But when it comes to quality, it's not as good.

Back then, I could have had the heart to use more masters as abandoned sons, but now I don't care.

"The world is so complicated."

The innocent boy let out a helpless sigh.

Chapter 074 You Weak Chicken! (please subscribe)


The moment he was knocked down, the only thought popped into Liu Xi's mind.

Gritting his teeth, Liu Xi fell to the ground half-supported, but was still struggling.

But when Yaoyue's eyes left him, she suddenly burst out and jumped up from the ground.

Then, without looking back, he ran desperately towards the rear.

Grandmaster, you are invincible! At that moment, they understood what despair is.

The moment Liu Xi ran away, almost everyone was scolding the mother.

Not because it was shameful to run away, but because they didn't even think of taking the opportunity to run away.

Obviously, the moment Liu Xi sneaked up, they had a chance to run! However, what surprised them even more was that Yaoyue didn't chase after him! There is no doubt that Xiantian could not be the opponent of Grandmaster.

However, lightness is not necessarily the case.

Although Qinggong is also related to strength, it is also related to the rank of Qinggong.

If Yaoyue's effort is not enough, they are not without a chance to run.

Even Liu Xi was able to escape, why couldn't they just for a moment, the mind of the congenital master who fell to the ground became active again.

If...if someone acts as a bait, if they run away, they must be able to run away, but they don't know, it's not that Yaoyue doesn't want to chase.

Instead, someone was already chasing it.

In other words, there are pigeons chasing after them.


A strange color flashed in the girl's eyes, which seemed to be too coincidental, what the hell is this pigeon coming from?

The girl withdrew her gaze and turned to look at the injured congenitals on the ground, her voice was ethereal and cold, "If this is the case, then you can all die."

The congenitals looked at each other in dismay, and they were naturally unwilling to wait to die like this.

However, none of them are willing to be such an early bird.

Because the first bird is always the fastest to die.


Gritting his teeth, there was finally a voice in the crowd.

And hearing this voice, the masters jumped up from the ground in an instant and fled in all directions.

However, they didn't realize until they moved that the person who called to flee was actually not moving.

Rather, he just... deliberately instigated these people to escape, but he didn't want to really be the first bird.

After all, everyone knows that the early bird is very easy to die.

However, before they could run two steps away.

But suddenly I heard a shrill screeching sound from a distance.


In an instant, all the innate masters were like awns behind their backs.

They clearly felt the cool air rising from the soles of their feet, from top to bottom, straight to the top of their heads, like falling into an ice cave.

Because, they all know that Liu Xi, who escaped, has outstanding strength among many innate talents.

In the late stage of the innate existence, only the innate peak can win steadily.

And they have no innate peak.

Even Liu Xi died, and at that moment, almost everyone felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

They had given up hope that they could leave alive.

But even in despair.

However, at the moment when they heard the screams, instead of stopping, they gritted their teeth and urged their inner strength to run faster.

Anyway...they run away in all directions, no matter how strong the opponent is, it's impossible to kill them all, there will always be someone who can run away, in case it's them "Bang——!"


There was a loud bang, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Then, the inborn master who ran the fastest and jumped the most was killed on the spot.

But the culprit is Yueyue, who they think is bad! "Stop for me!"

Yaoyue's voice was cold, her long straight black hair drifted in the air without wind, "Whoever moves, I will kill!"

Originally, such threats were useless.

Even if they knew they would die, they would always hold a glimmer of hope unrealistically.

Stop and die.

But if you keep running, you will die, but there is still a trace of life.

Therefore, they would rather choose this shred of vitality.

However, now it is not just a matter of inviting the moon.

Outside the Yihua Palace, there are obviously people blocking them. Liu Xi, who just died, is... the best proof! Even if they run out, can they really escape the siege and interception outside? So, they are almost there The moment she heard Yaoyue's threat, she stopped.

Because, they will die! They are congenital masters who are high above the ground, how can they be easily led by a dog! So, if they can not die, they will definitely not choose to die! So, because the girl casually threatened.

Afterwards, these...... innate masters were all frightened.

In fact, Yaoyue is actually very satisfied with this result.

After all, although Yaoyue can kill them all if they escape.

However, in that case, it would be too troublesome after all.

So, it would be better if it could be easier.

Anyway..., she didn't say, if they stop, they will be let go, right? So, now we just need to wait for the pigeon that killed Liu Xi to come back.

Chapter 075 You weak chicken!Down! (please subscribe)

"I can't die here! I haven't become a master yet, I absolutely can't die here!"

Gritting his teeth, Liu Xi ran with almost all his strength, the internal force in his dantian was running to the extreme, and he ran forward at an extremely fast speed.

Obviously, he has brought his light work to the extreme.

It's a pity that he is only a congenital after all.

Therefore, no matter how fast he ran, it was in vain.

After all, he is racing against the Grandmaster.

Grandmaster, no matter how poor Qinggong’s body technique is, he will definitely not be slower than Xiantian.

Unless, the grades of the two light work are too different.

However, this possibility is extremely small: .

Although Liu Xi is a top performer in the East Factory, the martial arts he cultivates are not peerless martial arts, they can be considered super class.

Being able to get to where he is today is due to both his talent and his hard work.

However, this does nothing 1.

If you don't become a master, everything will stop.

The clothes were still stained with the dirt that had fallen to the ground after being defeated by Yaoyue before, and it was obvious that the innate masters could easily shake it off with internal force.

However, he doesn't care about that at all now.

His light skills are not top notch, but they are also extremely fast.

Although he was a little flustered, Liu Xi still maintained his usual shrewdness and prudence.

He ran into the forest because there are more obstacles here.

If he ran in a straight line, he would definitely not be able to outrun the Grandmaster.

Also for the complex terrain, he can use this to delay the master's speed and find an opportunity to escape.

Although, he did not find any trace of someone chasing after him.

However, he was obviously terrified to the extreme.


The sound of the dry leaves being smashed resounded in the forest, startling a flock of birds.

The sound of birds chirping well concealed Liu Xi's footsteps.

Maybe, he can really escape, not necessarily.

Obviously he is a congenital master, and he has already reached the point where the cold and heat are invulnerable.

But at this time, his forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, and the sweat fell from his cheeks drop by drop, hitting his dry and pale lips.

The clothes were also stained with green grass clippings with soil.

However, he couldn't care less about the sweat not because of how tired he was, but because of fear.

Fear causes stress in the body.

At this moment, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

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