using each other and each gets what they need.

Most people are attracted by greed, and those... powerful and powerful people have their own ghosts.

When necessary, they will even let these people help them consume the physical strength and internal strength of the innate-level masters of Yihua Palace and even the master-level powerhouses, and then wait for them to go up and come back with a slaying blow.

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